Christian Thread

No C*tholics allowed

Low effort slide thread created to subvert discussion and clog up Sup Forums with a meme flag post.

Absurd. No tangible genetic distinction whatever. Infighting serves non whites.


Let’s talk revelations

Pretty much the entire prophecy of Ezekiel came true so it’s only a matter of time before he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all the kindred of the world shall wail because of him.

NI is a basket case.

Accept it and try to do better, don't take your disappointment out on us.

>Papist scum
How’s it feel to worship the whore of Babylon?

Oh no no no no no...

>(((Pope Francis)))

How do you feel that you have never read the church fathers?

this thread again? OP cucks for israel


I’ve read the KJV a million times. Anything else is heresy.

(((Protestants))) at it again.

Miss me with that modern Christian garbage. I’m a seventh day adventist

>kike D&C christianity thread
One day soon, the world will once more fear the word Crusade.

Scurry away now while you can, little rat.

Just like it feared the last time, when you geniuses skipped turkish Anatolia to go to some meaningless kike land and die of dysentery while leaving nothing behind, just to sack Constantinople, the biggest christian city in the world, enabling the Ottoman Empire to invade all the way to Germany while you were busy killing each other and half of the german population in "Religious Wars" over small differences in interpretation?

Yeah, sure the yid is scared of the return of such "geniouses"... The christians then took the Holy Land in 1918 and... gave it to Israel because their governments are entirely owned by (((them))) yet basement-dwellers masturbate about "muh crusades" while their countries are fucked they shout DOOS VOOLT!


You KJV only fuckers are legitimately the stupidest bunch of people I've ever encountered.

Atleast I’m not autistic

In all fairness the Levant is rightful European clay

The point t of protestanteesim was that there were major grievances with the Catholic church I.e pluralism, nepotism and indulgences. These were fixed during the reformation. Being a protestant in Year Of Our Lord 2k18 is the most retarded thing ever.

The vision I had was different than that and had a bit of sage in it



There are literally zero Protestant Supreme Court justices, there is only one Episcopalian who converted late in life. If Obama had gotten his way, our Supreme Court would have been 4/9 Jewish.


Martin Luther was an anti-semite who argued for burning synagogs but ebic ((())) maymay

Kim Jong Un also calls out the jews... Doesn't mean his communist ideas are right...

D&C thread.

>muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh divisive!

Cries the c*tholic as he throw a meltdown over any small criticism of his (((church)))

His ideals are better than your "soon to be multicultural" shithole.

True desu.

>be me
>Orthodox christian
>just seeing catholics, protestants and pagans killing themselves