Why do leftists act like bible-thumpers?
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Progressive liberalism is a hardline fundamentalist religion for people who think they're too intellectual to be religious.
Because the dominant worldview of the lefty is non-deistic Christianity. That's why they are so godless and self flagellating.
how can anyone read this shit and says to themselves "hey this makes sense"?
You can't body shame thin people. Body shaming is defined as ((prejudice + power - BMI of offender + BMI of victim) * (waist size in cm) * waist to hip ratio) > 2430.
Their ideology is absolutely identical to a religion in every single way apart from the supernatural element.
why do trumpfags pretend to be christfags?
Because they are also a deeply religious cult.
Good discussion here on the similarities between intersectionality and religion. Although these faggot "liberals" can't seem to realize that this philosophy will only get more popular as the non white population grows. They'll never broach the subject but some decent arguments here
They're post-Calvinist puritans.
>Accepting radical left views means being initiated in a religion
Are you trying to communicate with us, bud? Come again. Maybe then it will make sense.
Not necessarily leftist thought. More so intersectionality philosophy which has obvious parallels to a religion. Which has also completely taken over leftist social thought in the current year
Because everyone needs something to believe in and they have replaced religion with politics and social "justice" issues. They are no different than evangelical Christians, just the topic has changed.
they're protty heretics in disguise.
>Why aren't you accepting my invented definitions of racism and sexism that are specifically designed to oppress white men?
>Ugh, like this isn't hard, you guys
To expand
Being woke = born again - which at inception causes the converted to feel much jubilation in the new found "knowledge" he or she has obtained, thus the person feels compelled to spread "the good word"
It's free
Words are meaningless without context. Anyone can claim to be woke, that doesn't mean they're aware to the nature of their reality.
Because leftism is their religion.
Makes too much sense, delete this
Read the Unabomber Manifesto
Forgot the damn picture
This. They've become church ladies
Because their grades depend on it. Also cognitive dissonance. Everyone around them says it works that way so even though at first they know it's wrong they convince themselves otherwise.
I too have long-since wondered how & why these atheist hedonist freaks have somehow become the arbiters of moral law. It runs completely contrary to their freakish amoral nature.
Modern leftism is functionally a religion.
Emotionally faith-based worldview which serves as an infallible source of truth, handed down from leaders on high to the masses
That's why the liberal will hide behind science as long as it aligns with his beliefs but reject science as quickly as a young-earth creationist the minute it no longer supports his view
They wont admit it, but science has become a religion. Bigshot scientists are its prophets and their opinions and theories are infallible gospel. Their Lord and savior is technology and their satan is climate change.
Thats the idea. Communism seeks to replace religion. Its the talmud for gentiles
This is why actual fascism is needed to quell these pieces of shit. Democracy is a pipe dream especially in the age of propaganda. People are too God damned retarded to look after themselves.
Thats why it was created
No, but they are aware of their new found "truth"
I don't understand. You could oppress white people given the right circumstances. What's left? This is Leftist semantic retardation.
>"belief that one's own race is superior"
Maybe the problem is that it truly is hard to /believe/ that you're superior to white people. They've had shit locked down since at least the Renaissance if we're talking technology and written word. Does anyone have that image of inventions/human history by continent/country? 95% of everything significant that's happened or been created has been in and around Europe and places settled by its people.
Also unlike religion it is allowed in schools