Post your holocaust redpills, I need a new folder
Did the holocaust happen, Sup Forums?
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Never forget the 6
Something like it happened, although the six million figure is definitely fake (the Russians admitted they made it up), and many of the testimonies are contradictory.
I would but I gassed them all.
Sure thing
The Russians didn't "make up" the number in the first place. The first mentions of it were by nazis themselves (5-6 million) and the world demographics show a drop of ~5,5 million Jews worldwide between 1939-1945. Now count in the positive birth rate.
No. There was never a concentrated effort by the Germans to exterminate any group of people. Anyone that died in a concentration camp was a result of incidental circumstance, like the camp not having enough food to keep everyone from starving. Official death tolls were incredibly low.
I believe the holocaust happened but it was due to lack of resources and priorities being fucked up by the war effort. Falling sanitiation caused disease outbreaks and delousing chambers were deemed necesary at some camps. Combine that with starvation and you have a mass death tragedy.
I dont think the nazis were the good guys but I don't think they were any better or worse than then every other beligerent in ww2.
>Did the holocaust happen
You must be retarded if you think that all was a jew lie.
The holocaust happened. Period
But the SS kill around 100,000, no 6 million.
JIDF was smart to make their own infographs, even if they're poorly made and rife with outright nonsense and disproved propaganda. They're so bad, it makes me wonder if it's not actually Stormfront false flagging to make them look bad. "Adolph Hitler" indeed.
Were people rounded up and forced to do hard labor? Yes. Was there a series of camps systematically gassing said people by the gorillions? No.
>pile of something next to dug holes
>its not dirt its ashes
Refute them then.
>everyone who doesn't believe muh holocaust denial is JIDF!!!1111111
"Beschränkte, Idioten, Krüppel und kranke Menschen müssen in kürzester Zeit durch Liquidation zur Entlastung des Lagers aus demselben entfernt werden. Diese Maßnahme findet aber insofern eine Erschwerung, da nach Anweisung des RSHA entgegen der bei den Juden angewendeten Maßnahme, Polen eines natürlichen Todes sterben müssen."
"Imbeciles, idiots, cripples and sick people must be removed from the camp as soon as possible by liquidation to unburden it. But this measure has insofar complications as, according to RSHA order, contrary to the measure applied on the Jews, Poles must die from natural causes."
I can't share the link here but search "nail pounded head blatant Jew Holocaust lie!
Himmler literally saying that the Nazi Party is exterminating the Jews.
>i think that assertions are arguments
Of course it happened you imbecile goy. That's why we needed to pass laws in every western country to make it illegal to deny it.
Now send more tax dollars to Israel and American boys to fight Israel's enemies.
Forensic proof Zyklon B was used in gassings.
We've known that the Auschwitz gas chambers were faked since the curator's admission on tape in 2002.
Not in USA, not in Canada, etc.
Also it's illegal to deny communist crimes in Poland.
It's illegal to deny the Armenian genocide in Armenia, Cyprus and was even in France.
It's illegal to deny the Rwandan genocide in Rwanda.
It's illegal to deny the Holodomor in Ukraine.
The countries in which it's illegal to deny the Holocaust are primarily the countries that suffered from the Nazi regime.
>"here's a recording of himmler"
>>there is no authentication proving it
>"why would (((I))) lie about it?"
Are you going to refute a single one of these or just complain? Genuinely interested. Never seen a counter shill able to spam a denial thread harder than the stormfag shills. This is pretty cool.
Why link forensic proof when it's already proved that the gas chambers weren't real? All it does is throw all of your research into suspicion because we know that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz for them to have used Zyklon B. Now that we know you're posting faked forensics about that, how are we to trust any of the other "information" you're posting?
This is where you JIDF always get greedy. Any of the lesser known Soviet-side camps you could've played up, but you always go for the cherry with Auschwitz.
The recording lasts for like less than an hour, also there is the recording from Second Posen speech. You can even order them from the archives.
You can download the excerpts here
Note that not a single prominent Holocaust denier claims it's fake, they did try to claim that an Allied imitator recorded it, but that's debunked by the original transcript and Second Posen Speech.
Already did refute them, samefag. Go back to your UN flag and IP.
>that namefagging
>meme flag
Man, I was excited, too. Your argument is just ignore it and then say "it's all fake?"
I'm not the guy spamming shit. I'm here lurking and i've never seen this kind of thing happen in any thread so now i'm interested to see what you stormfags do when someone provides evidence.
>sure, people claim that it was an imitator, but we have transcripts that we claim aren't imitated that support that this not-imitation isn't an imitation
>and we wouldn't doctor documents in our possession to fake authenticity about something like the holocaust
>after all, what would we stand to gain?
Where's the proof it isn't real?
Also David Irving says they're real now. Also David Cole, and Eric Hunt... and Weber.. your big denial scene fell apart.
>muh 6 million
Assertions are NOT arguments, sweetie.
>inb4 someone claims the 300k number
No, my argument was that David Cole got the Auschwitz curator to admit on camera that the gas chambers were fake reconstructions made subsequent to WW2. I'm sorry I didn't post retarded infographs or unsourced YouTube videos with the comments turned off, but I don't really care if I sway your opinion as a third party faggot reading this. You want to know if I'm right? Look him up. Choose not to? Literally couldn't care less.
this is slide shit
Only Krema I is a reconstruction, because Krema I was converted TO AN AIR-RAID SHELTER IN 1943. Note that it's only ONE Crematorium (and gas chamber inside). Krema II-V were blown up.
You're showing some serious ignorance, you don't even know the layout of the camp.
Infographics on weeb site Sup Forums will topple down one of the most historical moments in human history
oh i see. youre saying its fact so it cant be argued. i hope youre trolling and not just a sub iq monkey.
if it happened why lie?
No, Irving never supported Auschwitz killings, he claimed there may have been some at Treblinka. Which is what I was saying before. You could've been satisfied with just going with the camps that we don't have enough information to refute, but you greedy kikes can't help but go after Auschwitz because that's where the big numbers and most outrageous claims are. And it's also the only one that's been thoroughly and systematically debunked.
I don't blame your gambit. If you're going to Jew, Jew big after all.
why bother lying?
So your posted assertions claiming authenticity but having nothing to prove it were wastes of our time.
>i got destroyed so now i have to resort to strawmanning
i dont even know why lie when happen tho
What?... So your counter-claim is that some guy spliced a youtube video together? That's fucking retarded. But I guess you know that since you're just accepting that you're wrong and can't argue or something?
Do note that the title is misleading, he still clinges on his last straw that it were ~3 million Jews.
all these lies are based on HAPPEN
Don't you hate it when the crematoriums that proved the holocaust were all disintegrated down to where there wasn't even rubble left? How unfortunate that ALL physical evidence would simply vanish in the war and that the ENTIRE REST OF THE CAMP would survive without damage?
Explain this, kike.
I... don't even know what the flying fuck you're on about. Are you sure you're responding to the correct comments?
dog overlords made the nazis holocaust those poor innocent jews
*It was a HOLOgram*
6 gorrillion is just a round up of accepted 5.7 figure
Couldn't that just mean she was put into the infirmary and as a result wasn't there when her number batch was gassed?
Yes... You said go look up some denier getting a curator to admit they did reconstruction on a site. That's like pretty common protocol for historical landmarks. They do it in Rome to all the stuff there all the time.
>sure these testimonies about the Holocaust were obvious outright lies
>but I bet they were actually Christians anyway XDDDDD
Reminder that to deny the Holocaust is to admit that niggers with machetes are better at genocide than the master race.
The denier got the curator to admit that there was no gas chamber and that the only one on site was made after the fact. Not that it was a reconstruction of an existing one. The curator argued that even if this one part of the holocaust was faked, that the narrative was so important that it outweighed the truth.
The Holocaust was the greatest achievement of Teutonic autism, I consider it to be highly offensive to deny such an event
That's already a lie. Here is Piper's response
Um.... I'm gonna go on a limb here and say that's very clearly not what the curator said. Can I get the source? Is this gonna be some bullshit cropped video like that Project Veritas dude's?
Forgot second link
so lucky almost got her
Oh for fuck's sakes. Yes, please let me take the effort to type into google "david cole auschwitz interview" and then click on the youtube link to post to you, you helpless fucking imbecile.
But before even starting to critique the testimonies one should make sure that what one reads is what the alleged witness truly said. Let's take the item that supposedly retells an unknown comedienne Soocha Renay's story. It was taken from a newspaper column. The author of the column did not indicate where his descriptions came from. It is thus unknown if they actually fairly represent Soocha Renay's claims (if those were ever made) or are a result of "Chinese whispers". Knocking down this newspaper item achieves exactly nothing. It's not a historical source.
>linking to an article by the (((Nizkor))) project
The same Nizkor Project that made the outrageous claim that the ovens were heated solely by the previous corpses' body heat and that they could run for weeks on end without any maintenance whatsoever?
jews holocausted young babies
LOL fucking btfo. Jesus you guys crumble so hard when someone bothers to actually call your bluffs.
Why do you even base your antisemitism on Holocaust denial?... I'm actually serious. There's so many better methods to "attack" Jews than just failing to disprove the holocaust.
This guy just explained the video...
yeah its from a documentary by a jew, i cant remember his name possibly david. give me a minute mate ill try and find it.
Yo save your time, mate. I found it. It's just a denier pretending to be a Jew. He went by a fake Jewish name to add validity.
>here's a 15 year old largely unsourced blogpost by a literal who that has a one-sided argument with himself about Cole in which he takes his own side over Cole's
>"haha deniers btfo'd!"
wew lad
>not one person...
Literally any Nuremberg transcript with witnesses prove this wrong.
>the confession of Rudolf Hoss
>testicles crushed
A gigantic LIE refuted DECADES AGO
>the gas chamber doors of Auschwitz not airtight
Which ones, exactly? The ones in Krema I that were retrofitted on the exterior are not airtight anymore as the peephole is removed and the frames are wooden.
>chminey not high enough
[citation needed]
>labeled as morgues
Not true. Those are different segments of the Crematoriums.
>no written order
Hermann Göring's letter to Heydrich
>equal amounts of Zyklon B
[citation needed]
>5 ovens
See >photos from Allied planes do not show gas chambers
Because they can't. The gas chambers are inside the Crematoriums, you idiot. But some footage shows open-air cremations though :) Deniers btfo
>4 million number
It was 4 MILLION PEOPLE and it wasn't accepted by western scholars. The 4 million number was based only on crematorium capacities calculations.
>numbers by soviets used to this day, electricity steam chambers....
No they're not. And the steam chambers, electricity etc. were dismissed even in Nuremberg due to lack of proof.
>fighting on both fronts
A percentage of Jews was used as slave labor and a percentage were exterminated (majority, mostly unfit for work). They didn't have resources problems until late war and most of the killings happened in 1942 and 1943
>found it
>doesn't bother to provide a source to back up the claims
... citation needed? he went into hiding for 15 years after ridiculous pressure from the jewish lobby
Assertions are not arguments.
It was 4 million PEOPLE not 4 million JEWS and this estimation WAS AND IS dismissed.
See the same response above.
What purpose does zyklon B serve if you own a gaschamber and you have already put the victims inside and closed the door?
4% CO2 will kill everyone in the room in minutes
gaschambers with standing room only and low ceilings would suffocate their occupants before the sonderkommando could get the Zyklon B in the chute
The fuck was that incoherent rant dude? The guy provided me with a multi-sourced refutation of your claim and your only argument is to attack the source? Don't you guys get paid to do this arguing daily? How have none of you thought to abandon that talking point?
The links posted by the EU meme flag guy and the other american refute that it. I linked those in a prior comment I made.
Not a single Holocaust denier is responding to documents
Please explain to me where all the remains of the 6 million burned Jewish bodies were buried.
It was recently proven that kikes made up the additional 5 million dead fags, retards and gypsies to gain sympathy and paint the Nazis as evil. You cannot prove that 6 million Jews were gassed no matter how hard you whine about it
>Flat out lie right off the bat
>Hoess signed the statement in German. It was later translated into English, French and Russian
>crushed testicles
Debunked here
>not airtight
Debunked here
4 already down, not looking good for the rest
No, no. You're right. A blogpost by "Sergey Romanov" where he picks apart a 15 year old video in a vacuum and allows no one else to debate his findings or interpretations is definitely proof. His assertions are fact because they reinforce your worldview, he certainly shouldn't pass any benchmark of peer review or opposing argument to cement every word of his as irrefutable historical evidence.
Any other private blog posts you care to enter in?
No doubt. Revisionism means someone wants it covered up.
literally says 1.5 million men women and children ((MAINLY JEWS))
fuck kikes like you are scum
>claims 6 million Jews were burned
And you expect me to take you serious? You didn't even read a single Holocaust literature I guess.
6 millions were KILLED, mostly by gassing. Also see See