Daily reminder that (((they))) had him killed
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The only person trump trusted around his kids was him. How did the phrase go kick me kike me?
true you can find vids on youtube where he names (((them))).. next thing you know he was a kiddy diddler.. Im not a big fan but I can recognize he was very talented.
Look at vid in OP
Daily reminder that, although he was likely innocent of those specific charges, he was still a pedophile.
I don’t think he was. The only accusation(s) against him were found to be false in court.
In the height of the #metoo movement not one accuser has come out. Weird if he actually was a pedo.
i really wanted to be a street kid when i first seen that in the 80s, 30 years later, with house prices rising i can finally live my dream
This. It was bizarre but the guy never abused anyone and his fetishism for children was just an imposed narrative. He loved kids but not like that, and he did spend time with them and was quite close to a weird degree. But I sincerely doubt any sort of sexual energy was guiding his act. More like warped psychological issues from a warped maturational process under his abusive father.
I truly think he was trying to guard kids from what was happening in Hollywood
>tfw fell for the micheals a pedo meme
I was just a fucking kid and oblivious to the Jews machinations but fuck me regardless
Nethertheless I think that if he was with us now he'd probably have fallen for the tranny meme
He knew more than anyone what a life of Hollywood fame does to a young child. I genuinely believe he dindu nuffin.
Daily reminder that
>soy boy
>song stealer
>chimp molester
>must be 18 to post here
This. Listen to Bobby Fischer talk about Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson would 100% be part of the BLM crowd and would have turned his back on Trump three years ago if he were still alive.
keep on
>where the porridge don't stop
don't stop 'til you get enough
You're not alone. I fell for the pedo meme too. Michael was a good man. Broken but a good man. It was so obvious he hated jews so much he turned white.
The only true based black man that's ever been, or ever will be. How did we not see his messages?
I like how Sup Forums's favorite Michael Jackson song where the drops the words Jews and kike also refers to the emancipation proclamation as an unfulfilled promise and how if Roosevelt were still alive, "this" wouldn't be happening like he didn't go to war against the Axis. Michael wasn't redpilled at all. It's more an anti-government, pro-black song than anything.
>emancipation proclamation
... i don't listen to hip hop
I used to know one of his former backup dancers. He said Michael was definately a weirdo, but was also definitely not a pedo. He said it was almost a case of arrested development, that Michael never took any sexual interest at all, and had child like interests. He’d do things like invite the dancers over to his place for movies and popcorn.
Eddie Griffin said otherwise about Mikey's appetites.
>youtube link
This is literally the next worse thing to being a stormfag or rickrolling. Nobody ever clicks this shit.
There's many based black men.
>Nobody clicks youtube links
Do you know where you are retard?
>Nobody ever clicks this shit
fookin' hackers be trolling duh /pole/!!!1
Who's as based as him, when he's openly called out the jews?
I never said there were people as based as him, all I said was he's not the ONLY based black man.
All he said was they were talking in a hotel room and they were finishing each other’s sentences?
>think MJ is kill
Michael Jackson is a master of disguise.
Why do you think he has a fake nose?
That glorious bastard could be standing right beside you in a disguise and you wouldn't recognize him. He faked his death.
i miss patrice.
Who gives a shit?
he mentions Michael talked dirty about women like any other nigger.
Says who, faggot?
Those examples he gave were so fucking stupid. Not that I think Michael Jackson was an actual pedophile, but his reasoning is completely retarded. I was surprised he didn't say something like - "Next thing you know, they'll accuse Jay-Z of selling crack before he got famous." Idiot. Last I checked, nobody's had a bad thing to say about Stevie Wonder other than that he's a liberal.
I know. I'm asking who else.
What has he done?
Patrice is based on women, no doubt. But he hasn't ever gone big with the redpills.
>But he hasn't ever gone big with the redpills.
lol. "he never gassed jews, so fuck HIM"
>what truth have you spoken in your pussy little life, nigger?
>excuse me sir can I take my smoke break, mmmkay?
Random greentext isn't a link or proof McNig.
>50:45 - 51:45 he calls (((them))) out indirectly
>46:00 - 46:15
>48:45 - 49:30 Other interesting timestamps
Last rant before (((they))) shut down his tour and hospitalize him in infamous UCLA medical center. He emerges with memory loss for up to six weeks.
the kikes killed michael because he was coming for the song ownership by sony, contesting it to end the jewry on music industry
there are high chances he forged his death to stay under the radar
Child molesters should be killed
Can you elaborate on Sony and his relationship? I think artists still have strong disdain for them.
Supposedly he was more powerful than Sony, period. He had ownership of Elvis's IP and I think even the Beatles. He was far too powerful for the Jews to handle.
But I may be remembering the bit about the Beatles wrong; check what he owned.
He def owned the Beatles stuff too. Bought if]t for only like 8 mil or something
yes he owned several major bands records. Sony didn't like it and acted
basically today 90% of pop music is owned by (((them))). Michael wanted to end it
I think it was to the extent that he owned majority in Sony even. Razorfist went into him before and I remember reading a thing too long ago that discussed just how much he really owned. A musical Walt Disney, almost.
>Jew me, sue me, everybody do me
>Kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me
Wouldn't do to have the most beloved performer in the world calling out the Jews for being racist parasites, would it?
So like (((they))) have tried to do with Trump, they smeared MJJ with accusations of the Jews' own crimes (for Trump, Russian collusion, for Jackson, pedophilia). Then when that wasn't enough they simply killed him.
The problem for MJJ was the internet wasn't yet developed enough to be able to counter the constant (((MSM))) smear campaign.
Michael Jackson was a true force for good.
He's easily the most based nigger.
He turned himself white and hated Jews
That "Jew me, sue me...kick me, kike me" lyric is from a song titled "They Don't Care About Us."
Too bad the (((echo))) wasn't a thing then, he might have used it.
Michael Jackson is a known anti-semite, who like all Nazi's was a child rapist.
That is why we will stop at nothing to destroy the white race just like we did Michael Jackson and just like in South Africa, except soon it will be your children, brothers, and families being hunted like dogs for the filth you are!!!!!!!!!!
If I see one more autist with that flag I'm just gonna change to a Swastika for good
Go to bed Ben.
>Random greentext
not my fault your mind is in a box
>Jew me, sue me...kick me, kike me
It's "keep up with the pornstars"
That Osama?
Don't degenerate the plight of the starving children!
Tabloid Junkie is a good one
>"Speculate to break the one you hate
Circulate the lie you confiscate
Assassinate and mutilate
The hounding media in hysteria
Who's the next for you to resurrect
JFK exposed the CIA
Truth be told the grassy knoll
The blackmail story in all your glory"
With the words you use
You're a parasite in black and white
Do anything for news
And you don't go and buy it
Then they won't glorify it
To read it sanctifies it
Why do we keep foolin' ourselves
You say it's not a sin
But with your pen you torture men
Then why do we keep foolin' ourselves"
... no
The rules. Enjoy your ban