Trudeaus trip to India called a "colossal failure" to a degree that has "never happened in India" lol
basically, Trudeau got called out for being a cuck to islam while in India
Trudeaus trip to India called a "colossal failure" to a degree that has "never happened in India" lol
basically, Trudeau got called out for being a cuck to islam while in India
Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be less than 49% by 2019
Did he poo in the loo?
>it's another "hate our leader because he's not a massively racist, sexist bigot" thread
They're mad he didn't shit in the street.
Hypocrite liberal disrespecting pajit culture.
Trudeau is a colossal gaylord, if he dances one more time I might saduku.
No its another cock mongling LEAF makes another stupid fucking post and sucks his own cock episode
fucking Canuckistan, stop being a laughing stock and get rid of this idiot. Drumpf is going to fuck this guy up in these NAFTA negotiations. You dolts better wise up fast.
>cuck to islam while in India
>It's another "Internet tough guys eh, harumph!" thread
We've this for a year now and nothing's happening.
well he is a muslim loving cuck.
I hope his family gets raped by the savages they love so much
going to a straight talking country
oh no no no no kek
Spoken like a true loser.
serious question
how could he have 3 kids when he's clearly gay?
artificial insemination?
he wasn't called out for being a cuck to Islam, mutt. He was made fun of for trying to be fake Indian with his fancy dress outfits. And also for his government sucking dicks of Khalistani faggots.
>super lefty talking heads on the state-funded lefty propaganda station calling the PM's trip a colossal failure is a racial issue
Imagine being this dumb...
How does it feel that his national security advisor pushed a conspiracy that your government took that fucker off their blacklist for the express purpose of making Trudeau look bad?
He literally tried to assassinate Modi. Invited an unrepentant Sikh assassin to a PR event where Modi would be, didn't tell Indian intelligence about him etc.
Why didn't you guys execute him?
Pooheau wants only one thing - non-white immigrants to destroy Canada - and he doesn't really care where they come from.
He's turned Canadia into a global forced feminization video.
we laugh at leaf butthurt
They hacked his wardrobe as well!
let leaves do their own dirty work
You don't care that the biggest faggot leaf on earth tried to kill Modi?
You know he is a literal terrorist, right?
pro tip, they are not his.
this country should be fucking nuked
Yes, that is essentially our consensus here in Canada. His over the top need to constantly wear traditional Indian wear was seen as political correctness gone berserk to to point where sensible people here say it for what it was. Racist and offensive. And the way he tried to dodge the blame for inviting a Sikh extremist who tried to kill an Indian politician to a dinner with Indian politicians. It was incompetent. People around here are waking up to the fact the Trudeau is an incompetent ideologue who is way to far left and conservatives better get their shit together because this country is actually going to change so drastically if this idiot wins re-election next year.
grenade a foreign soldier and get paid 10 million
>This pole fag
Does Canada have a real conservative party, or is it just some shitty watered down version of the liberal party, like in the UK?
or... go to Syria, rape and murder to your hearts content, then come back to Canada where daddy Trudeau is waiting with arms wide open and tax payers money to give you all that you need to resettle and become a productive member of society. Meanwhile the homeless who lost everything because of terrible fiscal policy suffer on our very streets. Fuck Trudeau, honestly.
Pretty much this.
The average normies at work are making jokes about how ridiculous it would be if Indian politicians came over here dressed as Lumberjack Mountie Innuits.
It was an extreme gaff to be sure, and these people are so politically ignorant they probably think a Khalistani is something from Game of Thrones.
It's watered down and shitty
No, its 3 different brands of socialism. Its a total fraud.
The conservatives are like liberal moderates. Doug Ford is the only one right now who has re-opened to debate on abortion saying parents should be consulted if a 16 year old wants an abortion. Right now a doctor can decide that the parents don't need to know and most people think that's just great.
Better than being a literal poo
You are a leaf that still breathes
Rob Ford was the leader you needed
The good thing is that niggers being niggers,hate other niggers, which in turn allows people to see how seriously stupid Turdeau is .
imagine people pining for kasich because he's not hillary and you have a pretty decent idea of where we're at
His trip to India came off as incredibility racist. I guess liberals just hate poos like everyone else.
>Why didn't you guys execute him?
It was just a Poo that would have been killed by a muslim poo. you are acting like we are talking about people or cats or something
liberals a.k.a. saudi-funded prostitutes.
Wrong - I'm calling for a Canadian Values test on steroids, also Everyone must speak clear English and French, The Toronto Gay parade will be banned, all illegal immigrants will be kicked out of Toronto, all Universities must kick out the communists, social justice warriors, as well terrorist supporters who dont allign with Canadian values
We Will Make Canada Great Again !
Is this the dawn of Dougposting?
Michael Jackson, managed it.
The Progressive Cuckservative™ Party is proud to introduce their new leader, Andrew Scheer.
Its Time for Canada to Take Back Our Future !
100% guaranteed to lose. Bank on it. Put me in the screencap. Should have gone for Bernier, that's who I voted for.
Same. Those multikult cucks literally forced Scheer in so we can import more shitskins.
Rake yourself
You reek of cuckery. Make me a fancy coffee you twat
This hurts my soul.
>trudeau very mentally ill
Don't know if you were aware of this but his momma is a regular client of the puzzle factory.
That kid with the body parts isn't him, but he was still a grenade tossin', IED constructin' son of a bitch.
>Should have gone for Bernier
Bernier betrayed us all giving intel to the HA's and ruining his chances. Scheer is a non starter so he fucked us bad, Bernier did.
Here's the qualifying English sentence for all of Quebec:
"I hate hunting for hotels on holidays in hot hellholes."
>He was made fun of for trying to be fake Indian with his fancy dress outfits
I was seriously going to call out how Trudeau in the video is dressed for the occasion pretending to be indian, meanwhile every indian is dressed on a regular suit.
So yeah, based poo
Why does every news reach one month late in america?
Unfortunately some people couldn't look past the crack smoking. Strange eh
>if Indian politicians came over here dressed as Lumberjack Mountie Innuits
Oh, that is good.
I'm going to steal it but give credit to an online user when I use it.
I desperately wish to see a shart and poo alliance.
We can ally with the Hindus and wreck Pisslam.
And throw in a good Raking in the north for good measure too.
It should.
Because its accurate as the Amermutt memes.
Truth hurts and bants aside I'm sorry Canada fell too.
Because GROHNALD GRUMPFT BTFO is like 95% of our (((news))) cycle here. Hard to fit anything else in.
good. now go show your vagene to poos to make up for your leader's failings.
>1 post by this ID
>disgraced on international stage after disastrous trade talks with China, ASEAN and India
>POTUS is leading a trade war against you
>now must court meme millenial children's show host to hopefully persuade British Columbia retards from embargoing western seaboard
Justin Trudeau, Bill Nye talk pipeline politics, Kinder Morgan in post-budget meeting
>“There are people who love the fact that we have national price on carbon but really wish we weren’t approving the Kinder Morgan pipeline. There are other people…who really like the idea that we’re building that pipeline but really hate the idea that we’re bringing in a national price on carbon,” Trudeau said, suggesting that political leaders can’t please everyone.
>Referring to a study from the “Solutions Project,” Nye suggested Canada didn’t need to use fossil fuels at all and could run its entire economy on renewable energy. Even Trudeau coudn’t agree with that and said that Canada intends upon using oil for the foreseeable future.
>children's show host actively shits on you