>no trees
>no land
>no space
Why do Amerilards build houses like this when they have such a large nation?
No trees
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we call them cookie cutters, because they are all the same.
you see it alot where people built fast, like calgary for instance.
Low effort slide thread created to subvert discussion and clog up Sup Forums saged for meme flag.
But why tho?
Oh fuck off with that shit. There's plenty of room here for different topics. I'm tired of you fags whining about water slides every time someone posts a thread that's not about Trump or gun control.
there is a literal green belt / forest in the backyard, you crazy op. Sage.
>there is a literal green belt / forest in the backyard,
>house is literally built under power lines
The contractors have a template, and the just order mass parts. on mondays they do all the foundations, next week they do the walls, etc.. That is how they build em fast. You can tell they are built fast because they are all the same. Duh.
Yeah but why do Amerisharts buy houses like this? They are everywhere in America. Do people like living like this?
The Housing Jew has led cucked Americans to believe that these are standard, actually desirable homes.
I bet those rabbit cages go for 700 thousand bucks, probably twice or three times as much if in Shitfornia.
We bury our power lines here, lmao. Fuck that shit. Keep your EM radiation thanks.
that shit is ghetto man.
no they are just cheap and quick, like your mum dude. Waste of a thread honestly.
I live in a fucking town house, I would love that shit.
>town house
cityfag detected
Opinion discarded.
Maybe some people don’t like living in a forest?
Good. Less lawn to mow regularly, less work to maintain.
This is probably it. These deluded fools like think they are buying the American dream.
Laziness is no excuse.
People live near cities where jobs are located and they cram themselves into houses like this because there is not room. I've got a house and 70 acres of land in east Texas, but the trade-off is that I have to drive an hour to work each way and my wife drives an hour and half each way. There are not jobs way out in the country where land is plentiful.
The home owner associations they have over there put restrictions on what a person can do with their property like planting trees or whatever.
>overground electricity
lmfao what 3rd world shithole is this?
the front yard should be fenced off with hedges or a nice fence
obviously you dont live in the GTA
why do soviwafers build houses like these when they have such a large nation?
Because communism was a mistake
>No Trees
>Posts a picture of trees