Well that was a rollercoaster of a first episode.
Juuni Taisen
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Heh, more like Chuuni Taisen.
>bunch of feminazis blown the fuck out
Japan does it again my dear friends
I already love the bunny and he had 5 seconds of screentime so far.
Nice boars.
>double click episode
>power in my house gets cuts off for a few seconds
This show is cursed. Dropped.
>oh hey i killed a few people yesterday but hey im all happy at school
Did you just skip to that point?
Put your trip on, Lelouch.
So, Hitoshiki Zerozaki?
I missed Nobu-chan so much.
Instant best boy material from the get go.
But he was a faggy priest last season.
Is there som pe prequel I need to watch?
Either way Boar getting blown the fuck out was satisfying.
>get hyped
LOL literally who didn't see this one coming? this show is so bad.
No it wasn't. I was hoping we'd get a Middle age desu wa MC
if she didnt get btfo i would have dropped it after this ep
Isn't it a good thing that she died? Imagine watching more than 1 episode with her. Horrifying.
Pretty sure the show won't have a classic MC but will just focus on another pair of people every episode.
That was great. Based Usagi.
When do they get their pretty mode forms?
>that synopsis
Is this a Fate ripoff?
>mfw watching Etotama spoiled the plot of this shit
Fate is a battle royale ripoff anyways
Do you think Fate invented battle royale settings or something?
The point is, you can tell she was set up to die. I mean, running towards an automatic rifle, taking out her sister so she can join the tournament then dies like nothing is really bad writing.
Rabbit didn't kill Dess Dess and Snek in Etotama, though
>tfw you realize Nisio has been ripping off Nasu fromn the start
Zaregoto is litterally Kara no Kyoukai (murder mystery with sociopath characters) , Monogatari is Tsukihime (harem/drama with sexually charged MC), Juuni Taisen is Fate (battle royale wish premise with historical flavor)
>give MC the edgiest backstory about how she used NTR and psychosis to make her imouto kill herself because she couldn't handle how edgy she'd become, all so that she could force her abusive dad to let her take part in the Zodiac Holy Grail War
>immediately gets killed by bunny Accelerator
This is going to be a fun ride. I really hope we get to see him doing some crazy shit with her reanimated corpse. If they do a cop out and make her survive next episode I'm going to be pissed.
I mean the order they won the historical race.
>people actually like this edgy shit but not Black Clover
It is, but I still like this ending better than if it wasn't a "twist" and she stayed the MC.
Are these autists trying to start a new "is this yuri?"-tier meme?
Is it bad that this sequence gave me a boner? I really wanted to see more of the cute crazy girl who gets sexually aroused by murdering people and gets hypnotized by her onee-chan, who she sleeps with.
What is the point of anything in this anime? Is this just "shit rich fictional people do" with extra edge on top? It reeks of shittiness all over.
Rabbit is almost singlehandedly ruining my enjoyment.
Episode was actually kinda boring, it's probably on my droplist
Shit, you're right. This is some advanced bullying.
I'm also 99% sure that there's a Cat who set off the bomb.
This is already better than Recreators in every possible way and action is hella decent and it manages to be a better Fate than Recreators did.
I'm in.
So, who do you think will win? My money is on Cock.
Boar imouto
If it follows the zodiac, then we already know.
I didn't ask for another edgy show.
Why are you watching a battle royale show, then?
See you at the Dies Irae threads too.
VOTE so we can screencap this and have some jolly old laughs in 12 weeks.
I doubt they will go with the chuuni's favourites Dragon and Tiger. Seeing how quick they were to dispose of Boar, Rat is likely the winner.
Do you think Fatefags aren't delusional enough to believe that?
Should have watched Etotama
>If they do a cop out and make her survive next episode I'm going to be pissed.
If they do this I'm dropping the show. This is bad, but it's the entertaining kind of bad and all thanks to Bunny so far.
>Rat is likely the winner.
That's what I said.
>Someone wins by mid-season
>Wishes to do it again
Black Clover was ruined by the MC's VA. And I'm saying that as someone who weekly reads the manga and enjoys it.
A cat twist would make it all worthwhile.
Can you say that again? I think my ears aren't working anymore.
I am totally betting on some bullshit midseason ending the tournament
I want this.
>hating best character
What user, did you get attached to Boardtits this much in just 15 minutes?
Why am I having the same Captcha for the last 20 or so posts?
Holy shit, this is basically the ripoff of Fate, to obviously, and yet the use of music, the writing, the editting are all so inferior, the comparison with FZ hurts and you can truly see it for the shit it is.
I'll give it the 3 episode treatment, but I don't have much hope it'll get better if the first episode is like this.
I want Rabbit to win, but Rat makes so much more sense.
>hating the Tokyo Ghoul representative
Nice, had to expectation to it.
Gonna watch it until the end.
Animation is really nice
>people are shitting on this already
So I guess they will give one character the focus in each episode and then they kill them off? Might get boring fast.
First episode was already super boring.
>12 episodes
>1 zodiac dies every time
They are too dumb to enjoy good animation.
>muh animation
If I want that I watch Black Clover
>trusting Pierrot with a SJ show to have good animation consistently
What kind of newfag are you?
BC will probably be a long runner and it's animation will go to shit fast
I don't give a shit about how good the animation is if what is being animating is completely uninteresting to me. Was I supposed to give a shit about these cardboard cutouts of characters?
Well, obviously it is interesting enough for you to shitpost here.
Nothing has happened yet for you to care about.
By that logic, nobody should criticize anything ever or they're being hypocrites. Were you droppe on your head as a baby?
I mean what did you expect in a battle royale anime, some special self insert to beat everyone? The show is probably going to be 1v1s with flashy animations, probably backstory for each character as well.
Except, you know, Nisioisns stuff isn't fucking garbage.
>Juuni Taisen is Fate (battle royale wish premise with historical flavor)
>Acting as if Fate invented battle royale settings
These two Juuni Taisen threads are really exposing newfags today. Fate is truly babby's first battle royale.
Fatefags are just retarded.
Some of those are nothing alike. They both "ripped off" Kouhei Kadono and Natsuhiko Kyogoku which is why there are similarities. I mean KnK is pretty shameless in ripping off Boogiepop in parts.
>Really interesting show that should be cool
>Spoilers are known and are already everywhere
First off what does Black cover have anything to do with this? go bitch and whine somewhere else because people don't like your battle shounen
Second I'd rather watch some action shows where peple fight and die rather than a battle shounen where there is 5 seconds of action and 3 episodes of monolouging and powering up
Third No one wants another naruto copy with crappy production values made by perrishit studio
Wait, people actually defend Fateshit? Why?
Why is hisaka Yoko's voice so fucking hot?
It's not bad, except for the rapid fanbase.
Every character she voices makes me diamonds.
Better than moeshit, Battle harems/shounen and whatever crap we are getting this season
>Nisioisns stuff isn't fucking garbage.
I just had a sensible chuckle.
no, you just have the most american fetish
>Literally the first episode
>Whining like a retarded fag that characters aren't good
we literally don't know jack shit about the characters how about you hold your bullshit opinion for a week or 2 yu dumb cunt
>Nisioisns stuff isn't fucking garbage
the only good fate was zero. And that was only because nasu wasn't anywhere near it
Yeah? Where?
Get out of my head.
Are you retarded? Fate Zero in ONE episode managed to set up political maneuvering amongst multiple, morally ambiguous magi factions. Fate UBW in ONE episode managed to organically portray every detail of Rin's life while setting up a dual-perspective intro and building suspense and mystery, leading up to the revelation/explanation of the grail war and magic as a payoff. This was fucking garbage, the comparisons to Fate are apt but this is just a shittier version with needless edge for the sake of it. Get some taste you cretin.
Going to use this bait later on in the season, thanks.
worst part of the episode was that overly edgy backstory, but I still enjoyed it, everyone knew boar girl would get killed but they built up to it well
>all that overselling fate garbage
He's right though.