Why they kill the children of the farmers?

what harm can a 5 years old boy or girl do?

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Because niggers, obviously.

niggers gonna nig. I sincerely hope China finally does what needs to be done and wipes them off the face of the planet.

They're niggers.
The dead girl's IQ was higher than her killer.

This is so fucking sad, man

It's actually smart to kill the children because they'll remember and come to war later. They were kinda asking for it since they weren't armed well enough to take on an army in Africa guys.

What's stopping a white death squad from rampaging across SA killing blacks by the thousand?

Would white police actually go out of their way to intervene? No idea what the political climate there is like.

Apart from the hatred, the children may be witnesses to the crime and could possibly recognize the criminals if they are caught.

The online alt right teams up with South African white supremacist groups. All you need to know don't even look into it any further our headlines are sufficient.

shut up you stupid racist colonizer, this will happen in all white countries, time to take our land back.

did she died?

of course

You chose this future.

here is a more grafic one rapped and burned alive

End all aid immediately. Military pressure in the manner of the anti communist struggles in the 1980s.

>rapped and burned alive
Mixtape musta bin straight fire, mah nigga!

This is like asking why a lion kills a human child.

They are fucking animals, that's why.

You know the media loves showing dead babies so much I wonder why they don't so this one or what would happen if they did and honestly explained where the picture was from.

Christ, for a person to be willingly reduced to this by other people is pretty insane.

>what harm can a 5 years old boy or girl do?

Grow up and come back for revenge.


because they are blacks and we are whites

Niggers are a cancer to the planet.

You shouldn't try to understand why black people do the things they do, just like you shouldn't try to understand why a chimpanzee ate someones face.

>he thinks the sa authorities arent the ones doing this

No fucker will catch them as they already know who they are.

Send money faggots. These guys are legit:

What harm did black children across the world do to deserve slavery and the horrors of apartheid? What sort of people would do such a thing?

Because they're niggers. Just remember, they will go the way as Zimbabwe. So there is indeed justice. In the years to come, rotting niggers will fill their streets due to starvation.

They are bantu savages. They've evolved to behave like that.

>Being happy about a hostile foreign race that hates us getting complete control of Africa's natural resources.

Mussies and Jews

Blacks do this to their own children all the time anyway./

I honestly don't care much in that regard. I just want blacks dead or subjugated like the animals they are. If the Chinese do it, more power to them.

no money but i would alist to fight if they really want to be free,i would be in south africa in a week

We're already outside looking in.

This makes me sad and furious as shit and I’m only a mutt. I don’t even know if white people ARE my people or if I’m alone in the world, but these are just children, and nothing about killing white farmers is okay. Yesterday I could only wish we had enough rope, too angry to think anything else.

Europe for the Europeans
Asia for the Asians

This needs to make the news. It needs to be spread all over

>what sort of people would do such a thing
whites before they embraced true empathy............. now look how these fucking niggers repay them.

Well, why don't you try and meddle with the whites instead of complaining about it?
Also, no touchies on whities

White police in SA? If there's any they're too cucked to do anything

Yes. Blacks are ruining Africa. Nobody needs Blacks, Understand ? Who needs Blacks ? Oh that's right.... NOBODY.

This is what niggers always do, destroy. They're a fucking plague.

>white police

Because Niggers lack any sense of morality.

The (((international community))) will send soldiers to kill the Whites like they did in Kosovo.

>South Africa begins pursuing Final Solution against Dutch immigrants that have been nestled for decades
>Sup Forums besides itself with grief for Afrikaaners while simultaneously rooting for their own racially homogenized ethnostate

Wanna see an alt-righter squirm? Ask him how he would feel about accepting South African Boer refugees.

We want them you shitskin-sucking kike

why did apartheid end? did white people ever rape, burn, and torture african children?

I mean, it’s not ideal but what the fuck is the west gonna do? we aint gonna fucking do shit. If china takes over africa at LEAST it would wake the fucking west up and maybe make us less fucking cucked.

huh ?

They kill them because they are white, that's what this is all about

You are a disgusting person.

>unironically saying alt-right
Fuck off

the dutch were there first and built the entire country you actual fucking dense subhuman

its clear at this point that blacs are a buch of savages incapable of governing thenself

ask soldiers who get bombed by mudslime children how much damage a kid can do >:3

>meddle with the whites
Can you be more specific? I try to redpill who I can without outing myself.
>no touchy the whitie
Nah, my kids need to be bleached. It’ll raise them to being 75% of something at least, and not a paranoid mutt who if SHTF has to shoot everyone on sight. I’m not making the lives of my kids even harder by being nonwhite.

They're mad blacks don't complain about muh joos while jerking off to anime, but form their own alt-black movement and create their ethnostate, sending boers back to where they belong

Shitskin leafs are the worse leafs.

OP makes the classic mistake of thinking niggers are human and act according to human ideas of morality.

Shouldn't mutts try to breed with whites?

By 2 generations their children will be at least 80% white. That sounds a hell of a lot better than having two le 56% breed with each other, only perpetuating more mutts.

I really pray this is just fake. If it was real all the governments would be all up in there. See what the fire race hatred can causes. My heart hurts for all the children.

meanwhile jews celebrate the genocide patronising artist like this in paris

The funny unsaid thing of this thread is that most people here want to kill niggers and nigger babies. Yet you cry foul when they kill you first.

Fucking hypocritical pieces of shit.


It's a race war, you idiot.

Why would any government go there? The West sides with helping niggers/brown people far more than any white people, you can literally be arrested for being racist, and in my country be arrested for criticising Islam on twitter and the news just say "Not all muslims" and that "we are strong together, we need to move on"
Government will never help south african whites as they want white genocide


Because your kind did the same to their children

HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!

Communists called all HERESY! fascism.

Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.

Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"

They call people who speak HERESY! names.

You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.

When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.

But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.

>See what the fire race hatred can causes.
You've to be human first in order to able to understand that, unlike the people who post on here. Appreciate the sympathy though.

I'm going to hell for laughing at this, but at least you'll be there too bringing the lulz

this is art according to the jews

Did you come from an anti-white family or did you learn to hate white people at school?

I've seen these before, absolutely sickening, but what's even more sickening is actual white women who choose to breed with niggers

>If you kill your enemy, they win

Why are you so anti-white?

>denying white
>implying you arn't a jew and wont be gassed for even suggesting this

I'm not anti anything. Just stating the facts that both of you want to kill each other, so don't be surprised one someone actually does it on either side.

they are mad because there is very little retaliation. whites around the globe could concentrate their might against these savages and make them look like the inferior beings that they are in a very short amount of time.

I'm with you on this. Genocide the continent or breed the nigs to average 80 IQ.

If you feel good bringing up the killings of whites, then you are not only a little bit anti-white, you are _extremely_ anti-white, user.

Anti-whites are so silly!

Most western men can't throw a grenade as far as their grandfather could. Don't make war sound easy and quick. It never is. Same the said about WW1.

>same as WW1

Neck yourself.

well i would call it "choose"

>don't fight back, whitey
>roll over and die without retaliation
Can't I ever go on the Internet without seeing some silly anti-whites justifying White Genocide?

If whites wouldn't have killed each other in two world wars then you wouldn't have to worry about losing majority in all these countries.

How long are you retards going to remain there before you get the message? Have to be some of the worst parents in the world to remain in such a declining hell hole w/ your wife and kids.

I’m extremely proud to have the opportunity to work with Ariane and Benjamin de Rothschild and…
cleon petterson on twiter

>Anti-whites are so silly!

Says the guy who posts on a site that abets racial purification and genocide.

If I was black I'd rape as many young white girls as I could and kill as many white men as I could.

Still true after she's dead and you're talking about her corpse.

Do you deny that your kind genocided non whites?

Niggers don't care. They just like killing and violence.

>implying anti-whites aren't silly

>genocide as a verb
See what I mean? Anti-whites are dead silly!