tell me, pol
why does Japan need immigrants?
what will happen if we don't accept immigrants?
tell me, pol
why does Japan need immigrants?
what will happen if we don't accept immigrants?
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The age of your workforce keeps declining.
If there arent enough new natives to replace the retiring old ones, the workers must come from somewhere
So have 3 kids or welcome an immigrant
You don't.
No country "needs" immigrants. Japan isn't going extinct. It's just jews scare-mongering. The more divided your people are, the easier you are to subvert.
You don't, people obsessing over it are just trying to get you into buying into the perpetual growth economy meme.
Please sempai keep the gates shut
>why does Japan need immigrants?
They don't.
>what will happen if we don't accept immigrants?
You go from turbo-autistic to twincharge-autistic on robotics and automate like humanity is going Nier: Automata extinct.
Because your women need BIG WHITE COCK
You don't need migrants if you up your robot game soon enough. Otherwise your economy will collapse because your people have stopped breeding for some reason.
No it does not need immigrants.
>Illegal immigration does not assist wage and salary growth
>Illegal immigration impacts the workers entry level and for the near retirement workers
>Illegal immigration tends to be from 3rd world countries and incompatible with 1st world and high 2nd world countries
>Illegal immigration risks indoctrination from Wahhabists (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan etc) to exert geopolical pressure in a country
>Illegal immigration is used by Wahhabists (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan, Turkey etc) as bargaining chips (ie an exchange) to secure lucrative deals. If a country seeks to do business with Wahhabi states illegal immigration tends to be imminent.
>Illegal immigration caused the breakaway of Kosovo from Serbia with support from Wahhabist states
On mass visa immigration from China and the rest of Asia.
>Discrimination of locals in favour of their own people. Many locals risk being on unemployment
>Unofficial and illegal labour practices covered as "cultural differences"
>Universities flooded with visa students pushing local students to other universities
>Another aspect of stagnated pay
>Exposure to geopolical pressure from imperialistic countries
>why does Japan need immigrants?
it doesn't
Japan doesn't need immigrants.
But it'd be cool if you took on some of us americans. I'd love to go back.
But in the mid future, the population crash is going to affect Japans economy and it will have to adapt to those changes. However, the push for more immigration into Japan is a way of muddying the blood lines in Japan. Don't fall for it teacher-kun.
More automation and less immigration. Today one person can do as much as 3.
Example. Childhood friends Yuriko and Hitoshi apply for university in Osaka they get rejected as Osaka started to accept more Chinese students as they pay more and opt for going to Nagoya with Yokohama being a close second. Fortunetely due to Japans apt planning there is space for them to go. Yuriko and Hitoshi meet senior students Hideo and Misato on unemployment he tells them its hard to find a job to start working. He tells them he applied in all the cafes and restaurants and retail stores. He doesnt understand the reason for the Chinese who cant speak Japanese and arrived one month ago have a job and he doesnt. Hideo is happy for them and still hopes to find work after one year out of high school. They wish him well and hope recovers and hear better news from him next time.Yuriko and Hitoshi travel to Nagoya and they find its full of Chinese and rent has become unreasonably expensive. They begrundgingly find a place to stay avoiding sharing a place. The Chinese landlord simply doesnt not understand Japanese etiquette and formalites, they are not very happy with this. They hope for their sake and for the sake of Hideo they find work soon They watch news, the news say that the Chinese government has been involved in bribery with the Japanese government and even seeks to undermine Japan. Yuriko and Hitoshi do not understand the Japan of today.
>Less workers
>Less tax money
>More seniors
Equals lesser benefits for elderly and people in need. The current and well regarded Japanese state functions and aid will deteriorate.
Thats all there is to it. Japans society will backpedal in terms of economy and living standards or at the very least it wont achieve the same heights it could have,
Not exactly rocket science.
If you do not accept immigrants, you will never be at peace. Such is the fate of any country that does not submit to Islam
It doesn't. The Jew bankers knows that every immigrant and their spawn represents millions of dollars in government spending or the migrant themselves taking out loans.
This is why the "nu-commies" love 3rd world immigration. Their corporate masters tell them it is.
You don't. MUH DECLINING WORKFORCE is a shit meme because none of these sandnigger NEETs want to work and even if they did the best they could hope for is a McJob.
They need immigrants because their women can't be satisfied by the tiny japdick.
you need them for the same reason Europe needs order for your women to get bred
>why does Japan need immigrants?
It doesn't
>what will happen if we don't accept immigrants?
You will automate your workforce, become less overpopulated, and most importantly not have to deal with an underclass of shitskins.
Whites and other Asians will make good immigrants.
Your population will just normalize probably at a lower level before climbing again.
All countries have a lot of sub cultures with different habits, including breeding rates.
What will happen is the faster breeding segments of your society will replace the slow breeding ones over time and your population will not die off.
People look at the graphs and fail to see that the population is no homogeneous.
The economy would be fine. Yes they wont be able to pay their government debt but they aren't doing that anyways so whatever.
The international Jew will get what he wants
Dude, Japan is the land of the robot. They don't need immigrants to have work done.
2.Nothing, if current trends in Japanese technology continue as they have been doing.
People die off, less consumers, means less workers.
Japan just has to start killing off the elderly. And since suicide is all the rage in Japan, just might happen.
highly irreligious societies simply don't value the miracle of life enough to continue their civilizations. you can't save japan. it's an already failed culture like most of the west. the only hope is for it revive shinto-buddhism in a substantial way, else it will become a province of china soon.
smart user
When it does not take immigrants and keeps the intake quite low it would be as per usual. In the event that there are more and more people retiring compared to people entering the work force I estimate that business would offer better conditions and incentives to work as to get the workers working for them to continue operations. Of course some businesses might close as there arent enough people to run them but there still would be businesses in operation. In place of those closed businesses parks might be built. Meanwhile business still in operation continue on, there would be a flux period to adjust for the shift of the economy then again it would be "corrected" anyway depending on perspective. It would be spacious and eventually would facilitate a birth boom anyway.
Thank you for this, I have been meaning to watch some of his videos. I am glad I have something to counter this meme