Are niggers the Poles of Africa, or are Poles the niggers of Europe?
Are niggers the Poles of Africa, or are Poles the niggers of Europe?
>poland is bas-
>niggers of africa
I bet you got this shit bookmarked to jerk off to regularly, potato nigger.
Still whiter than you, Mohammed.
haha good deflection.
In seriousness I like Germany alot but it's ironic when Germans try to point out the blackening of other countries when this shit goes on in their own country
Well that was disgusting.I hope you're proud of yourself
Yes, we are niggers of Europe living in our shithole country. So please don't come here!
>So please don't come here!
We don't. But please don't come here,as well. You always come here. Please stay in your own shit hole, really much appreciated!
polish are cute kys nigger
G*rms deserve certain death
>Germany causing butthurt since day one
feels good mang
Nice try
You do not cause butthurt
You destroy European lives,before,now and forever
I hope so
not all of africa is niggers
Aren't you the guys who have Jew banks that are giving out loans that countries can't pay back?
Man WW2 was a meme and half
The German state has no state bank. We have a decentralized central bank like the rest of the world.
Im very happy that my comment on that channel got a lot of likes you piece of shit kraut
not all europeans are from poland
Clearly Roma are the niggers of Europe
and fuck you!
Some curiosity / funny fact since you mentioned Poles the niggers of Europe.
>Upon arrival and the first combat actions, discovering that the slaves fought off their French masters for their freedom, vast majority of Poles eventually joined the slaves against the French.
>Haiti's first president Jean-Jacques Dessalines CALLED POLISH PEOPLE "THE WHITE NEGROES OF EUROPE", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians. Many years later, Papa Doc used the same concept when referring to Polish people.
>Only three categories of white people, except foreigners, were selected as exceptions and spared: the Polish soldiers who deserted from the French army; the small group of German colonists invited to the north-west region before the revolution; and a group of medical doctors and professionals.
At least they remove kebab.
I get along with Haitian coworkers better than I do with french peppers. I never relax around them though. Last nigerian coworker rammed a brand new car into a wall on his 3rd day of work and another nig from burundi stabbed himself in the eye with a screw driver while being on top of a 12 foot ladder. The peppers still thinks that "on est tous equal" .
1 thing blacks are good at is being racially , all of you and those around you are nothing but pathetic cucks when it come to be racially aware.
>on est tous equal
fucking faggots
Maybe there are no niggers at all. Maybe so called niggers are just tanned poles. Think about it
Can confirm that Poles tan well.
>second gen pole.
Does he have a crack pipe and a used rubber in his dreads? The fuck is wrong with Krauts.
germans are the niggers of europe