>Iran’s Supreme Leader says America needs to make guns illegal
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Iran’s Supreme Leader says America needs to make guns illegal
Low effort slide thread created to subvert discussion and clog up Sup Forums. Your prophet is a pedo.
Cool. Iran said a bad thing. I love israel now. Let's bomb 'em.
An invasion of America would be easy when behind every blade of grass is a unarmed cuck mutt.
>reverse psychology
This will trigger the Jews
Seems to have worked out alright for you guys.
Isn't this the same guy who has faggots hung from street lamps and forces women to wear hijabs?
Great ammo.
What do you mean?
You're thinking of Ayatollah Khomeini, but he does it as well
Honestly Iranians should rule America. That cesspool of genetic monstrosity can only be fixed by a superior race of people.
Look at Iranian history. It's far grander than anything Americans could muster or grasp. Sure Iran right now isn't in the best position but it's just temporary for them. Soon, the Persian empire will rise again.
Haha literally crushed all gun control propaganda with this one. Iran is such a classic and longtime boogeyman for ZOG and Israel that they don’t even let their insane communist propaganda speak on their behalf like it does all other brown nations. Iran is different, and is never spoken about here not in terms of an eternal fearsome adversary. This is all just because they stand up to Israel of course. So if Iran says something, normies will seize on it to destroy gun grabbers. Does Ayatollah realize this? This is a great thing if used correctly.
There was a good thread on this the other day. Persian have the best genes, on par with Aryan.
Iran is already on track to become the leader of the middle east, it will happen sooner than anyone thinks.
>repeating something over and over is now a valid argument
Fucking shitskins
You got that mixed up leaf, muslims are inbred as fuck.
mmmmmm go figure Ayatollah wants to disarm you American Pig Dogs, haw haw haw
Something IRAN & ISRAEL agree upon...
S _ _ _
>on par with Aryan
Oh look, it's the anglo mutt who is envious of Iranians, so he's lying as a result.
Persians aren't on par with Aryans, they are Aryans. There is no Aryan who isn't an Iranian. The Parsis in India are Aryans as well.
Iranians can afford to do some cousin fucking because they have superior genes and don't want to mix with other races. Take a look at Ashkenazi Jews for example: Highest IQ and they've had cousin marriages for centuries. Persians are even better because they have a high IQ without having many of the genetic diseases found in Jews and in Europeans (like downies, Tay sachs, etc...) That beats the mongrelization of the US.
He has to repeat twice so low IQ mongrels like you can understand.
Not an anglo mutt, you stupid cunt. But thanks for not being the average low IQ leaf, you seem a bit above average.
Wtf i hate guns now.
>Iran seeks stability for its enemies
Holy shit, this will revolutionize the geopolitical thought! Bigger than when Ayatollah endorsed BLM, I bet Bismarck is jacking off on his grave after such a display of realpolitik.
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
You're an anglo mutt. The equivalent of England's "untouchables". There's no shame in admitting who you are.
Of course the government run by deep state wants our guns taken away, are you retarded
>high IQ
lel ok diasporazadeh
>don't want to mix with other races
but thats all they've been doing for the past 1400 years lmao
I'm not an 'anglo mutt' you fucking pathetic cunt. I'm Swedish and have family history going back as far as you can go.
Stupid maple cunt.
hello alireza kanadideh
Does the American left sympathize or hate Iran these days? I can't seem to keep up anymore.
Found the sand nigger
This is Iranian 6d quantum chess. The ayatollah knows that saying this will prevent America from making guns illegal because of their contrarian nature allowing a potential for an armed internal coup of America.
This user gets it
>muh 6d chess
Back to /ptg/
Believe it or not, but the trend of consanguineous marriage began in Pre-Islamic Sassanian Iran with Kartir Hangirpe's reforms to maintain purity of bloodline for priestly caste. In fact, consanguineous marriage was prevalent among European aristocracy too, but it led to genetic issues like hemophilia.
Regardless, Iranians are either "in-bred" or "mongrelized", it can't be both. Also, the Koran -- itself -- never really encouraged consanguineous marriage, but maybe some hadiths do -- I don't know. Hadiths are disputed among many Muslims -- some don't even accept them at all. For example, negative attitudes towards dogs come from hadiths, not the Koran itself.
Lynn/Vanhanen basically did not do IQ tests--they gathered existing test results and compared against some GDP data. It somehow became the gold-standard for IQ by nation all over the internet. But its only data point for Iran is the Valentine,1959 study. 1959 was a time of recovering from famine and poverty in Iran.
So, Iran's IQ was measured in one and only one study, which was done in the 1950s. That's all we got for Iran. Only three other countries in Lynn/Vanhanen have IQ data as outdated as Iran's.