/IBS/ Internet Blood Sports. L I B E R A L I S T S D E A T H S Q U A D edition

>Last night stream: We Wuz Kangz Debate Roastie vs nigger

>Styx vs Nick Religion in the U.S

>Collet vs boomer faggot: the JQ

>New into blood sports? Watch Richard Spencer vs Sargon and Styx

>Last night on /bybs/: economics etc.

>Jim vs le_vore_face: Internet trolling

>Sargoy vs Anglin: liberalists flag squads got this video down


>JF and Spencer vs Vee and Arch about ethnonationalism

>Sargoy, Bre Faucheux & Mark Collett Discuss Power & the State

>Ethnostate: Enoch, AltHype, Vee, Sargon, Cedarwood, Liberalists

>Nick Fuentes vs. RC Maxwell | Civic Nationalism Debate

>Real life blood sports:Nick Fuentes Vs Will Chamberlain

>JF video: Vee is stupid and can't into science

>Wanna know the origins of /IBS/ shill? start here!

Wanna get into backyard /IBS/? Here is how pastebin.com/NMR0im9G

Bloodsport clips: youtube.com/channel/UCoCuOwpNQ39uaEU76cy_0qg/videos

Other urls found in this thread:


Schedule for this week UPDATED 03/06

For today: A talk with Monsieur Z about alternative history. Warski Live 7pm EST
Thurday: Maoist Rebel News vs Sargon 3PM EST
Friday: something something warski live (I don't remember)

JF vs Jay Dyer about religion (No date)
April 1st Flat_earther vs JF about flat earth
Lowtax vs Anglin (no date)
Alt-Hype vs Spino on race realism (no date)
Ryan Dawson vs tba (no date)
Failure vs Mike Enoch (maybe)
After every major stream ancap user will host a /bybs/ stream


lost the meme flag gadspain?


I've been Spain posting for a few days

We Liberalists now

Queen and eternal muse of /ibs/.

Also my wife.

Hail Don Sargone!

JF lost the debate and he knows it, that's why he tapped out like a cuck

Is this how Sargon claims to be half black, since part of his family is Spanish? For the record, I'm pretty liberal with my definition of white. I consider all of Europe to be white.

You have to be more subtle with the falseflag, JF

dumb leaf

>all of Europe is white
Eurocucks need to get shot

I've been away
what good debates have happened?
I only watched knife vs spoon


figured out how to proxy?

Is Veeh ok? He's still sperging out.

>I only watched knife vs spoon
That's pretty much it
If you find funny wewuz-ing maybe check the last warski stream
For how long have you been away?

there you go now you got it forgot the meme flag and proxy
can some one screen cap the leaf nigger

He wants to milk this "victory" as much as he can, it's all he has after all.

How are you defining white? I'm using to refer to a specific subcategory of caucasians. By definition of caucasian, all of Europe, plus North Africa and the Middle East, are caucasian.

I'm too afraid of Sarg'n to object to this. Time to get out the liberalist flag.

Only Anglos are white. Stop trying to include (((Germans))) and their continental ilk as worthy of anything but contempt.

Not gonna lie, former JF supporter here. This is hilarious watching him crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let this guy get on dee pooblic spaeze anymore.

Not all caucasians are white my dude.

Who the fuck is Monsieur Z?



Bold claims from Bishop, the alleged Lawyer, considering i went into his livestream and asked him for a definition of doxing and he couldn't give one.

7:05 and warski hasn't started yet

t. 3rd grade reading level

Pride in one’s nation is healthy. Nation Identiterian it’s the way to go. Race can go fuck itself, slavics and irish are white and they are basically niggers.

>alternate historical scenarios

Weird can't watch it on mobile youtube app.


I basically spent the week moving furniture, I came by a few times but I missed most of what happened
I did see the Collett stream though, I was never going to miss that one
btw is it in limited state or something? why the bitchute link?
also, I'm wondering wtf happened with jim and dr randomercam

You can't even grasp the concept of a "subcategory." If anyone's the nigger here, it's you. I'm not memening when I say this, friend, but you're retarded. I'd tell you to re-evaluate your opinions, but in all likelihood, you're going to need some e-celeb to tell you otherwise, because I don't believe you're able to think for yourself.

Lebensraum for the LIberalist

I’m whiter than you mutt.

nvm it's working now


He triggered JF and JF blocked him.

He's legitimately mentally challenged. He's struggling to understand that there could be subcategories for caucasians, one of which being white. This concept is so complex that he's forced to conflate whites and caucasians.

Sure you are, sweetie. A white person wouldn't struggle to grasp such a simple concept.

Under that logic, Steve Shives it’s the biggest winner.

"Bloodsports for the blood god!!"-JF

"But don't criticize me or I'll block you"-Also JF

"Also don't bring up how all my peers have discredited me and psychologists have labeled me as 'incapable of basic reasoning skills'. Don't attack the people attack the argument."-Also also JF

what did he do?
go away samefagging leaf

JF go home you Quebecnigger. North America for the Anglos, spics and Francophones gtfo


samefagging now spam you are a fag leaf

They were debating that nurture vs nature question, and Vee aparently made a video with a mocking tone as a response to one of JF's videos.

can someone tell me how Vee proved JF wrong?

Vee didnt even finish the video

>subcategories for caucasians

Hi Ryan! Only you can be this retarded. No ethnostate for AIDS carrying faggots like you, we’ve been over this.

Being tall, fit, blonde with blue eyes and family tree going back century of pure estonians I don't get offended or triggered by kekistani flag fun posters XD

Vee didnt understand the idea of genes affecting environmental variables (because he didnt finish the video), but if you look in his comments he understood it when people bullied him into accepting it

this stream will be ResidentSleeper

Copying youtube comments here?

We need a UK user to go to this liberalists event and report back
>there will be canapes

Or just suicide bomb it.

>Snow nigger think he’s white

What has Estonia done for the white race recently other than being irrelevant

I'm not going to bother following the conversation you're attempting to have because I can already safely bet against you if you're trying to use logic.

Nigger, you're dumb. I genuinely mean that. You're really, really stupid. A concept that someone in elementary school would understand went over your head. I'd advise against you trying to use logic in any future conversations. Instead, wait for someone to form an opinion for you so you can regurgitate it, so at least you can pretend to have graduated high school.

Christ, I just realized he's using a meme flag. I try to avoid making assumptions based on the flag of the person posting, but if anything, that just solidifies my opinion that he's just a "memer" that'll vomit out the opinion of his favorite e-celeb.

jf cringe


Wasn't Jay Dyer tonight?

Awww you’re triggered Faulk? Instead of making videos on genes for the white race, why don’t you make videos explaining how faggots like yourself ruin societies with your dirty defective genes? If you really love the white race you should commit sudoku.

He's not well. He got a doctor's note and can't make it.

How do we beat him bros?

Did you watch the Vee vs Metokur stream?
>btw is it in limited state or something? why the bitchute link?

We can't, we already tried everything...

I'm super fine with us being irrelevant country. Niggers and sandniggers can't find us and we can live in peace in our forest camps.

>get btfo by intellectual romanian doctor
>block him
the eternal salt-right reduced to SJWs once again by the based liberalist leader

Did you get that one from youtube too?

>small tits = asians
no Hitomi Tanaka?

Aren't you following his logic? Much likes whites are not distinct from the rest of the caucasians, there are no such thing as sandniggers, because they are not a distinct subspecies of cacuasians. People of North African descent, of Middle Eastern descent, and European descent are not unique enough to demand unique categorization.

It's 2018, bigot. #onerace #onelove

fuck off sjw faggot

>All Caucasians are the same!!!11

Adolf Hitler never wanted to invade America
basically the navy pushed him to declare war since america was adopting an offensive posture to germany
destroyers for bases increased pattrol routes etc

liberalists are the new SJWs

>t-that means they are subcategories!! Papa JF told me while I was swallowing his balls


no sweetie, I'm a destipede

Why would Spain spend a lot of manpower to conquer south america?
There's nothing useful there

JF just explained the situation on racewarski live
vee didn't even watch the whole video
>vee vs jim
no, what happened?
damn, (((they)))'re pissed

Well this liberalist can kick your chink ass

>far-right alt-history stream

I think you meant to say the alt-right there

>the new SJWs
no they are the old SJWs
the SJW lite the ones they left behind
one and the same for some time

There were American diplomats who wanted to side against the UK. The most famous example is Joe Kennedy, the patriarch for the Kennedy family, as he believed that the American ideal of democracy has left England and the United Kingdom was not worth defending.

>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs


who /destblessed/ here


honestly dont know about that
but basically you were in an undeclared war with them and the kriegsmarine wanted to just get it over with and let loose

Unironically Destiny fan. Did you guys see the video compilation where he btfo Tonka nigger and Venti at the same time?


>no, what happened?
Vee keep sperging out at /cow/ and calling them alt-right
So Jim tried to explain why they were doing that.
So vee got kicked from his chair because he is retarded
What gold? the only interesting country is venezuela and even so you would have to gas the population to be worth it


Joe Kennedy was forced out of his job because of his beliefs, which wasn't uncommon. Even before the US got involved in the war, people within the gov't who appeared to be sympathetic towards the Axis powers were considered outcasts and were forced out of their jobs. Popular opinion among civilians wasn't decidedly against the Axis during our "neutrality" during WWII.


I want him to be my dad

Of course especially the size of the German ethnic population in the US at the time.

who's the guy left of Primo de Rivera?