> i hire the best people
Why does this white house have a higher turnover rate than your local McDonald's? Seriously, who the hell is left except pence and sessions?
> i hire the best people
Why does this white house have a higher turnover rate than your local McDonald's? Seriously, who the hell is left except pence and sessions?
Oh fuck off shill. Draining the swamp is a good thing
Low effort slide thread created to subvert discussion and distract. Why is high turnover considered a bad thing?
>bring people in to work for me
>they all quit
>l-look guys I'm draining the swamp
Oh nooo, not the Goldman Sachs globalist guy!
But trump brought this guy into the swamp
Stephen Miller and trump’s mirror was his economic advisor
He was Kushner’s guy.. trump clearly wasn’t listening to him
So we're just going to ignore that this was Trump's decision from the beginning? As if Trump didn't build good own shitty neocon swamp?
*His own shitty
Who could he possibly appoint that you would trust with experience in these positions that you wouldn’t consider a corrupt neocon lol?
Literally anyone who didn't work for or take donations from corrupt corporations. How hard could that be? Is that not how you drain the swamp?
imagine being this retarded lmfao
He was pressured to hire him. Did you just ignore this when it happened?
The fake outrage over Flynn started the ball rolling. Trump wasn’t the establishment like Hillary, who could just wheelchaired into power with her handlers ready to serve. Sessions needs to go too. But with all this everything is not that bad.
Improvise, adapt, and overcome.
Wtf? How? The man tweets whatever he wants everyday without anyone's validation. How the hell was he pressured?
Trump chose Cohn to pass the tax cuts for Trump and his elite banker and ceo friends. Trump framed it as "TAX CUTS FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!", but actually it was the biggest wealth redistribution to the wealthy in our nation's history. And idiots on this board ate that propaganda up and cheered the scraps that the elites left behind. Cohn has done what he was hired for. He's useless now. The damage will take literally decades to undo. There's a reason why only 17% of Americans approved that tax bill.
Wtf I hate the extra money in my paycheck and lower tax the goverment robs from me now
I thought trump was the master deal maker and the best at everything. Who could posssibly pressure him?
Have you ever watched the apprentice? Trump culls the weak and he gets strong candidates.
>Muh taxes is evil. It's better for Mr.Goldburg to my money instead. It'll trickle down on me and not those good for nothing niggers and spics
Trump could have easily lowered taxes for the middle and lower class, and left the upper class as is. But he didn't. The lionshare of cuts went to the 1%. But fine, enjoy your extra $200. I'm sure lack of funding for roads, police, schools, postal system, public transportation, waste management, libraries, national parks and monuments, and infrustructure will be a net positive on society. The free market will kick in at any moment. It's not like the elites are greedy jews who won't invest in this nation or something.
Yes. Because the future of our nation and planet is a reality show.
You shills have no understanding of basic economics do you... Have you seen all the good shit that came out of the lowering of the corp. tax rates for the average American? No, you'll just yell, "MERRR 1%" while the average income for Americans reaches a ALL TIME HIGH. Yes the rich are getting richer, but so is everyone else. Poverty is becoming less and less common EVERYWHERE and the fact that a minority of people are fucking rolling in cash isn't going to change the fact that quality of life for most people is on the up and up. Hell, most of these people reinvest their money into the market to provide new jobs and advancement of technology, not just sit on it an snicker like assholes (though I'm sure there are people like this somewhere). No, the Trump Tax cuts have been making the average American richer, not fucking them over.