What ever happened to Generation X?
What ever happened to Generation X?
They became ZOG drones
We're here, shitposting with you millennial faggots
I'm right here, bitchass. And i still want to kill myself.
I was a kid when generation x was teenagers, and in retrospect a lot of things a saw seem now like the basis for the current SJW movement. Like they weren't racist enough and it seemed cool being a liberal.
we own this board newfag
>lurk moar
I think it's more that they were just too passive. Honestly their contributions have been so forgettable I'd be surprised if they've affected much at all.
They are definitely the reason boomers think they are such hot shit though, Gen X has had their collective tongues licking boomer anus practically since the womb
Still here bringing horror and dismay to the masses.
what's the cutoff year for x-lads?
Disenfranchised counter-culture dropouts
84' May be wrong tho?
Best laugh I've had in ages. I hope one day your dreams of suicide come true.
Most of the goods ones have killed themselves. Those remaining are dangerous as fuck.
We are here getting called boomers when we don't get down with your age based hate session.
Most (((experts))) cut it at 1980 or 1981.
1980-1995 (or 1981-1986) is millennial, the worst generation to have ever lived on this planet.
what he said:
They took the boomerpill in the late 90s
Their kids are by and large unbearable faggots, consider that David Zogg and his brown bald lesbian friend were raised by Gen X
Know how badly Boomers are shitting over everything right now? Imagine how bad it was when they had even more control and influence.
these are the faggy libtards we hate so much, think Paul Rudd, they gave birth to soyboys and have ruined the world with their naive altruism
Fuck off boomernigger
don't cut yourself on that edge kid
>(or 1981-1986)
Absolutely no one uses this timeframe anymore
Hey speaking of generations, is there any further evidence that gen Z is looking notably conservative? Or was that just a fluke?
I always consider it to be the last battle cry of a dying english culture of rebellion that just went extinct.
can confirm.
i can describe most of it with one fucking word
well shit, see
Everybody loves Paul Rudd and hates you, be honest
that's why you're so bitter and faggy
No I'm a millennial and watching degeneracy spread like wild fire among the friends I grew up with.... Race mixing, soyboys, cucked. Funny enough the only feminists I know are single.
They and the Boomers ruined this country.
depends on who's doing the labeling but Pew has GenX up to 1980, Millennials 1981-1996
>Truth is edgy to the baby baby boomers
I bet your tongue is always icky no matter how much you wash it or drink.
Gen x is exactly like the boomers at least the millennial fags realized the system was broken you're still part of the fuck you I got mine generation. I think commie millennials are better then you bcuz at least they believe in SOMETHING you nihilist pieces of shit.
Lurking on /pol since 2015
Gen X culture: Pearl Jam (faggy band crying about suicide) Green Day (KYS if u like this) shitty Kevin Smith movies (OMG clerks so groundbreaking) and gay ass pop art (if you stare long enough you'll see your mom's hairy bush).....lamest, fakest, most naive generation ever
Typo was 1981-1996 fag.
In Italy gen z voted right. In UK we are fucked they are 80-90% Corbyn. Not like it matters as we don't have a single candidate
They are approaching their 50s realizing all the fun never completed them.
We're here but we're very small. Sandwiched in between two very large generations, the boomers and millennials we're kinda the ignored middle kid.
Oh good lord we're the Jan Brady of generations.
its gonna be fun watching the millenials get pushed aside by gen Z, these faggots have not come to the realisation they will get old and grow out of the 18-35 demographic yet
Millennials are going to ruin it more with either fascism or communism. I'm Millennial and feel no connection or loyalty to any generation. That's the benefit of being a social outcast.
what the fuck else would we be doing?
So the same shit boomers did. Millennials have a ton to answer for, don't get me wrong, but they're a product of their environment, unlike the boomers that deliberately went out of their way to craft the world in that manner.
Well said
That's me, except the right is the counterculture now.
-GenX counterculture dropout / conspiratard who mostly left Sup Forums to follow today's Grateful Dead (a.k.a Q)
Leave Paul Rudd out of this.
See they're the fucking minions of the fucking Boomers. Actually think you have a better chance to Red Pill a baby boomer who's never heard any of this shit than to convince of gen xer who knew it all his life was just too big a piece of shit to somehow start caring. At least the Boomers had fun and at least the Millennials see there's a problem you're the absolute fucking worst.
I was a social outcast and fucked over by my peers. I'm Millennial btw. Why shouldn't I think about myself over most people? If other generations screwed my over and my generation is going to screw me over why shouldn't I logically think this way?
can confirm
Now they play that when ISIS kills their keeds
Communism is what kept this world going.
Fuck this "New World Order".
The old Cold War was a much better time.
You try shitposting on a VCS.
We got jobs,bought houses and started families.
the right are just faggots like they've always been
I've met six foot black trannies that would make you homos shit yourselves and pop a chub at the same time
If that order is going to make my life worse no thanks. I don't see the point.
That sounds so british.
Hey, how's it going?
decided to get drunk with painkillers and die
Everyone deliberately makes decisions. I don't see why I should magically think one way or another because of what my peers are doing. If you decide to do something it's because you decided to sit down and think about it then decide to do it.
LOL the only reason any of this age shit matters is because you guys suck so hard and are trying to defect.
now i want cherry pie
i have no idea how to get it...
Millennial NEETs, schizoids, and autists are even bigger drop outs than Gen X.
Saving the weak pansy generations
>Gen X culture
Old indie bands are pretty cool
>Millennials see there's a problem.
Disagree. We are by far the worst generation. We are the fattest (fact) to have ever lived on the planet. We are the weakest, least in shape. We are the unhealthiest. We binge drink more than any generation before us. These are not just trends, as gen Z has reversed all of the above.
Gen Z is also considerably more right wing than millennials, who are almost entirely cucked SJWs
It is hard to get, can only be obtained at a bakery or during the holiday season.
Don't fuck with that hostess crap.
>no job
>still listening to pearl jam
Being degenerate failures who opened up the gates of drugs and fag shit to the millennials. I was born in 86 so im in the middle, but my older cousins were failures who all turned to cocaine and X while getting sociology degrees. I love to drink and have a good time but at least I got a STEM degree and can support my family. I never had to move back in with my mommy and daddy.
This. That's right daddy's watching
Why care about being prudent if the future is going to suck?
They're fucking corporate cucks
Gen z is not more right wing, if anything they're more apolitical
Go be a nigger somewhere else then. Lack of regard for the future is the behavioural definition of maturity
Nothing better to do.
>Gen Z is also considerably more right wing than millennials
That is unproven nonsense based of a single poll from a single article.
>self-hating millenial spouts buzzwords and praises Gen Z for being more "right-wing"
Hello Rebbit
If most of our generation is either SJW or fascist there is no future. If my generation hates me and other generations hate me why shouldn't I just live for myself? No reason not to.
probably because they are still retards in grade school. hardly an indication.
if anything, parkland showed how entitled and emotional gen z can be
If you think your peers suck but you don't how is that considered self hating? I just see my generation as some arbitrary year I was born in because my parents decided to have sex. I was more influenced by the internet than I was by my peers.
Entitlement isn't bad. If other people suck why shouldn't you put yourself first?
muh daddy called me a faggot when I was 17, cried that day, don't know why, maybe I was a faggot... maybe I still am.
Gen z is '97 onwards.
Found the nigger
Every day for the next 20 years 50,000 white Hispanics will turn 18.
gen z is trash... except for my little sister she's awesome and will slay all you bitches.
Pretty much this, also voting for Trump in massive amounts apparently.
To be fair we're just seeing more of the anti-gun parkland kids cause they're being curtailed around by CNN and the likes
We just had Italian elections. Overwhelmingly right for the under 25s.
Every 30 Seconds, a Latino Reaches Voting Age. You Read That Right.
1980 checking in
That makes you an XY cusper.
No user, I meant that gen x dropped out of being counter-culture. Anyways, millennials don't buy the gov's shitty education, so it's for the best if our dropout rates really are higher.
Lmao. Genz are exactly similar to millenials when they were 18. Give it a few more years for more of them to really be brainwash in the college system and you'll see one hell of a shit storm that will seem like deja vu.
I think the public schools suck in general. Homeschooled kids are better because they don't have the social disease.
Lol found the tranny XY queer
US public school is a psy-op, simple as that. History is fabricated.
homeschool kids are fucking weird
Not according to Pew. Also, really splitting hairs