"He's shaking his head like everyone else wondering why they can't get their act together... He wants the guy to succeed but thinks a lot of his problems are self-inflicted."
Dubya: Trump 'makes me look pretty good' by comparison
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The dumbest President ever has an opinion. And shocker, it's even dumber than t he foreign-born tranny bottom Jihadist's President's opinion.
The difference is that Trump gets in the trenches and actually changes minds.
Bush was just a good lil' boy who played dress up.
Bush was a lot better president than Trump. At least he enjoyed killing Arabs by hundreds of thousands and laughed then the hurricane was killing niggers.
> The difference is that Trump gets in the trenches
Like in 'Nam?
Dubya was a draft dodger too you fucking leaf.
He, his father and Obongo should be in Guantanamo right now
Bush was a pilot for the Texas Air National Guard from 68-74. At least he did military service.
Bush wishes he had a following like Trump he is a miserable little cuck that deserved to be forever be sent into the dust bin of history
Literally both are pretty much the same except trump is funnier. Same foreign policy too
They sort of merge together in their awfulness for the most part. Modern Republcian presidents all seem to be alike to me. Trump has ramped up the neocon wars and appointed Goldman sachs shills to his cabinet.
what the fuck did he actually do? he was certainly never in any danger thats for sure.
>Literally both are pretty much the same except trump is funnier.
>trump is funnier
Dubya was a laugh riot 24/7. Trump hasn't been funny since the primary.
Has Trump started a war yet?
He was never really bad or even dumb. Hell people kept on saying he's never get elected, get his bills passed, or get re-elected.
Yet he did.
It's typical of the smug liberal to play up the "Hurr he was dumb" claim. But here's a little known fact:
Stupid people don't get elected.
They get up on stage, make mockeries of themselves, show the world they're stupid, and then it just ends for them.
Watch Bushes 2000 debates again. Really study his style. The fucker knew what he was doing.
Even him speaking out like that just recently is a calculated move to make people re-evaluate and rate him more highly as a president.
That's what patricians do by their very nature.
>Bush went awol from his post in the air force
>Trump literally said "having sex with so many women and not getting STDs" was his personal Vietnam after escaping the draft due to "bone spurts"
Jesus Christ....
>implying obama hasent made the situation in the middle east 100 times worst. tell me when trump armed rebels
>can't even use meme arrows
Jesus Christ gookmoot just rename Sup Forums to reddit and be done with it
I don't doubt his service, but I find it odd that he did not fly any planes himself after leaving service. Everyone that I know that flew in service Flys something to this day until they got too old and couldn't pass. Just weird
You may be fucking retarded
We just killed a 100 Russians in Syria like a week ago, sending weapons to Ukraine, Israel is ramping up rebel support in Syria, we have god only knows how many special ops going on, ramp up to war with Iran and North Korea. Oh and don't forget the cherry on top: Jerusalum move for the Zionist war mongers in the GOP.
Yeah ok user Trump is a peace nik.
litteraly the chad trump and the virgin bush
and a Dow lawyer to a top position in the fucking EPA
Revolving door well and alive under Trump.
trump was against the Iraq war and Vietnam war. trump is a president of peace.
>trump was against the Iraq war and Vietnam war.
and yet the bushes voted for Hillary. really makes me think.
>ramped up
Dead fucking opposite of the truth.
anyone got a shoe?
The lies spread on here during the primary about Trump's forgein policy is unreal. His speech at AIPC alone showed he was 100% part of the ZOG Saudi jewish neocon mafia.
>Donald Trump Supporting Libya Intervention In 2011
>Donald Trump in 2002: I support Iraq invasion
>By Justin Worland August 16, 2015
>Donald Trump Calls for U.S. Ground Troops in Iraq
The Bush family worked with the Israeli Mossad to carry out 9/11
revenge soon
After getting into office we get this shit:
Trump's son in law is literally Mossad.
I’ve heard 2 scenarios about Bush on 9/11.
1. (((They))) were going to whack him that day. That’s why he choked at the school. Nobody rushed him out so he was like this is it. They are killing me right here.
2. He was just a clueless baboon with Dick running shit.
Are you retarded?
>2. He was just a clueless baboon with Dick running shit.
This this this this this
>Obama starts wars in Libya and Syria
>Trump starts no new wars
>Somehow Trump is a neocon warmonger and Obama is not
>Are you retarded?
You must be retarded not to see the Kushner Mossad Israel connections.
Dubya was a badass alpha and I love him, despite selling out our foreign policy to Israel.
But Trump is a god compared to him.
>Trump starts no new wars
>Trump sent weapons to Ukraine and has bombed Russian and Assad troops
>also we have troops in Somalia, first US troops deaths since Clinton
>the Nigergate scandal
Yeah ok no more "new wars"
Trump ain't no stranger to the Mossad
pic related
>Somehow Trump is a neocon warmonger and Obama is not
Every US president since FDR has been a neocon war monger.
Bush was fucking dogshit
The fact that he is being rehabilitated by the media is a fucking disgrace.
you're out of your fuckin mind and are completely lacking in credibility after saying that a guy who inside jobbed 9/11, introduced the patriot act, almost got us into a war with China, initiated the deaths of 100,000+ civilians and led to the rise of ISIS who went on to kill Christians, awarded no bid contracts to his VP's company, and made the world hate us so bad Americans felt morally obligated to award the presidency to a two-year experienced senator from Kenya who won the Peace Prize for being a nigger
Just reevaluate your whole world view please
You're a legit retard.
How many dictators has Trump toppled?
Bush had Saddam
Obama had Gadaffi
Trump has Assad? No, Assad is still alive.
>coming from Bush
At least his Dad's cronies aren't running his administration, you saudi/israeli cuck.
Trump has probably killed more in 1 year than Bush killed in 8
plenty US troops died under Obama
they have no logs of him ever actually serving
>He’s not a good goy like me
>How many dictators has Trump toppled?
He's a year in, give him some time user. he's already working on it by bombing Russians in Syria and sending anti-tank missiles in Ukraine.
Those Iranian CIA "protesters" almost started a new Libya for Trump. If he starts war with North Korea Trump's body count will make every other president look like peaceniks.
>The dumbest President ever
Well, up until Trump. At least Bush could read
we should have voted for Hillary right? She has nothing at all to do with Goldman Sachs, right? Let's forget the fact that Goldman Sachs were prohibited from donating to Trumps campaign.
>plenty US troops died under Obama
I'm not on the D or R team.
>we should have voted for Hillary right?
>when you can't defend Trump, so you must bring up Hillary.
>Lets spend trillions of dollars invading a fucking desert to overthrow a secular dictator who killed terrorists for fun.
>t. retard GWB
How many wars have YOU fought in?
Again, what states has Trump toppled?
Bush had Iraq
Obama had Libya.
>inb4 he bombed isis that means he's a neocon
>inb4 he bombed some russian mercanries that are illegal under russian law so he's a neocon
>inb4 he sold weapons to a white country defending itself in a civil war so he's a neocon
>inb4 he wants to go to war with north korea so that's why north korea is seeking dialogue with south korea so he's a neocon
True...Trump sounds and writes like a high school drop out
Baby Bush was fucking stupid, but Trump takes the cake when it comes to being a moron
bush belongs in solitary confinement, life sentence, for war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
who should trump have put in there? Jill Stein? Jesus Christ, were trying to make America great again and some fucking Hue Hue from a country that eats monkeys and slashes and burns down the rainforest thinks Americans should give a single fuck about their opinion on the environment?
He's right. The Bush Years were tame by comparison.
>same foreign policy
Trump has unleashed havoc on the middle East by starting wars?
Are you fucking retarded?
>Again, what states has Trump toppled?
I already pointed out he's a year in, plus US is Roman empire in late stage, it's decling fast and Trump is the sign of the collapse. The build up to war with Iran is in the works. he'll probably us it to win reelection, you know like Dubya, start a war to get reelected.
>mm, I guess...
>See! He's a rabid warmonger!
The truth is, he was voted in by people who don't want any more stupid wars. And if there is a stupid war, it's the DoD in control, not the CIA
>Trump has unleashed havoc on the middle East by starting wars?
He's continues all the Middle east wars in Syria, Yemen, Iraq. He's just the continuation of Obama's forgein policy of maintaining the dying empire.
>bombing Russians
He bombed a bunch of mercenaries which are illegal under Russian law (Check it out private military contractors are illegal under Russian law)
>sending anti-tank missiles in Ukraine.
Wow, sending weapons to a white country to help it fight in a civil war?
>He's a year in, give him some time user.
Yes, I give myself time to do an objective analysis of a president.
I don't assume conclusions before hand.
I bet you cried like a bitch when Trump spoke the AIPC and kissed Jew ass.
the ground troops are already there, Hillary put them there
I enjoy his bantz, and agree with most of his platform; but the administration's problems are as much from,Donald's personality flawas as from msm doing their best to destroy him.
He'd be better as a vice president, where fucking around was his job, and he was the one who strongarmed people behind the scenes.
>implying US troops weren't stationed in Syria by Obama
>He bombed a bunch of mercenaries which are illegal under Russian law (Check it out private military contractors are illegal under Russian law)
Ok Trump didn't kill Russians in Syria, which the US is illegally occupying with 4,000 US troops that trump deployed under his watch.
>Wow, sending weapons to a white country to help it fight in a civil war?
You're a cocksucking faggot if you want to start war with another white nation (Russia) for the jews.
>almost got us into a war with China
But countering Chinese expansion is a good thing.
Do you also want the US to pull out from the South China Sea and let the chinks choke international trade?
You're just a dipshit liberal with a foregone conclusion.
I'll have you know I voted for Obama with the same optimism. I judged him fairly through his term. And now I'm doing the same for Trump.
>mass death and destruction in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan
>Trump's tweets are worse
and you wonder why everyone across the political spectrum, even the rest of the left, hates you
>first US troops deaths since Clinton ran the state department
they should all get the rope in my opinion
Every fucking member of the elite.
No exceptions, including Trump
Not 4,000 US troops, some special ops yeah, but Trump has radically increases US troop levels in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan,
But hey keep sucking that Trump cock faggot. When war with Iran happens, don't say I didn't warn you for supporting Israel/Saudi kike puppet.
Wow, sending weapons to Ukraine means war with Russia?
Get fucking real.
Russia is run by kikes, why else would they attack a country like Ukraine?
>Trump's tweets are worse
Except Trump has continue the mass destruction, drone strikes have increased radically under him, invade we have more civilian casualties under Trump than Obama in the last 8 years.
Yet again, how many states has Trump toppled?
>Wow, sending weapons to Ukraine means war with Russia?
Ok faggot and when Russia sends weapons to the Taliban, Iran, North Korea, Houthis? When Russia invades the rest of Ukraine? You fucking neocon fucks never learn. Fuck you faggot.
we lost 5000 troops fighting sand niggers, you think the US population had the stomach to lose millions of lives
> sends weapons to the Taliban, Iran, North Korea, Houthis
Interesting, Russia sends weapons to Islamists, while America sends weapons to white europeans and somehow Russia isn't the kiked country?
>Yet again, how many states has Trump toppled?
He's a year into his presidency, Obama didn't get to work until 2011. Give him time. He's got to build up the WMD myth for Iran. I bet you will love that, bomb Iran for the jews.
>while America sends weapons to white europeans
Yeah kill yourself kike. Ukraine is ruled by kike puppets of the EU.
Unless I see Bush on video painting an entire portrait of his victims, I’m not buying it. When did he find time between the Booz and daddy’s famous blow to become the next Bob Ross?
The Bush legacy.
Can’t wait to watch all the people I know who constantly shit on Bush when he was in. Now they’ll suck his dick cause he talks shit about their new boogeyman Trump
>helping a white country enforce rule of law is anti-white
What kind of kike logic are you mumbling?
Ukraine is fascist, that's why Russia hates it
>why else would they attack a country like Ukraine?
Because Russia has always had a hard time securing its borders. It happened a few centuries ago, and it still happens today.
Why the fuck wouldn't they grab Crimea? They're already low on ports and their logistics is absolutely terribly, since they're basically a land empire with very few trade routes.
>you think the US population had the stomach to lose millions of lives
Well, you're still going to lose a lot of lives when the chinks eventually challenge you, so might as well start soon rather than late. Superpower and hegemony by 2050, Xi Jiping himself said it.
You know it's going to happen.
I mean as far as putting his foot in his mouth Dubya is right. Trump shoots himself in the foot a lot more than W, did.
As far as actual policy fuck ups and fiascos go, Trump is doing a much better job so far.
What defines an empire? Is it a dynasty?
It's still a legit point. It was the only reason Donald won.
I hear bombs & Iran. I’m in.
Empire is one of those words that have multiple meanings depending on your political affiliation. I'd say it's just a huge and diverse landmass that's not federalized. I mean, if the USSR wasn't an empire then I don't know what the fuck an empire is.
You could argue that the KGB is still in power, but I didn't really intend to imply that.