Papa kills babies -- Childrens Confession
Papa Kills Babies... The Real Pizzagate
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Israeli Judge in Hampstead Case
From Judgement
100. As for the very first indication of sexual abuse. Mr Christie's account to Mr Yahaouri is both extraordinary and significant. To entertain suspicions about Mr Dearman from the tone of his voice over a Skype call defies reason. Moreover senseless assumptions would seem to have been made by Mr Christie and the mother if, in fact, the children had touched the dog and were "touching each other." To believe that children who demonstrate curiosity about and touch their own, the dog's and their siblings genital areas must have, or probably have, been sexually abused is plainly ridiculous. It shows alarming ignorance about normal childhood behaviours or, as is likely here, wilful determination to distort innocent activities into something sinister and depraved.
Sibling Sexual Abuse — Uncovering the Secret
By Margaret Ballantine, PhD, MSW, LCSW-R, and Lynne Soine, DSW, MSW, LMSW
Sibling sexual abuse has been dismissed as “child’s play” in many cases and/or as a normal aspect of sexual development. More recent research has documented the traumatic, long-lasting, and damaging effects of sibling incest (Carlson, Maciol, & Schneider, 2006; Weihe, 1997).
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
One form of cruelty to animals that has received scant attention in the literature is the sexual abuse of animals, or bestiality. Bestiality may range from touching or fondling the genitals of animals to sexual intercourse and violent sexual abuse.
No, it's not real - shut the fuck up you "divisive" shill!!!!
OP, cannibals have been a real thing since before countries. Before religion. Even before language.
Pretending it's not real only shows how deluded you truly are. It's never not left us.
There's something about that nose.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Ecclesiastical Committee Cc: [email protected] Subject: ATTN OF: Jake Vaughan & Katya Simms
Dear Sirs, Madams,
Dear Sirs, Madams,
I write to you today in good faith and with the hope you will not turn a blind eye to what can only be seen as a deeply distressing and blasphemous decision by a church, now currently at the centre of a scandal which has shaken many members of the public to their core.
In 1983 Christ Church, Hampstead, opened it's doors and allowed a musical group to perform there. The name of the group is Psychic TV. Now of course I have no qualms with a church welcoming musicians and artists into their sphere. However it is the bands history which is completely at odds with this decision on the part of the church. Locations included The Hell Fire Club caves 300ft. underground, Christ Church in Hampstead, and Caxton Hall. I am not sure if you are aware of the associations between Caxton Hall and Aleister Crowley...
The music recorded there featured a choir boy singing the lyrics of Charles Manson "always is always", a perverse allusion to death perhaps?
"The telephone line interference gives way to the glorious clarity of a solo choirboy singing 'Always is Always', a song penned by the murderer of psychedelic innocence: Charles Manson, and much sung by his adopted family of waifs and strays."
I have included the following review from one of the groups followers reviews of their 1982 release "First Transmission", which was released one year before Christ Church allowed the band to perform there.
I have included the following review from one of the groups followers reviews of their 1982 release "First Transmission", which was released one year before Christ Church allowed the band to perform there.
"First Transmission" is a deeply unsettling compilation video that features several films made by The Temple ov Psychick Youth.It's about 6 hours long,it has the 'satanic abuse and murder' on it,a bunch of interviews,some ritual pornography,footage of People's Temple leader Jim Jones,Psychic TV on BBC2,and truly sick quasi-snuff film called "Castration Movie"."Psychic TV Vol.1" for example contains "The Ritual ov Psychick Youth" which documents a brutal and sadistic TOPY initiation ritual.We see a bound man whipped,drugged,ritualistically mutilated with a knife and smeared with his own blood.Then he is given a blood enema.This forty minutes long video is truly disturbing as it's obviously real with no special effects involved.Its sheer power to shock and disturb resulted in labelling Genesis P.Orridge as a Satanist.On the other hand,"Psychic TV Vol.2" features incredibly upsetting 'snuff' video "Castration Movie".A disclaimer in which claims that the following footage is being investigated by the FBI for acts of actual violence and mutilation,as well as the exploitation of children.The video then begins and you can kind of tell it was made in the mid maybe late 70's by the clothing and cars.It is grainy mostly looking like it was shot on a home camera of some sort.
There are people who eat people for fun. If you're Hillary, you do it to get Seth Rich murdered.
Two men are apparently making the video,one a doctor of some sort and a cameraman whom we never see."Castration Movie" documents the two men setting up shop in a local motel and eventually persuading young boys to come to the motel room where they have some sort of miniature steel rod inserted in their arms.This rod apparently acts like a conductor of some sort to which they can then apply live wires to,to achieve some sort of electrical induced orgasm.The video then cuts for about 20 minutes of clipped footage of these boys using the new implants in different locations.Finally one of them in the motel room uses it too much and dies.The doctor freaks out,starts waving his hands around for the camera to cut which it does.The next scene is the doctor driving and the cameraman filming the road,and they apparently are splitting town crossing the Mexican border.Finally it shows them setting up shop in a Mexican hotel then it cuts to graphic scene of a young boy surgically castrated.Personally I don't know what to think about this extremely disturbing video.It appears to be real,but I strongly believe that some parts of it are cleverly simulated.On "Psychic TV Vol.2" there is also a propaganda documentary "Disaptches" about the rise of Satanism in UK.It claims that Psychic TV's "First Transmission" tape was a Satanic ritual and TOPY was responsible for murdering children."
Seth Rich is a made up character you idiot.
Could someone from the Ecclasteical committee or indeed the church of England please tell me why Christ Church, Hampstead (which is now at the centre of allegations involving sadism, murder and paedophilia) allowed this group to perform on their premises? I must confess I am incredibly distressed to come across these facts, after many hours of research. It is certainly not commonly known knowledge.
I am sure, as men and women of God, you will be as outraged as me and understand such sinister happenings give more than credence to the children's allegations regarding insidious and wicked activities going on in this church.
Yours in faith,
I am writing in reply to your e-mail of 9 July to the Ecclesiastical Committee.
The appointment of the Committee’s membership in the new Parliament has not yet been completed, and the Committee has not yet met in the current Parliament.
Even when the membership is completed, under the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919 the Committee has very limited terms of reference, which are to consider each measure (proposal for legislation) submitted to Parliament by the Church’s General Synod, and to report to Parliament “stating the nature and legal effect of the measure and its views as to the expediency thereof”. I regret that the Committee would therefore be unable to assist in this matter.
I see that you have cc’d your e-mail to the Church of England and I hope that they will be able to assist you. In addition, I understand that the general e-mail contact for the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace is [email protected].
You may also be aware of the recently established Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse led by Hon. Lowell Goddard. The inquiry’s website is here:
Yours sincerely
Jake Vaughan House of Lords Secretary to the Ecclesiastical Committee
Belinda McKenzie MI5 Epic Fail
Lord Janner, Hampstead, Arms Dealers, Zionism & Barbara Kahan
Father of Christ Church Children is a social media advocate for Lord Janner and says his children spent many "happy years" at Christ Church... Top UK journalist/criminologist blocks him on account of his followers molestation views and connections to McCann case
Christ Church Hampstead Promoting Evil?
Why the hell would the church of England, allow people singing out Manson to record in their premises, as well as The Hellfire Caves (connected to Crowley)
Let's think about this for a moment...
Why does the school have an upside down cross?
Why does Chelsea Clinton wear an upside down cross?
OK, now consider this...
A very well respected Journalist in the UK actually blocked a parent of children who attended Hampstead on account of him and his followers views on child abuse...
What's weirder still, is that the very same trolls involved with Hampstead, are also involved with The McCann case and The Holie Grieg Case.
The School erasing teachers from their records when the scandal broke
Ricky Dearman erasing records of his connection to 88-90 Hatton Gardens, which was a few months later robbed, the men involved said they had previously found child porn photos of a tory MP
Dear Rt Hon Jeremy Wright QC MP,
I hope this email finds you well.
I write to you directly today in good faith and also because time is truly of the essence in this case, which threatens to send two young children back to their allegedly abusive father on the 23rd of July unless action is taken quickly.
I have been recommended to contact you via my communications with members of The House Of Lords, whom share my horror and astonishment at the attitude of The JCIO with whom I launched complaint, I quote one member: "It is astounding that this JCIO did not uphold your complaint, apparently on the basis that judges are free to say whatever they like."
Below I have included my complaint to the JCIO, I have further attached this as a PDF as well as the response from the JCIO, which is highly alarming.
Thank you very much for your time.
Best wishes,
Unlocking Pizzagate and Flat Earth with Cicada3301
Published on Sep 1, 2017
But Hillary is not. Nor are the babies she's eaten.
You don't give a shit.
Yeah I can believe it.
Lord Janner, Hampstead, Arms Dealers, Zionism & Barbara Kahan
But I do. It's the one thing that's convinced me to always do the opposite of what that commie cannibal witch wants.
Then tell me why MI5/MI6 have allowed pedophiles to operate for years.
"Donald Trump is a radical Zionist", says Stone.
Roger Stone on AIPAC Speech.
Will Trump bomb Iran?
"If Israel is in trouble, Trump will bomb Iran."