Black woman destroys white privilege myth

She has more than 1M views and name the jewish privilege and anti white male propaganda.

How can youtube,adl,splc let this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:


>censoring people of color, let alone woman in color

based black

a rare gem

Alright which one of you has been fucking negresses

did she just name the jew?



>the fuck do I care
chill as fuck.

I like your picture, take a bump.

She can stay.


It's not hard to do. Seems whites care too much about their shekels to do it publicly.

yass queen slay

Underrated kek

>"Mr Steinberg"

>based blacky
Shill. Controlled opposition. Amazing how easily fooled you faggots are.

Only there? It gets better

This implies that the current state of the world is entirely our own fault, as it is our role to educate and train the subhumans below us. This includes their understanding of their role in our society.

she doenst even talk like a nigger

well, theres a reasonable nigress

My O.G. red pill guy was an upper class Ethiopian lel

Serious question Sup Forums, am I the only one who prefers black women wearing their hair naturally? Never understood that weave shit, it'd be akin to me wearing dreadlocks. In other words, pretending to be someone I'm not. Thoughts?

Definitely a model citizen. I'm always a tad stunned but this, but the media's brainwashing is so powerful I'm probably still reacting to it, hence my being stunned at all.



>based black that names the Jew

She’s a lovely woman, but she’s one in a million. This doesn’t change my stance on blacks being a net negative for every nation on this planet.

white privilege is a concept. its one that many white people believe but they wont admit it. its not that they actually get to do things others dont its that they believe they can

its a form of pride. the thought that they are some how above it all . in practice its not a reality. white privilege hurts white people not minorities. its only a concept. the moment reality sets in they are regretting life choices in a prison cell awaiting trial or in a shallow grave

>you got a big fat chip on your shoulder that mr steinberg put there through the media

She's privileged because she grew up around the genetic tranquility of whites. Other blacks don't get the opportunity to escape toxic nigger culture.

a based negro
went to jail for 9 days for tickets
blames no one but herself

I don't do the based nigger meme. Do remember that for everyone 1 like her, there's 50 feral niggers.

Actually refreshing to hear a black woman talk like a normal person. And she's right.

>"Mr. Steinberg"
>"all those people happen to be Jewish"
>that like/dislike ratio on a video naming the Jew


>Movie makers are privileged
>I have my own history with a certain group of people
>Whenever I'm around them, there's a bad smell


she loves white cock

>been to Africa
>reality comes at you hard

This is the best vid of 2018 so far. Absolutely based goddess. I honestly fucking teared up. I love black people, but god do I hate niggers.

Has she been labeled anti Semitic yet?

I like to think we have a common enemy.

Tommy sotomayor gets his accounts shutdown every day.

>hockey gif

People are waking up

lol Pierre

at least Im not an ugly monkey person lel

>if you're getting bent out of shape by me saying theres no such thing as white privilege then you're a black person that loves your victim status and you got a big fat chip on your shoulder that mr (((steinburg))) put there through the media that you bought into


not le based negro, but id let her have her own ethnostate in africa away from the jew

I am extremely sorry master
I could not resist the roast beef

>anti Semitic
No, in all likelyhood she will be labeled as an "Uncle Tom".
This tactic serves to ostracize her from black culture, as to have a chilling effect on her spreading her ideas to other folks in her ethnic group.

>based negroe
I wonder how much money her masters gave her for this controlled opposition stunt.

>Do remember that for everyone 1 like her, there's 50 feral niggers.
More like 1:100,000+ . Still no harm in admitting black unicorns exist. These are the more evolved of the species (usually some white blood) that know that a purge is coming soon, and they don't want to end up hanging by a rope.

I gotcha Ashton

stop being racist vee

Pretty much all the ebil role models end up being the ultimate anti-goy

Paul nehlen got suspended for naming the Jew

she has a very sweet voice

The white blood part isn't necessarily true. The man you have pictured clearly doesn't have that much, maybe 10-15% at most.

The white privilege movement is targeting us based on race. They don't do this to anybody else. Race is something we can't change. It's mighty mean and has signs of being something much more sinister than they let on.

i came. this woman might have just saved the white race.

we all knew that hitler 2.0 would be a black woman.

>Woman is not a nigger

Here is another black truth-teller. Says don't let the (((MSM))) with their agenda to foment hate among ethnicities dictate what you think.

black people didnt make up dreadlocks lol

Please die. Faggots like you are fucking retarded. Anyone who agrees with your ideology is controlled op. How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe that and not see how it hurts your own goal?

True, it's so strange, sometimes you think that blacks talk that way because they were different phisically, but seems not.

stormfront forums in a nutshell

once a minority proves that they arent a nigger theyre ok in my book

>Paid for by Russia

Looking for that youtube following

That does it, from now on I am a #CruzMissile