>Fantasy = Reality
>Africa so smart, they made advanced civilisation with fictitious material
>Whitey so dumb, they made frisbee
Why are Liberals so unironically stupid?
ITT: Low IQ libs
Her son is going to grow up hating niggers once he gets into the rebel phase
>pig looking bitch in profile pic
Checks out
Wow, such a poignant remark regarding the usage of fictional resources.
What happened in real life where white and black had access to resources?
White people with access to scarce resource: Invent technology and vacinations that save millions of lives every year and bring their people out of povery.
Black people with access to the most resource rich continent on earth: Murder each other and rape farm animals (which they have failed to domesticate)
Yea except Wakanda horded all their technology from even the rest of Africa much less the world.
Tony Stark built reactors to give the world free energy.
Hope we're done comparing fictional bullshit now.
>White people had access to a few pounds of vibranium
>Black people had access to a literal mountain of vibranium
Wow who would have figured the country that has a nigh unlimited amount of it could do more than make a single shield.
this is the spread of pagan thought through society where morals and principle are not spread through dogma and non-fiction but through tale and myth
>jiggaboos have monopoly on the material
>wow why can't wipepo just poof the stuff into existence hehe xd frisbee
Gee bill, I wonder why they made it into a shield, considering they didn't have enough material to make literally anything else without wasting it.
They are addicted to the feedback of virtue signaling.
They are addicted to the positive feedback loop of current society, so it constantly reinforce stupid ideas in their brain.
That's unironically why Sup Forums is full of spergs, neets or productive people that are autist, sociopaths or have high iq.
None of those people really follow mainstream society trends and are free of that feedback loop.
Liberals cannot actually tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
100% they cannot.
If you ask them if what they see on TV is real, they will say, "No don't be silly"
But then they will base ALL of their ideals and beliefs off of what they watched in a movie or TV show. A black character being cool on TV = all blacks are like that guy. This is the defining trait that makes liberals what they are - their inability to differentiate reality from fiction. It's how they are brainwashed by hollywood: The television and media execs push certain stereotypes within their medium, and the liberals, unable to understand that fiction =/= reality, adopt those stereotypes as gospel truth.
It's a short-circuit of the normal human learning process that forms stereotypes in people, by planting false stereotypes in them before they can experience reality and form stereotypes based on that. Once a stereotype has formed in someone's mind, it's much more difficult to undo it, which is why liberals always come across like religious cultists. They KNOW black people are just like white people because that's what TV shows them.
This is the fundamental principle behind brainwashing.
Care to expand?
True dat
I call these people "Harry Potter liberals". They get their entire world view through children's fiction.
this is why they like harry potter so much
Children's fiction is the final redpill
Didnt they also use all the vibranium they had for the shield since the nigs hoarded it all?
I thought this twitter post was making fun of the movie and its racial bullshit
I realized that when blacks watch movies and criticize the white characters for doing adventurous stuff or white people in general for going out into nature where 'dey dont belong n sheeit' its usually framed in a way that the blacks come across as intelligent and rational for eschewing the dangerous white behavior, something they even seem to take pride in as a collective.
but the thing is the complete opposite is true. it shows that blacks are simply content with how things are and always have been and arent in the least bit interested in taking risks to explore new horizons.
Liberals are so delusional.
That is correct. That is all the vibranium people had, which is why Ultron need Klaue to steal more of it for him in AOU.
Also, when white people have access to vibranium it absorbs all kinetic energy that hits the material.
When black people possess vibranium (for whatever reason) it seems to have mystical properties such as enhancing strength, making stuff soundproof, incredible strength, incredible semiconducter, etc, etc, etc, essentially whatever technology they would need in a given situation.
Its the same cheap trick people use when anything involves magic.
How didn't he get killed?
ohh..ummm... magic.
How the hell does that machine work?
ohh..ummm.. vibranium.
In the past ideas were touaght by the educated or religious class through works of non-fiction. Philosophy, morals, religion etc... were instructed ether is be a Vulgate or other theologica. this might seem hypocritical as the bible its self is a sort of collection fo mythology but at least their is some structure around or detached form it. Modern trends go away from this tradition and leave the populace to scrounge for some element of high story form which to hold. Luckily for some this also sells well. The pagan though revolves around tales devoid of moral but not narrative. maybe incorporating a multitude of heroes and allowing a multitude of universe or a poly-ethos of these mediums. Of course this idea is a hypothesis and more predictive then anything and hold a christian bias.
while yelling at others for being "uneducated"
they had to force-feed themselves a 300 page book over 6 months so they think nobody else reads
Just tell them Hogwarts was an open carry school. All the teachers and students had what equates to guns and they defended their school like...7 times from terrorists
My take on reality:
Black people with white farmers: Plenty of food to go around.
Black people with black farmers: White people, HELP!
>Sup Forums still absolutely assravaged that hollywood jews had the audacity to through black people a bone in the form of a very mild capeshit film.
>they kill outsiders who get in and see the Vibranium.
her son is 35
Venezuela v Norway
It's not the film people have a problem with. It was an okay movie, and was about a (at some points in the past 50 years) popular marvel character.
The problem people have is that real life people are using a fictional example to point out that blacks would create a superior civilization than what whites have painstakingly put together over thousands of years of struggle and technological advancement.
>Criticize movie
>Criticize movie fans for being retarded
How do I tell the difference?
>.02 cents
shut the fuck up peterson fanboy dicklicker
We have two big problems here. Modern leftists want that fantasy shit from movies and stories would materialize in the real world, but the cant do it. Modern right wingers don't want fantasies to materialize in the real world, but they actively do that through meme magic.
To be honest, history = fiction, it's just some stories which are not very different from Harry Potter books. Why their fiction doesn't work, but alt-right meme magic works? Because they place their bullshit into the past of the future, while alt-right just shitpost in real time.
I'll take "things that never happened" for $100
She forgot to add
>And then the whole room broke out in applause.
The bone ain't for you Tyrone. The movie was a nationalist love story in Kangz clothing
look at the fatty, hers sons a nigger.
>have tiny amount of vibranium
>makes dope shield for all american hero
I fail to see the fucking problem.
>through black people a bone
What is it with liberals on twitter making up shit about what their kids say?
You're a bit thick, aren't you lad? It's a analogical argument you mong.
>The problem people have is that real life people are using a fictional example to point out that blacks would create a superior civilization
that's the trick. Niggers are trapped in this fantasy-world where they are kangz and queens, in a completely virtual reality. At the same moment they invest their fears into white supremacy, which they perceive as real and existing NOW. This simple trick will keep niggers on a short leash forever.
So, technically all this welfare with niggers is a way one white people are stealing from the other white people from the pockets, while jews are used as a proxy-server for those white liberals who benefit from keeping niggers in their mental prison.
>equitable advanced society
>brutal kingdom with no societal mobility
>rigid tribal hierarchy
dumb jew
>p-p-p peterson
Look Peterson is a Gnostic espousing jung worshiping rambler who needs to realize that physiology, psychology and all that other recent nonsense only exists to fill a void the west has had little problem with until the last few hundred years. Never the less without firm belief in why this pagan thought is wrong and a sign of decay I quess this speculation is useless or problematic.
Back in my day we used to put children on tv and make fun of them for the stupid shit they say. Now they run our political landscape. What the fuck is going on.
Wont all of this racial posturing eventually lead to ethnic cleansing and the reemergence of a homogeneous America?
Liberal's are making these savages so confident that its only a matter of time before they initiate a race war.
And that'll be over before it even starts
I wouldn't be too sure about that. Politics are at a global stage and no country is more important to the globalist status quo than the USA. Depending on the type of nation that whites want to build is what determines the outcome of the racial civil war.
>somebody voluntary put his wiener inside this
Commie insulted other for being unintelligent. Can't make this up guise.
I hated making home deliveries to niggers in Chicago. It seemed like every home had a shrine to Obama or some Egyptian shit hanging up all the place. 9/10 a niggers home will have a picture of Obama like he's part of the fucking family. If a office has a majority of blacks there I assure at least one nigger will have Obama whole family like it's his own. It's so fucking weird to me.
Tell her the Jews wrote the scripts for both plots and say "Why didn't you tell your son that Jews created both stories? Are you afraid of the truth or something?" Liberalism can not withstand cross examination.
Wise words indeed
Judging by her picture i'd say her son is half black with no father
Let me guess; her son is eight years old, right?
The outbreak of a race war means we win.
Jews are fucked no matter who wins
We know that the Jews are a different race and blacks think that Jews are white
Write it again this time try to spell everything right when insulting others