You faggots need to watch this series and realize how fucked Nazis are. Honestly, just watch this series and realize how much of a fucking delusional prick he was.
You faggots need to watch this series and realize how fucked Nazis are. Honestly...
i'm in, i love hitler fanfiction
>Lots of soundless video with (((experts))) injecting their opinions.
Yeah nah cunt, it's like you don't realise how modern media works.
>Hitler's circle of (((evil)))
Yeah, man, totally unbiased title right there. I'm sure the documentary or whatever this jewish shit is will be even more unbiased.
Anyway, here's something funny from another similiar jewish production (it even has a similiar title - rise of evil) I enjoyed laughing at:
It tells you what we know dumb fuck, based off the evidence that we have.
>Judging a book by its cover
Watch it first
Hitler was right.
>watching shows
lmao are you 40?
>sensationalist American documentaries
>Was Hitler really in contact with ancient aliens from Antarctica? Some experts thinks so.
>Watch it first
I have better things to do than watch obvious propaganda that has no basis in reality. I'll leave that to the simple minded gentiles like you.
I hate Hitler for not listening to his generals and losing the war.
>here goy watch this propaganda flick of Dr. Goldstein!
How about no?
Pathetic bait is pathetic.
>evil in the title
Fascism is not the answer to the European crisis
>Building a base of knowledge by taking in information on the third reich
>Later gets called out for being old
>Faggot that calls him old has nothing better to do with his time
Maybe he was, seems plausible to me
>obvious propaganda that has no basis in reality
Seriously? Taking a new perspective is not a bad thing, and the only reason to deny facts presented straight to your face is either because your delusional or because you're so lost in your ideology that it dominates your thought process irreversibly
Yes, he would have won the war if he listened to Goring
pic related
Fair, don't watch it then
*smacks lips*
So you be saying?
*puts on Pharaoh hat*
Dat Hitler wuz
In contact with
*rapes a white woman*
*falls for Jew propaganda*
Is it as interesting as Hitlers henchmen?
Used to look forward to that week when history channel used to have history on it
when he didn't listen to his generals he made the good decision, then post Stalingrad he listened to his generals and it was a bad decision
>dude hitler mein fuhrer, just rush moscow with a huge bulge whilst the soviets have a million troops in ukraine
You have to go back
Nazis are old news.
We're working on the Next Generation "evil empire." The 4th or 5th Reich or Supremo Imperio
The Principality or Zeon or some shit.
Something new, exciting, original.
A science based Western Empire built upon the principles of Eurasian "superiority of function" in a civilized environment.
- we be domesticated
- we are the ideal for the artificial human construct that is civilization
- temperament above all
The White Man was made, not born. We must engineer the Master Race.
That title is fucking infantile for a movie - and this is a documentary. How long before people see through this?
Ok, but then you watch the whole of the greatest story never told.
let me guess, the hitler drama reenactment clips are someone who looks nothing like him pulling angry faces and bashing the table
I mean we can go back and forth about the details, but you just can't win a war against the USA and the Soviet Union at the same time when your allies are not really effective. Nobody could have done that: not Zhukov, not Montgomery, not Napoleon, not Cesar and not Alexander the Great
hitler did nothing wrong
That's what it is. It talks all about Himmler, Goring, Heydrich, and all the others
>Again, judging a book by its cover
Sure, why not
Not really, it's more fair then you guys are giving it credit for
Hitler lives with the reptilians where they eat children together.
poor hitler, his german autism knew no bounds
qt anglos laughing at such autism
So the scary music, dark lightning and creepy scenes really got to you huh?
>People still believing psyop denazification propoganda memes in 2018
The absolute state of normies.
hitler unironically made flying saucers and shiet. its coming.
I haven't watched the (((series))) you mentioned, but most of documentaries like this are full of shit and very biased.
>Fascism is not the answer to the European crisis
True. Right Wing Death Squads are. Can't wait until shit gets so bad people will go on the streets and start mass cleansing of cities.
Then, after we're done, we can have fascism.
>>Again, judging a book by its cover
No by its title you brainlet.
i unironically tried to watch that and then jerry springer showed up as one of their "experts" on german history and morality to explain how evil the nazis were - it's like (((they))) don't even try anymore
except they nearly did, he declared war on usa in december 1941 when the wehmarcht was 50 miles from moscow, japs just wrecked pearl harbor and the usa was supplying britain anyway and would've supplied SU anyway, if the SU was knocked out then there wouldn't be much the allies could do against germany
You faggots need to watch this documentary and realize how great Nazis are. Honestly, just watch this documentary and realize how much of a fucking delusional prick you were.
>1945+80 years, (((they))) still need to fight hitler
you have to admit he absolutely ear raped (((them))) with his speeches and made them shit their pants when he nearly won ww2
The title is full of predjudice.
I only watch neutral, fact based documentaries, not propaganda, sorry.
I did watch it. The 'experts' had to mention how crazy and evil the Nazis were every 10 seconds or so just to make sure they won't be seen as praising literally any aspect of the Nazi regime, it was pathetic
They also completely left out the fact that the communists caused a civil war in Germany just prior to these events so most of it made no sense but I guess that can be explained by how crazy and evil the Nazis were (and evil and crazy)
t. someone who doesn't sympathize with the Nazis and still thought it was ridiculous
>the greatest man that ever lived
>hitler: the rise of EEEVILLLL
is there any neutral documentaries out there?
>spend the better part of a century fabricating false evidence
>herp derp its based off of the evidence we have, listen and believe
Fuck off
The production quality on that is shit. The editing, the sound design, it's almost unwatchable. You can barely make sense out of it without subtitles (that you have to adjust every 10 minutes so they keep in sync)
>Not really, it's more fair then you guys are giving it credit for
bull fucking shit. they go out of their way to mention how unattractive and stupid the main crew were all the time (I remember them calling Goring 'bloated' at least half a dozen times) and call them faggy terms like 'bully boy' that you'd never hear in a documentary about FDR's cabinet or Stalin's advisers
just fuck off
>how fucked nazis are
1945 was 200 years ago, nazis don't exist
If you made a documentary and just called it "Hitler: the man" you'd probably get a bunch of complaints about the title portraying him in too positive a light.
no you need to watch The Greatest Story Never Told
Nah, just the facts
>Thinks he's cool because he doesn't follow mainstream culture
>Thinks he's smart for holding an opinion he thinks is right despite all evidence
Tell me where you get your information from then faggot
Biased how exactly?
Really got me there, ouch that hurt
Alright, link it
>Nearly won WW2
Really? The moment he went to war with the Soviet Union he lost the war.
When you're talking about men that murdered millions of people for no reason I think the title might be justified
Ok, that's fair if you saw it that way, but also note that you may be simply rationalizing it out though your own confirmation bias
Just propaganda according to these faggots
>Thinks his own information is better then all the evidence
>Doesn't wonder where his own information comes from when literally everyone has the opposite opinion
But what if he was fat, and they were just assholes? Think about it for a second.
Link it
>the moment he went to war with SU he lost
>which is why they were able to launch 3 offensives and only started actually losing when the lend lease supplies were building up
Until (((Netflix))) puts out a documentary about bolshevism and the Jews behind it that killed ACTUAL millions I wont even bother watching that shit.
>huh duh they were evil
Have them or the world today, pick one.
>Ok, that's fair if you saw it that way, but also note that you may be simply rationalizing it out though your own confirmation bias
how is it my bias that they don't mention the german civil war in a documentary about the rise of the nazi regime
they obviously framed every event to make the people involved seem as stupid and irrational as they could
i mean really, did you just zone out when they talked about the reichstag fire in this? they warped the events as much as they could without outright lying
Oh look everybody it’s another Shoah
sry rabbi, I quit listening to sermons when I woke up.
I think I might have actually seen this. Does it mention a Dutch archeologist and his theories about Neanderthals?
>You faggots need to watch this series and realize how fucked Nazis are. Honestly, just watch this series and realize how much of a fucking delusional prick he was.
Why should we believe anything the Jewish owned and controlled media says about their second greatest enemy?
No, it was not lend-lease that caused them to lose on the soviet front. I would attribute it to troops fresh from Siberia finally making it to the front in the millions, better industrial capacity, a harsh winter, and stretched German supply lines due to the soviet scorched earth policy.
When you murder millions of people you are usually classified as evil. By your standards Jews would then be evil, so when did Jews murder millions of people?
You're illustrating my point. A normal person would take the facts for what they're worth and not rationalize what type of propaganda critical to their own viewpoint it is.
More than you have
It's about Hitler's henchmen, not the total story of Nazi germany. Also, the fire in the Reichstag was left as unsolved, not specifically blaming the nazis just bringing the possibility that they could have caused it.
Come at me faggot
What the fuck?! DO YOU WANT TO GO TO HELL?
Because the media is not controlled by a Jewish agenda like you think it is
>unironically shilling for a shit tv show
fucking hell man, do you at least get paid for this faggotry?
Why should we believe anything the Jewish owned and controlled media says about their second greatest enemy?
First off, no it isn't. And secondly, even if it was, this doesn't dispute the facts presented by the film.
>Because the media is not controlled by a Jewish agenda like you think it is
Why should we believe that claim?
>Yes, he would have won the war if he listened to Goring
You mean if he had listened to the veteran generals in the Wehrmacht. Goering was a morphine-infested incompetent degenerate, who never delivered on his promises.
See Stalingrad airlift for more information
You came in here to talk about how those ebil waycist naaaazis were so bad. Even if that was true, have you ever stopped to consider why they hate?
>hey goy, remembuh muh six gorillion!
no thanks, shlomo. enjoy the (((You))) cause im not bumping your kike fantasy thread
>You're illustrating my point. A normal person would take the facts for what they're worth and not rationalize what type of propaganda critical to their own viewpoint it is.
It's literally not my viewpoint though and I can still see it's incredibly biased. Some Anglo expert with cheese yellow teeth mentioning for the tenth time how much Himmler resembles a rat is not a relevant fact.
Literally anyone can see this documentary is biased unless they are trying to be a contrarian faggot on Sup Forums, it has evil in the title
>the fire in the Reichstag was left as unsolved
but it isn't. that's exactly my point
don't think so, it just came out like last month
No thanks kike, I do not fall for jewish lies anymore. All kikes must be burned alive
This is an exceptionally jewish thread.
Yes, in the shitty responses of Neo-Nazis secure with the knowledge I'm wasting their time
Because a claim like that is perposterous. Even if a lot of Hollywood and the rest of the media were Jewish it's not like they all follow the same agenda. As someone that hates identity politics, I would rather treat people as individuals
Yes, I think you're right. But all I was saying is that Goring believed it was strategic suicide and lither went ahead with it anyways
Tell me why, I'll listen
There were more than six million killed in the holocaust, that's just the number of Jews
I can appreciate a rational argument when I see one. And I can see how the bias may trickle in because of the portrayal of Nazis as evil for the last 60+ years, but the facts of the documentary are what I'm interested in, not small details.
>Jewish lies
What classifies those?
>so when did Jews murder millions of people?
Oh jee, I dunno.
Based bants from the Croatia.
PS change your flag back to red and white why is it this toothpaste shit now?
>It tells you what we know dumb fuck, based off the evidence that we have.
>evidence that we have
Nazi's Were Evil
by Schuma Silverstein
Oh yeah! Seems totally legit!
Lolol even if he is everything you say ide still pick him over kike.
>Fascism is not the answer to the European crisis
It is the solution to the neoliberal NWO banker-corporate rule you far-left faggots shill for.
Never understood stormniggers homolove for Hitler, he is a total fucking tool and an autistic retard that destroyed Europe. I can understand why someone would follow nationalism and think of it as a valid ideology but tying it with this retarded worship of an absolute soyboy cuck faggot that couldn’t even get a woman pregnant is something that boggles my mind.
If it's from a Jew I'm not watching it.
Lol bin that spoon bong.
>Because a claim like that is perposterous.
Then prove it.
> Even if a lot of Hollywood and the rest of the media were Jewish it's not like they all follow the same agenda.
They all follow the same agenda. Promoting homosexuality, feminism, diversity, multiculturalism, immigration and cultural marxism. There's not a single powerful Jew in the media that does not promote those things.
> As someone that hates identity politics,
You hate identity politics for Whites. You don't call for the ADL, SPLC, NAACP, BLM etc to be disbanded. You only call for pro-White groups to be disbanded.
>I would rather treat people as individuals
You want to turn White countries into third-world multicultural hellholes. The only difference between you and the avowed anti-Whites is you want it done "legally."
By the way, I’ve just watched 13 minutes of this laugh riot of a documentary. In that time they said the far right of Germany started hates Jews for no reason with literally no evidence.
That was after WW1, nearly 100 years ago now, and they haven’t even bothered to see why far right Germans hated the Jews, Bolsheviks and Communists. It’s astounding knowing this was said in 1961
Taking a series as a fact...
Gosh the memes are true...Mutts are really this stupid... They believe in everything they see on the TV..
As opposed to you Republicans, Conservatives and Capitalists?
>gets culturally enriched by Slavic “subhumans”
Never forget, when we eventually get in a position to destroy the kike we take it.
>Gets enriched by Muslims
How's the Sharia?
I pointed this same thing out to him earlier and he just blamed it on my own bias
it's ridiculous to pretend to tell the story of the formation of the Nazi party and never mention the German civil war
might as well make an American WWII doc and never once mention Pearl Harbor
>Never forget, when we eventually get in a position to destroy the kike we take it.
I believe pro-Whites should make the 14 Words a reality first and anyone that gets in the White race's way is destroyed.
Once the White race's racial existence is secured, then it's payback time.
Source on the image, if you're gonna present something claiming things like this I'm gonna need sources. That being said, while this guy is a dumb fuck I think we should treat HIM as the idiot, not his entire race filled with people that did nothing and know nothing about him.
Again, the focus of the documentary is on Hitler's inner circle, not the holocaust
I would stress better individualism over a stronger state.
>Then prove it.
The point I made after I said that contextualizes it.
>They all follow the same agenda
Just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they all follow the same ideology. Treat people as individuals, not as groups
>You hate identity politics for whites
No, I hate all identity politics. In fact most of those groups should be disbanded because they specifically cater to people based off of race alone.
>You want to turn white countries into third world hellholes
No, we should halt immigration efforts. Just treat people the same when doing it.
Right, because Princip, a Serbian nationalist, killed Ferdinand, the leader of Austria-Hungary, to destroy Germany
Then I acknowledged your rational argument
What pisses me off the most is that this documentary says the Nazis had no evidence while putting literally NO evidence themselves.
Jews project af.
I saw something similar a few days ago.
It bothered me because they spent a good 20 minutes talking about the Nordicist-Occult parts of Nazi ideology only to then end with saying that Hitler didn't share their beliefs.
Also brought up the usual 'the leadership didn't fit it's own criteria. Actual things brought up:
>Hitler had a large nose
>Goering was blond but fat
>Goebbels looked like a Jew
The only true part was that Himmler wouldn't have been accepted by the SS but instead of bringing up his lack of perfect eyesight they talk about his fleeing chin.
It was complete shit.
The part about the archeologist claimed that his theory about homo sapiens driving the Neanderthal to extinction gave the Nazis their idea for genocide, conveniently forgetting that this was a widespread belief among scientists at the time.
>this is not a "1 post by this ID thread"
the shill must be getting paid overtime
individualism is what got us into this mess in the first place, Soygoy of Cuckad
Do you have the evidence to say that the Jews actually did it? I would look at it if you do
Thanks for the sympathy, it's hard being such a faggot
Research the Kalergi project then.
>not his entire race filled with people that did nothing and know nothing about him.
Oh no, I know what you mean, it’s not like it’s written in their books or anything that they use the goiym.
>The point I made after I said that contextualizes it.
So you want us to believe that the anti-White Jews aren't injecting their own opinions and beliefs into the products they own and control?
>Just because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they all follow the same ideology.
Then why are the Jews in positions of power, authority and control lock-step in their anti-White beliefs? Can you name one pro-White Jew in power in the media?
>Treat people as individuals, not as groups
So you'll walk down inner city Detroit in the middle of the night and treat any black you come across as an individual?
>No, I hate all identity politics. In fact most of those groups should be disbanded because they specifically cater to people based off of race alone.
So Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians and White countries for everybody?
>No, we should halt immigration efforts.
Until you can "fix" immigration and allow anyone from anywhere who wants to immigrate to immigrate here legally?
>Just treat people the same when doing it.
So if a million blacks want to legally immigrate to the USA but only 10 Whites from Europe, you support it?
in this one they got the fattest actor they could find to play ernst rohm, guy must have been 350 pounds at least
most be embarrassing to play himmler when the narrator keeps mentioning how hideous he was