>pizzagate isn't re-
Pizzagate isn't re-
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what the fuck is that?
bitch ass no link having ass gtfo
think I found it
What is that?
wtf gtfo
It's Israel child trafficking
oh no not best gore. Fuck you OP this is the worst rick roll ever.
Anyone who commits acts of murdering children for organs deserves scaphism. It's the worst punishment I can think of.
>abusers hands are brown
So when are we going to glass the middle East and just be done with it?
all these faggots complaining about gore
soy boys can't handle real stuff. BTFO
Poor child... fuck we live in hell
>t. edgy faggot who thinks he's badass because he can watch a gore vid
If you saw this in real life you wouldn't be so tough.
I mean it says
But honestly it could just be any medical professional trying to get a kid to calm down. Dentist maybe? kid doesn't want scary man to clean teeth and is crying?
IDK could be anything honestly just the title makes it seem awful.
the eternal ram is satisfied
Is it real?
I'm not watching it either way. Show Trump.
I think reddit is more to your liking
a child is not happy about being tied down?
so what
Yeah, let's all just go to sleep... nothing to see here, just a dentist.
and no God to stop this shit.
No vigilantes.
No heroes.
This is the real world and there is nothing you can do about it.
the sweetest feeling in this life is fragmenting purity
Fucking gas them all. They all need to die painfully. Have them bound to a table and harvest their organs while they breath. No pain killers. Just adrenalin.
why are there so many bodies in garbage bags at the dentist though?
>could be anything... teeth cleaning
>Child is not happy about being tied down. So what
Because dentists tie you down and clean your teeth?
Why would a dentist have a bunch of dead bodies in his operating cave?
Do something about your pedophile government
Watch the video you fucking pussy. They literally showed someone getting cut open.
Ov vey! Good shekels from war!
this guy made the same comment in another thread. He's probably ((((one of them))).
good point lol didnt see those if they are indeed bodies.
I think you belong in a gas chamber you cuck faggot
the horned goat of babel chips away at the pillars of purity
soon the entire world will decay and fade, only the wisdom of the ancients will linger in the salted air, a bitter taste
They will be saving up to illegally emigrate to the west, with the help of Globalism*TM.
It makes me warm and fuzzy. Pass the remote control my brain needs washing.
>the sweetest feeling in this life is fragmenting purity
dissolving innocence is such a rush that floods the mind with the most intense high?
I found this on archive wtf are you saying or quoting m8?
It wasn't that bad
Wtf kind of dentist office has garbage bags full of dead kids?
My brother was unruly as a child and had to be held down a few times before sedation to do some cavity repairs. Although my dentist just used mild numbing gel before the jaw numbing shots, but they still hurt and I squirmed like a bitch when those needles poked my gums.
no way im clicking that jesus chrst
It's a makeshift hospital in a warzone you retards
the world is darkest than you imagine
Except obliterate the Middle East, of course. We have the power. Just not the will.
Are organs typically harvested from children? What use are they?
Its from a white helmets video of a false flag gas attack, they act like theyre giving her an antidote (unconscious or already dead) but violently stab the syringe in her heart and swirl it around which would obviously kill anybody
This video was so heart-breaking. There were literally child corpses in bags around that place. I hope these people die a horrible death and go to hell forever.
Hey im not a shill just saying it may be incorrectly named to bait someone into looking stupid.
>Show the video somewhere important court, congress, etc w/e
>You idiot that is just xyz.mov from this documentary, tv show, etc w/e you and pizzagate is BS alt-right faggotry
I'm into spooky shit on the internet but there aint no fuckin way im clickin that shit.
If it's so bad you better off yourself instead of being a cancerous little fuck deterring change.
Doesn't really show anything but a glimpse of organs being harvested on another bed and dead kids in body bags.
Go to other children? I think the small size would have trouble keeping up with an Adults metabolism. But then again they could make up for it by implanting multiple organs, kind of like a space marine.
Niggers it shows nothing, you have to fallow a link to see anything.
This kind of behavior is scary. "I don't wanna see a video because it has gore in it even though it is evidence of something." Imagine if in court cases the jury could just opt out of looking at evidence. God I hope the Earth explodes soon, we don't deserve life.
Fuck off James.
Why do they need a tub underneath a child that is seemingly uninjured?
I don't know of any dentist that keeps child corpses stuffed in garbage bags stacked up in their examination rooms.
Show flag please
Harvesting adrenachrome
There is a god, his name is Samuel Colt, and his sons fatman and little boy.
we are the children of the order
i was brave enough to click it
Glad I’m on an iPhone and can’t play webms
It's just two babies playing with red velvet cake mix.
>some sheltered faggot has never seen the real world
Gore shows you how reality works beyond your censored little world.
Seeing a man beg for his life with no hands, no tongue, and a skinned face really puts things into perspective when you complain about monday morning traffic.
don't do it user
i still remember shit i have seen on b years ago
The vid is of a little girl being led by a shiek into a room with an examination bed and she starts crying when they lay her down, then the video cuts to two corpses in black plastic bags in some dimly lit hallway.
You must mean this pic related
However if this a makeshift hospital in Syria they may be preforming surgery but he does look dead AF and like they are ripping the skin backwards.
Although looks really unsanitary I doubt those organs will be of any use
Bost screems
We aren't in court, dude. If I don't want to click things on the internet, I don't have to. Why are you so crazy about this?
kid has curly hair so its okay
what the fuck is this thread
>Several bags of dead bodies with feet sticking out and another person being cut open before the place a box under her that's supposed to catch the blood when they cut her open
What. The. Fuck.
Pic related the bodies. for those who do not want to watch
Probably for the next wave of potential victims? I doubt they have the forethought to change their rooms for every possible walk in, if that's the case.
Just a little harmless fun, you serious sams are total buzz kills.
The reason why kikes need to be genocided.
holy shit how new are you people when the mere mention of bestgore makes you queasy?
Just going to leave this here. Starts at 50 seconds.
>Literally just putting a crying kid up on a medical table in a makeshift hospital.
It's fucking nothing.
Royal Order of Pizzaniggers.
That euphoric moment brings you closer to the altar of babel, where you give your mind, body and spirit to the eternal ram of babel. The evaporation of naive spirit brings us closer to the eternal ram. May we lay on the altar as the ultimate sacrifice, and relieve ourselves from all this pain and suffering. I pray unto you eternal ram of kemet. May you engulf this decayed world in darkness and usher in a new age. Oh light bringer, I pray onto thee, may you engulf this world in eternal decay. The end is nigh, said the eternal ram as he laid waste and decay at the hands of kemet....embrace the decay, for there is no salvation in this life. The entry is tight but with the right amount of thrust and drive anything is possible. The empty canvas is christened with red paint. Do you understand... The tears are used as lubricant for the forced entry. The deflowering process empowers those that seek silence. Let me be the first one to tell you that it’s ok to quit, it’s ok to give into temptation. You should embrace the decay and depredation bucks. You seen the catalog? Everyone is down in the dumps and that’s not necessarily a bad thing hehe, you see everything fell into place hehehe. All that is left is ruin... I’m talking to you now, there is no one else... I’ve called your cellphone periodically, you refuse to answer. I want you to acknowledge what I’ve said, the empty canvas has been christened with red paint... You must never forget that there is no salvation in this life and you must embrace the decay.
>pizzagate is somehow tied to organ harvesting in buttfuck somewhere because child
>rabbi finklestein
>imagine if a court did that
We are not a jury, imagine if a train driver took a nap like I'm going to do shortly. DISASTER!
We'd all better get hysterical immediately.