shameless selfbump
Shameless selfbump
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the us should have nuked us instead of japan...
>color as capitalized as a noun, not lower-case because of adjective.
How did Germany come to this.
What kinda offensive shit does she say in the song? I have a feeling she says disrespectful stuff based on the video alone
Because of your kike-slave grandfathers. You did this to them, Americunt.
You wanted to destroy us, but defeating our soldiers and having berlin's women raped by soviets, they obviously never saw their husbands again and re-educated the german people into endless guilt and feared we would arise again and fast-forward 70 years worth of self-hate, and here we are.
This is what you did to us.
Well, to be fair. After their defeat they were the first populace to get jewed as we know it in today's terms. It's bittersweet they are the most cucked but at the same time bear the brunt of the world jewry again. It looks bad, I know, but have some faith in our true krautbros. Their entire civilization was almost culled out of existence. That shit takes time to recover from and they're not exactly getting a fair shake at it.
>lives in America
>must be 12 generation American
take responsibility for your own people. Many other european countries that got steamrolled by both you and the soviets and right now are based when it comes to dealing with niggers
First of the disclaimer in the begining:
"CAUTION - in the following scenes are various black "HUMANS" shown. Nazis and sympathizers of right-populist Parties are advised to view the scenes ahead. All Chickenparts were sent to SXTN anonymously."
Gottverdammte verfickte geschissene Neger sollen alle gelyncht werden
Lol You kinda declared war on us, and the Russians too on that note. This, and I don't think too many Americans voted for Merkel. This, and let's just be honest. When you're not bitching about how the US kicked your ass, you're likely one of the little faggots trying to rewrite history to minimize the impact the US had in WW1&2. Oh, and btw. At least the western half of you are welcome for us not letting you fall under USSR rule after the war ended. Oh yeah, and letting you keep your sovereignty, which seldom ever happens after a war ends.
"My Bugatti drives 410, whoops the Cops didn't see me, i am black, i am black, i am black!
I am never timid, i'm always loud! have young pure skin, i smoke weed. I'm black, i am black.
What do you want to do with your racehate? I'd rather be black than death's pale, i am black, i am black, i am black. I'll fuck your bitch have hell of a fun and now i have a german visa, i drive black i drive black (driving black is a term for people who don't pay train tickets)
I am black, i am black.
I can't listen to this drivel anymore.
Can't even open the fucking video due to getting pissed the fuck off.
Holy fuck i fucking hate subhuman nigger scum so fucking much with every ounce of my being and with all of my soul.
Yeah because we were to spineless up until you let commies destroy cultural heritages, re-educate our youths, send the former soldiers officers and generals into prison for their entire lives with the help of your best friend israel, then gracefully take in Werner von Braun to help you develope ICBMs and manned rocketry, steal our tank designs and spit in our eye.
Get the fuck out of my sight, you disgusting amerigoblin. YOU DID THIS.Not alone, but this was your craft.
In addition
You're welcome for us ignoring those tariffs for so long
You're welcome for us tolerating you having a leading role in international affairs.
You're welcome for us not letting other European nations take hefty reparations from you like they did after WW1 (which led to Hitler)
You're welcome for us staying in NATO, even though it's been a disaster for us.
>he made a whole thread about his cuck fantasy
Ayyy. Go to bed, potato nigger.
Holy flying fuck the lyrics...
>what did they mean by this?
>Kind of
>sort of
It's not like you still have outpost at the command of the american millitary stationed in germany, parties that openly work for the morgenthau and hooton plan that accelerated events like these.
Don't act like you are in the position beyond blame here.
You lobotomized the general public of germany into pacifists and now you think you are in the position to point fingers at how degenerated we have become to get on your level.
Wirklich macht mich nachdenken.
((Internationale Clique!!!!)))
>those comments
Holy fuck I hate women so fucking much.
There is a lot of hate (in the good sense of the word) going on in the comments.
stfu fucking boomerfaggot fucking idiot
America betrayed fucking Germany for the god damn kikes.
We fought our own brothers and fucked up Europe
>The Usa kicked your ass
Bitch when American Zionist Stooges landed in Normandy and started to go to Berlin, they were literally facing fucking children and old people.
The mightiest of the Germa Men perished in the Eastern Front where the real fucking action took place.
German forces were only 3-5 Million in the Eastern Front, meanwhile the JEWVIET UNION had in total 30 MILLION in reserves if the Germans were to conquer Moscow from the fucking kikes.
Germans were 10 miles away from Moscow when the fucking fuel ran dry and the -50 cold winter started to kick in.
The Tanks, Artillery, Mortars, all Vehicles were frozen in the fucking mud.
And there was no more food left and no warm clothes.
Then that faggot manlet stal*n unleashed his secret weapon ... he unleashed 5 million mongrel Asiatic hordes from Central Asian and Siberian Soviet States. Imagine seeing the fucking hordes coming at you while you are fucking exhausted and can't go on anymore.
Then you have to fucking retreat back to Berlin and prepare to face the millions of fucking mongrel hordes that would engulf and go through the city gates.
what are they saying ?
>what's sarcasm?
"outpost at the command of the american military"
Tiny portion of our military, and let's just face it. Every time we've talked about moving out, your countries politicians have freaked out, and pulled the "article 5" card.
"Don't act like you are in the position beyond blame here."
Lol the lack of self awareness in that line is hilarious.
"You lobotomized the general public of germany into pacifists"
Until nigger Obama came along even faggots like Clinton pushed you to militarize. Oh, and on that note, your country along with most of western Europe made sure to suck his big ole nigger dick every time a kike news network was around, just to give him that little extra edge he needed in elections.
Were it up to me, we wouldn't have ever gotten into any European conflicts. You're actually just the kind of person that our founding fathers had in mind, when they advised us to stay out of European affairs.
One comment from some german woman (translated by google):
>To be honest, I find most blacks much friendlier than most Germans / whites, so I'm more pleased when I see blacks.
And the rest of the women there are usually just asking why does it have so much dislikes, which they follow by "fuck racists".
Oh, and you want to talk about "us cucking your population"? Look at this little shit stain you've produced with your shit tier rhetoric. This little faggot right here, is so much of a fucking cuck, that he's too pusillanimous to gtfo out of our country, but his toung manages to reach across the pond to suck a euro trash cock.
Actually that account and others look suspicious. However the shitposting is real.
Fucking god damn shit
White Sharia must be fucking implemented and these bitches better get fucking used to it.
they will all get their wombs filled with white cum and the bitches will have to fucking deal with it.
> I find most blacks much friendlier than most Germans / whites
The words of a german unfuckable woman that receive attention of blacks because they want to fuck out a nationality from her.
No white man with red blood in their body would be unfriendly with a cute / nice / beautiful / femenine woman.
That just not happen.
go fuck yourself fucking boomerfaggot cuck bitch
god i hope you fucking faggot cuckservative neo-cons get btfo by filthy fucking niggers
fucking race traitor
>White Sharia must be fucking implemented and these bitches better get fucking used to it.
>fucking race traitor
Wow, blacks make music videos. So strange.
>go fuck yourself fucking boomerfaggot cuck bitch
Mudslimes are by far the worst shit posters on Sup Forums
70 years of (((brainwashing)))
>ut his toung manages to reach across the pond to suck a euro trash cock.
Bitch we ARE fucking Europeans too fucking mouth breathing faggot cuck. who the fuck do you think built and created the Anglo-Sphere ?
Whites did, and where do whites come from?
From Europe you fucking imbecil.
My family has been in this country for 400 fucking years since the first English Settlers arrived here.
My family has fought in The American Revolution, Civil War (Confederate Side) , and Mexican American War, also in WW1.
Thankfully my grandpappys never fought in the European Front but fought in the Pacific against the Japs, atleast they did not kill their own flesh and blood.
But too every White American who fought the Germans during ww2, i would come up to them and say FUCK YOU , for being fucking race traitors and condeming the white race to oblivion.
Tell me about that. It reminded me of something from here, there was an affair about a nig being used as a model for a supermarket chain. I read some comments on youtube reaction vids to that, and while the men were either joking about that or saying that the nig shouldn't be here, women there were saying shit like "blacks are part of every modern european city" and how we are backwards and should accept nigs and gays more. And this is our young (15-25 years old I guess) generation, mind you. Fuckers voted a literal antifa party into our parlament last year. Pic related.
I'm not even muslim you koshercuck autist fucking kek the absolute state
says the kike faggot
Hopefully Russia gets rid of all of you hooke nosed rats and the filthy shitskins inhabiting it right now.
didn't Czech Republic vote a literal /ourguy/ this year tho user ?
This has been going on for over 70 years since (((America))) with the other allies defeated Germany. Most of that time there was only the MSM.
Anyone would act like this with 70+ years of constant brainwashing for what happened and being guilt tripped for being German since grade school.
All words in song titles are capitalized.
>I'm not even muslim you koshercuck autist fucking kek the absolute state
>White Sharia must be fucking implemented
Lol if you're not, you're a mutt who wants to cuck himself to them.
ALL of them will have to go to the gas chambers, including you chaim.
> joke totally getting over the cuckservatives head
holy fuck, you seriously have to fucking go back to plebbit boomerfag
>not wanting to put our white women into place and making them traditional
beta orbiter boomerfag confirmed
>holy fuck, you seriously have to fucking go back to plebbit boomerfag
uhuh user, don't call out my taqiyya umm umhu FUCKING BOOMER!!!
>a burger is asking this question
You realize we pummeled germany into the dirt in WW2 while soviets plundered berlin and afterwards there was a huge de-nazification program set up there right?
Nope. It's more likely you go there. Problem is that it's YOUR fault, you disgusting jew cocksucking mutt. This is your nigger culture that you spread around the world. Look at the mirror, nigger.
I like how they flush down the white shit at 2:35
very artsy
What pisses me off is how lazy the lyrics are above all else. Der Juden has the world under their thumb and they cant even be bothered to come up with anything eloquent to rub in our faces.
>he cant even admit killing your own brothers and sisters is a bad thing
Your jaw is probably unhinged from all the dicks you suck at once
By being occupied for 50 years and keeping the whole system including education, politicians, media after the reunification
He is right in that the current state of Germany is legitimately your fault
The kind of people that push the shit you see in OP is exactly who they told to GTFO in 1933-39, only for the Americans to bring them back in
what the fuck was that? Did that guy have a used condom in his hair?
What the fuck is wrong with germany?
>take responsibility for your own people.
lol talking real big here
They're copied american nigger movies.