
can anyone dig up more info on this leaf?

Other urls found in this thread:


I’m the user who has been calling out the slide threads for the past few hours. It’s like trying to fight the tide. Bump for other anons to help out.


Bump. Slide threads everywhere

it's a portuguese leaf

It's always the fucking leafs



other jobs this employer offers:

>scrape leads from a website ($30-250 USD)
>Facebook Bot Friend Adder + ID Scraper ($30-250 USD)
>Fix Front End Bug Fixes ($30-250 USD)
>Use my social app ($2-8 USD / hour)
>Bypass adblock ($25-50 USD / hour)

Sup Forums doesnt exist anymore. Its just jew bbc bots now

This thread is big.

been noticing, gj.

Thanks senpai

Me, and everyone else on Sup Forums?

and i would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling Goy's!

I mean I'm kind of surprised this place is still somewhat functioning, someone with deep pockets could drop 200k into proxies, bots and Indian captcha solvers and completely take over this place for months

this is literally the only decent post ive ever seen a swedecuck make.

>have a bump

I find this post most effective.
>Low effort slide thread created to subvert discussion and clog up Sup Forums
Straight and to the point then I just drop that four letter word in the options box and we are good to go. The problem is a slide thread pops up every 10 seconds

I used to spam racial crime redpills and 9/11 truther videos in shill threads. Every single time they would die almost instantly or greatly atrophy in engagement. In fact I had a whole folder full of racial crime statistics and infographs about how pure white procreation are in average, but with each picture altered by one line of pixels taken off the top or bottom. This prevents Sup Forums from recognizing them as the same picture.

I realized something

>shills aren't allowed to view 9/11 truther videos
>shills can't directly engage with the JQ
>shills are instructed to kill thread engagmenet with race realism posts

Like 5 years ago there used to be a bunch of porn and ad bots on Sup Forums

You are a newfag for calling them out, simply ignore them or make a new thread. People who knowingly post in bot threads are fucking retarded.


Why waste so much money on shit posting?! It makes no sense... It doesn't do anything other than make a mess.


What's the point of this and who is doing this?
I always saw those kinds of threads as bait, not slide threads

Hmm. Toronto.

Not too far from me.

What do I do?


because it distracts and slides threads that actually are good and can lead to something.
the point is to draw anons into fights with the op and keep them distracted from real shit.

>Toronto, Canada
Why am I not surprised. Fucking turbokike astroturfers.

For people who aren't aware, think of Toronto as the Canadian equivalent of San Francisco.


Seriously though, if they can't control what gets said on this board, they'll try and drown the important info with total swill.

It's the equivalent to the lawyer tactic of burying the opposition in paperwork.


It's been bad for months but as of today I'm fucking sick of it.

I also wish people were somehow blocked from posting nothing but a youtube links to start new threads. I'm not clicking on that shit.

bumping this

Only oldfags remember Sup Forums.js

Bumpity bump

Being aware and using the Sup Forums functions can help. People just need to educate themselves on how to use the website that they are using.

Range ban Leafs
day of the rake now

There needs to be an option to filter posters just like on infinity Chan.

Of course he's from fucking Toronto. Fuck this guy. I'm applying to this job just to fuck with him. Good luck figuring out who it is.


motherfucking chinks or pajeets

Nice one, Swede.

welp, someone has already beaten this cuck to the punch, auto shill threads for months now

god I fucking hate Canadian posters

>>shills aren't allowed to view 9/11 truther videos
>>shills can't directly engage with the JQ
>>shills are instructed to kill thread engagmenet with race realism posts
Interesting . Race realism is my favorite shit . I should post more of it .

It's costing a _lot_ of money to suppress discussion on Sup Forums, so much so that they (((forgot))) to concentrate on the bunkerchans, the other forums, the weird sectors of the internet where proper discussions happen. This was foretold by the golem council.
There are some very high-level anons directing all the shill energy here. Sorry it ruins your board, but Sup Forums is stronk. pol will damage the shills more than the shills will damage pol, which is why they have to pay pajeets to write garbage php scripts to botnet a Icelandic Skyr Stirring LARP board.

seriously though....we cant let him get his tiny cheeto fingers on the big red button...

Let us be honest; we all somehow knew aussies , leaves or Gay yellow crosses were responsible for this.


Of course

>Why waste so much money on shit posting?! It makes no sense...
This is the point you realize that Sup Forums is more influential than (((CNN))); and the jew knows it.

So name them or fuck off.



I just come here for the entertainment. Sad things are so fucked up. Car companies shill on /o/. Its everywhere.

>not jumping into every single bait thread earnestly and in good faith, giving your all to untangle their fallacious toxic statements.


No they don't give af, they abandon because you countered shilled their thread and got back to a discussion the would like to avoid. Basically you out jewed the jew. This place is interesting because anyone can cause a shift in discussion.

Pure evil

Fucking kikes. Mods are jews as well.

...of these trips

Onwards my frens

The masturbatory bait threads piss me off. Shills thinking they can tire me out
[spoilers]fools, I've been training for years[/spoiler]

I usually flag bait/slide threads in my spare time but there are a ton.

hiding shit threads is a real chore webmshare.com/WBa4q

Bump. Death to Betrayers!

Information control. Look at the South Africa threads if you want a good example of this.

Wake up people

Oh. I get it .
Hahaha Hahaha ha FUCKINGhaha
SHARE BLUE unemployment line starts here.
Sub contracting out "THEIR" shill jobs to leafs . Hahaha
They really are cleaning house before the Gitmo Purge . Taking it out of the Country.
Hey SB FAGGOTS . Here's your pink slip.
Pffft. Hahaha again.


rake day NOW

find out who they are and why


Of fucking course it’s Canada. Literally all redditors


Nigger nigger nigger.... can't you see
Leafs need a range ban to hang from trees

Some nights it's as though every second thread is a slider.
I post the usual graphics and sage them whenever I see them.

true, but all Sup Forums it's bot talking each other at 70%

>About the employer
>A fucking leaf

>tfw user applies, but only to create /ourbot/
so, has anyone contacted the employer for a "job" yet?


4 u

How would you do something like this using C?

i may be responsible for that. i've made a bot by request of one guy and sold it to him with source
although the bot was kinda slow, it was relying on browser not raw requests

sorry, anyways


your work is appreciated user

Fucking Toronto. Of course.

My man. Bump.

>he doesn't know this bot posts all the pedo threads on Sup Forums

I like how miserably this failed, last night was pretty funny. It's like tossing an old candy wrapper into the city dump, sure it's there but nobody will ever notice or care.

Can you imaging being so retarded you spend your time seriously posting on Sup Forums believing that you a fighting a great fight?


Can you imagine being born a faggot leaf?

There are some serious sabotage attempts on this board lately. Seems like Sup Forums is getting too much power for the SJW to handle.

I've had nightmares about it... Dont remind me.

Yep we started another revolution, Peterson was the key.

Clearly it does matter shill. Why would someone from Toronto otherwise pay to sabotage it. Toronto is literally one of the biggest SJW cancers of the world, the aim of this is clear.

Yeah he is blowing up there. People hate on him here but so do SJW. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Heh.


This shit makes my blood boil.

Bamp i gotta study some other fag can do the dirty work

Perhaps this topic can be brought to the attention of /qa/ and/or the mod IRC?

It's not the first bot, but clearly this fucker is up to no good.

>see swirling mass of dancing ocean niggers
what have you done to me