What's the point of feeling proud for being white?
it's not like you choose your ethnicity at birth or you did anything to achieve it.
What's the point of feeling proud for being white?
because our forefathers invented and established everything worthwhile on this planet.
What's the point of black lives matter? They don't.
Oh look it’s retarded
Every time a Canadian dies at my ski resort I feel giddy
I was thinking about this before.
There are no good guys in the world, we are all as bad as each other but we are born into our 'sides' and it's in our interest and in the interest of survival that you stand with that side. Our side is white.
Bunch of shitty replies, why should I give my respect to someone for solely being white? That's a bit retarded, I'd respect a person if they do something of merit.
>Doesn't remember character creation mode
well then go be a nigger elsewhere.
only retards fall for the white meme
Neither did you choose your fucking country. >Ohhhh look at me. I'm black as the night. I'm quintessentially a fucking canadian snow nigger, lolol
>maple syrup, yeah
Fuck off. This works both ways, dumbass.
My general statement is you shouldn't feel boastful about things out of your control. You just look like a loser who has nothing to show for so they resort to feeling proud about their race.
What did YOU invent and establish ?
Being a fat white neckbeard neet that dropped out high school isn't worthy of any respect.
It's survival, you stand with your race. You don't see 2 boxers in the press conference before a fight stating how the other boxer is probably going to win with their superior tactics do you.
What did you invent?
>out of your control
I'm a literal descendant of kangz. That's no coincidence.
I'm not the one jerking off about being white retard.
There isn't, fuck white people. Hitler was a loser.
>why should I give my respect
that was not the original question, leaf
Because my ancestors were better at killing your ancestors than the other way around.
do you know what modesty is ?
Even if we do accomplish something we get shouted down for our skin color.
I bet you have never been to space negro my ex was talking crazy shit about space and all this non-sense about accomplishments and getting a job.
Im on 6 figures and an astronaut I just didn't like to brag or spoil her.
To be blunt we accomplish so much alot of it goes by the wayside and we think we want to just be normal and pretend to be that way when its convenient.
Im 50,000 ft in the air.
Has the white race invented more than other races?
And don't ask me what I have invented, just answer that question.
take that one dude that landed a sattelite on a fucking comet.
He was yelled at for it.
when you've personally accomplished nothing and likely never will, you have to take what you can get
Or steal it if you're black
But I can grow really long noes hairs. I dont care what you say, im super proud over that.
Legit, these babys are sometimes 2-3 inches long. its amazing and terrifying all at the same time.
the problem isn't that we don't accomplish things it is that subhumans jews and under don't recognize the achievements of the aryan man because they can't plan ahead.
whites discovered the world, and created civilization
neither am I, but no need to be toxic towards people who do.
I liked my grandfather.
You don't need to take personal pride in anything unless you have achieved something.
You work to preserve your people for what your people have achieved in the past, you pass on those genes whos bearers have achieved so much.
You don't do it for you, you do it for the future, the future of your people and the future of this world.
It's not being proud of the colour of your skin but being proud of the values that our societies have produced.
Any mixture with lesser cultures is a downgrade. Libtards will come around to it. Might take another decade though.
take for instance.
Going to space is bad for the enviroment and exploration is bad and so is sharing.
Our accomplishments are so great they are unable to be perceived by lesser minds.
I bet none of you fuckers have ever shook hands with a Grey AYYY LMAO before.
>pic related
Who cares you idiot ? White race isn't a hivemind or something. In the end, it all comes down to how you benefited the world PERSONALLY;
Truth is that you hide behind the accomplishments of greater men than you because you're a piece of trash that never invented shit just like niggers. At least, the latter don't brag about it.
Because of genetical differences a white man is more likely to achieve something than a nigger. Therefore it's beneficial to preserve the white race.
Taking pride in what others have achieved is foolish I agree, my focus is to keep the race alive.
But user, my ancestors did invent the world you live in today
Why would I not be proud of them and seek to carry on their legacy of greatness?
You completely went off the tangent and I don't understand the point you're trying to make just seems like bunch of woman-like victim mentality.
This guy gets it, nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage but proclaiming yourself superior to other races just because you're white is retarded. In the end the world remembers you not for your skin color but the shit you did that impacted the world.
Its not that I'm proud that I'm white.
Its just that I'm thankful I'm not a nigger, a spic, a wog, or a mong.
This pretty much. White collectivists want to take some of the credit and pride of other's achievemnts simply because they share a racial characteristic.
Interesting that they never want to take any responsibility for communism or, you know, the current cucked state of white homelands...
>That was 100% the jews, guys! We promise!
It's not pride, it is the intellectual superiority that the white race has. Other races are dumber and race mixing harms our intellect on average. It is only logical I want to preserve this.
Not proud, just want to save it from being replaced by inferior races like niggers. The world would become a piece of shit.
Literally every achievement by every scientists in the modern age and indeed most of the past 500 years was built on a foundation of everyone around them at the time and everyone that came before them.
Without the farmer creating food, without the soldier fighting and dying for the people of his country, hell even without the toilet cleaner scrubbing those fucking toilets: the ability of the greatest minds to generate ideas (which is all built on a foundation of knowledge of every scientist that came before him) would be severely hindered to the point of not happening.
Just look at the patronage systems that took place at various points in history: a very intelligent mind was mostly useless and relied upon the patronage of more powerful men to do their research or theorizing. Without that patronage they would probably have to spend all their time collecting food. That patronage is as responsible for a discovery as the discoverer themselves. Who do you think pays taxes or uses the services of the patron? Every day people.
Everyone within a certain geographical location has a greater or lesser part to the play in the entire holistic system of science and discovery. To think otherwise is to be foolish.
Indeed. It's not about superiority. It's about preservation and a homogeneous future for my race.
its my tangent retard I can go where I like.
You might have been able to police my language but no longer you nigger-kike
Boy, you must have a yuge problem with black pride and Mexican pride.
Inventions don't happen due to greatness. Greatness comes as a result of great inventions and great action. You leaning on the actions of your "ancestors" only means you don't stand completely on your feet.
You're assuming greatness without going through the toil to become great; all on the basis of racial identity. Not only is that a dishonor to your ancestors, it's a dishonor to yourself.
This. If I was a pajeet I'd be a poo-supremacist.
>Our side is white.
Until it's not. The loyalties of the world are not drawn exclusively on racial lines. Make sure you keep an eye on where you side is going and what it is doing. Dangers are not a solely foreign phenomenon; not nationally, not ethnically and not personally .
Cultivate your personal wisdom and try to see things for what they are, not just what your side wants them to be.
Good post. No need to overcomplicate the matter. Its not about being proud. Its just about basic human identity. I'm white. I like being white. I like being around other white people. I want white people to remain the super-majority is historically white countries. Simple.
>what's the point of feeling ashamed for being white? or for believing in white privilege?
As humans, we're tribal. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, you're proud of what your tribe accomplishes over others.
Fuck off you globalist shilling faggot.
didnt we have a thread almost exactly like this a few days ago
my man
I'll carve my own destiny without bragging about a skin color I'm not responsible of, like an actual man. Thank you.
I am a direct result of those before me. Part of them is in me. That they achieved they achieved for me. Part of me was in them when they achieved it. Their lives are my history. Why should I not be proud of them and lineage.
I think it goes beyond just base survival. You are the product of thousands of years and untold sacrifices. It's about paying respect to the people who bore you and carrying on their legacy. It's impossible to carry on a legacy if you're going to go around with your tail between your legs, acting as if your people don't deserve group recognition, much less pride.
It's an admission you have nothing else to be proud of.
Also whites are more attractive in general.
i get the whole idea you're talking about
individualism and all that
but you can be also proud about things you personally didnt achieve
why shy away from your race, nation , ethnic background
ITT individualists who cannot grasp the concept behind pride and why it comes to surface
you all need to hang
>Why would I not be proud of them and seek to carry on their legacy of greatness?
And you're going to do that by munching on cheetos in your mom's basement while calling people on the internet shitskins and collecting betabux ?
Being happy to be born white and enjoying the world built by "your ancestors" is a thing. Jacking off on being white when you're a jobless low IQ incel looking for an asian waifu is another.
You're simply confused concerning the concept of pride. Like many words they're are multiple nuanced meanings to the word pride, including being proud of being associated with a specific group.
In other words, it's really just tribalism, and you're being intentionally obtuse. Go be a faggot elsewhere.
Why smile?
Because you know in your heart it's the right thing to do.
You are a person. You have a people.
>hey guys im proud to be white considering all the things white people have achieved
its funny how some people like to hear only what they want to hear - and how true that is
you try to project your own reality into the real world and the world doesn't work that way, bucko
10bucks he isnt 100% ethnic french
he seems to be emotional invested and resents people here
Because feeling pride is healthier than feeling shame and will encourage new generations to maintain and surpass the achievements of their ancestors making society a better place to live
there is none.
we have a slide thread like this every day. sage
>or you did anything to achieve it
But I did. Since I am a continuation of my ancestor's their achievements are also mine. Same holy blood flowed in their veins as now flow in mine
it's actually fun to talk to them
they always get proven wrong
Except you didn't prove anything wrong, it's just bunch of muh pride bullshit muh ancestors like I expected.
>but you can be also proud about things you personally didnt achieve
>why shy away from your race, nation , ethnic background
No you can't. You guys talk abou ethnic collectivism when really, it's only a pretext to yell "muh superior white race" without bringing anything to such contributions.
White supremacists with no elite degrees, no elite jobs or no major work adding to the world state of knowledge is just a useless leech sucking the blood of genius white men (who weren't supremacists themselves, how ironical).
It's not even like those men were your actual ancestors or something. You share no lineage and you have nothing in common if not the skin color. A lot of them are jews by the way.
white ausfag, fight me
>it's not like you choose your ethnicity at birth or you did anything to achieve it.
Yeah why don’t you go tell everyone else that and see how well that works out faggot
So you don't like gay pride? Or is it a choice?
Obvious bait, but I'll bite:
The argument that there can be no pride in ethnicity at birth is purposefully misleading. It's not a pride, as in "proud" of a self-earned achievement. It's not the kind of pride you get from receiving a good grade on a test you busted your ass studying for, or writing and publishing a book. It's not the pride you get in finally getting the engine to turn over after working on a junker car you've been working on with a parental figure.
It's also not the kind of pride you get in the experience of other living things around you, of seeing your child draw a picture, or a dog obey a command for the first time. It's not the pride you get in picking vegetables from a garden, from seeds you planted and germinated yourself, in order to provide for yourself and your family. It's something entirely different from any of those things.
It's a kind of pride that stems from a cross-generational comradery, a comradery that stretches thousands upon thousands of years. It's a shared knowledge, both a self-and-group-ownership in your own historical past, your present, and your unknowable future. To know that the blood of your ancestors also flows through you is a profoundly inspiring experience, and if you haven't had that epiphany yet, I feel truly sorry for you. It's not something that can really be expressed in words.
>not worthy of my respect
protip: no one cares about you
It's just better being white. Do as you're expected to and you'll prosper. The same cannot be said of any other race.
That image gave me feels brah.Big ups
>Doubting my whiteness
Oh, the irony. It's always the shitskins calling you nonwhite.
The point is actual people who contribute to this world don't give a shit if you're white, yellow or a shitskin. The things that actually matter are your abilities and skills.
yes you can
look what nazi germany and their scientists achieved, from mengele to werner von braun
nazi germany is the living proof huwhite colectivism can do big things
you can perceive it as bad or good
but you can't deny how big of shitfest their unite has made them do
sure bud
shitskin or shill
no other person that is sane of course would come here and argue and provoke
how do you feel about ur muslim population?
i wanna know more about u and your willingess to come here
Tribalism is an evolutionary strategy that allows different cultures and groups of people to exist and develope. One seemingly small cultural or genetic difference can determine the survival of one group over another.
Other animals also have what can be considered culture, in Africa two close but seperated Chimps were studied. One group had the advantage of cracking nuts of all thing.
Being proud is an extention of preservation, of culture and being.
When it comes to Race it's dependent on the view, similarity increases cooperation, similar genes, culture, biology, etc. Are an extention of this, but I think ethnicity is the basic stock and usually comes first. Also race is annoying becuase of the differences of definition
However, given the synthesis of European ethnic groups in the US, plus the confliction with blacks has made race more prominent than just ethnicity due to the vast differences. Globalism is having a similar effect in other countries, especially European ones.
White people have created the best cultures, society and civilizations. This is why everyone across the world flocks to white country. That in itself is a sign of respect. The problem after a generation or two because we have made it so easy to leech off our achievement is that the children of original immigrants forget their place. You are a fucking visitor here. Don’t fucking forget it or else
Muh individualism
Stupid goddamn fucking leaf
That's the most bullshit explanation I've ever heard. Gotta admire the mental gymnastics.
So a mulatto half nigger half white share half the advances white people ever made ?
God supremacists have low IQ.
what the fuck have you done to contribute you little autist. I can already tell you're a slackjaw loser with that image who needs to take accomplishments that others made to make yourself feel better.
>The things that actually matter are your abilities and skills.
what world are you living in?
Said the chinaman
humans by nature are social beings
we evolved together and formed societies together
individualism is the sickness of the modern society
thinking you alone can do something of value
You shouldn't because you aren't white.
Dude, you live in a shithole and you're barely human, let alone white. You don't get to be scornful about other people ethnicities.
I come here to debate ideas. I don't like NEETs persuading themselves they're great because they share a skin color with me who actually contribute to the world is all.
What the fuck have croats done besides killing each other over trivial bullshit for thousands of years.
People from more similar ethnic backgrounds are bound to be more attracted to another
>it's not like you choose your ethnicity at birth or you did anything to achieve it.
My family literally did choose and achieve it but whatever.
Piggybacking of your parents success is pretty pathetic, carve out something meaningful instead of being satisfied with the work your parents did.