oh boy...
Oh boy
Other urls found in this thread:
>I love surrounding myself with arguments, and fighting, and other people doing my work for me
Liberals btfo
>Liberals btfo
This is too fucking funny, I told you fags back in 2015 that this guy would crash and burn, but no one listened to me. We should have memed based Cruz into office.
Now America is forever doomed because of this fatty imbecile. He's even worse than Obama
the phrasing you shills use just sounds off
>kike fired
why would liberals want that? lmao
Why does everyone who work with Trump leave? Is he that insufferable to deal with?
He don't compromise and they get angry.
He won't give us bad deals.
He's a hero we need.
Besides China has tarrifs on us and we aren't allowed to give them back? This dude is a globalist.
(((Cohn))) from (((Goldman Sachs)))
Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you.
They thought it was an easy ticket into the government trough to line their pockets, and are now starting to realize that, unlike every other politician, Trump intends to do the shit he said he would do.
He resigned, moron. Because Trump turned the White House into an absolute shithole, and nobody wants to work there. But keep screaming about jews, don't worry, you'll get your way one day, right? That's why everybody loves nazis now.
Tariffs are defendable only when they're set to protect a strategically important infant industry like military equipment etc. I guess Dronkf is just pandering the hicks and rednecks with this.
Haha the Jews lost again. I fucking love this man.
He was a lefty kike, who was kept in as a token to the dems.
Autism: the post
It's a shame that we'll have to wait for you to die naturally for your idiotic ideas to leave humanity, but at least your very being will prevent you from reproducing.
Texas here, Cruz is a faggot and the Zodiac killer.
What are you going to be a hormonal bitch when everything you say is false?
>durrr Trump can't do anything
>he only has the entire government against him to hide their crimes duuuuuuuuiuurrrreeeeeeee
Fucking idiot.
The meme is rural and suburban retards.
This is bad. Anyone who disagrees isn’t economically literate.
>he resigned
how fucking new are you?
He stuck around for a year at least. Thanks, Cohn bro.
It'll be interesting what happens with the tariffs.
Knowing that Trump has been planning to run for 30 years, my guess would be that he already knows every policy he wants put in place, he brought all these people in not necessary to hear their opinions but because he thought they would most faithfully fulfill his own agenda and had the credentials and/or likability to help sell it. After coming to a disagreement with Trump on a hot policy item they realize they're opinion isn't really valued and that they're just there to push Trumps bold decisions and they bail out because they don't want to take the heat, or are butt hurt that they have no real influence.
Cohn was one of the only people who had the sway to prevent Trump from doing what he promised he would do. Now that he's gone we're back to Bannonite economic nationalism, not sissy free market conservatism
faggot: the country
>t. mad Cruz missile
Every day is a day of happenings with Him, I don't see why you faggots are so angry at him lmao.
>kike economist leaves office
>not good for America
literally how?
Good. The guy was everything thats wrong with Capitalism and everything thats wrong with kikes all rolled in one. Hopefully he's replaced with a gentile. Still far too many kikes in the WH for my liking.
Crashing DC with no survivors!!!
One less Goldman Sachs plant subverting Trump, oh wow, what a tragedy
>Because Trump turned the White House into an absolute shithole, and nobody wants to work there
Nobody wants access to political power because Trumps a meany? This is your fucking argument? The fuck timeline are you from nigger?
bye Felicia
>political power
So what political power did he possess if Trump just did whatever he wanted to do anyway? Are you retarded?
>Nobody wants access to political power because Trumps a meany?
This literally means that he's /ourchad/ then.
This. That piece of shit doesn't belong anywhere near the President.
He's a puppet for Israel.
I don't even know why I care, since none of you do and you are the ones sending your children to die in endless wars.
Seems like; "oh shit I gave bad advice, better quit and make it look like I was against the whole thing."
Umm your president is owned by The Rothschild Family and Sheldon Aldeson among others.
Remember he went bankrupt?
they got btfo by based DONALD EMPEROR TRUMP you fucking shill paid by shareblue soros foundation gtfo, that was 23945436e8917843276t32456385632464238964732324689d chess
Are posts about Q and the dodgy Chinese steel knowingly being used in US military equipment being deleted from threads? Please answer this post even if u are a shill
Are you talking about 9/11?
i'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about.
How many more kikes are around Trump?
>Please answer this post
Here's your answer:
You're a mentally ill, tinfoil hat wearing moron.
Take your meds & go fuck a wallabee.
A-are you the former Trump supporter that in all seriousness couldn’t let him get his hands on the nuclear code? Senpai notice me.
You know it's a lie they shipped the steel to china, right?
There wasn't any steel left.
It is true they filled potholes with the dust of the dead.
Another jew down. What dimension of tic tac toe is this???
He is just is dealing with 100s of apprentices
>Why does everyone who work with Trump leave? Is he that insufferable to deal with?
They either thought they could compromise him or realize kikes are determined to take him.l out so leave for self preservation. Are you retards seriously this dense?
>usury jew BTFO
The (((Goldman Sachs))) kike GTFO!!!
I honestly can't be bothered posting here anymore.
So I feel I should leave you with something important.
The reason California was set on fire was because Martians gave Tesla the technology to create a Free Energy System/Death Ray.
That was used on 9/11 and now the Martians are pissed.
Trump's uncle was the one who stole the technology with MIT/FBI.
That's why they created the bluebeam time travel story, to cover up the nefarious connection.
That's the truth.
People talk as if there wasn't plenty of protectionism going on everywhere(EU, china, pretty much everywhere). There are other ways than tariffs to favor your own industries, stuff like regulation and safety measures, country specific standards that need to be adhered to.
Talk coming from EU feels so hypocritical. Yeah we don't advocate tariffs but the amount of loop you have to jump through to get in acts out as if there was a tariff in place. Only difference between Trump protectionism and EU protectionism is that EU pretends what they do is not protectionism.
no, they are weak and can't take the heat with their fragile Washington egos . . . MAGA!!
theyre fucking shills, bought and paid for by outside inerests and they're just wasting the presidents time
Thanks for coming thru guys
I don’t know the details, thought Sup Forums would mention it at some point
9/11 remains fill potholes, worker claims - NY Daily News
When I read this, it hit me hard how much America has fallen. Then again... We know why the outlook was possessed by evil.
Cohn already did his part with the tax reform. Literally the only reason he stayed on after 2017 summer of "both sides" to appease his maters. Trump doesn't drain swaps, he creates more swampland
Acosta too right?
That's why the case with the 13 year old was swept under the rug?
Free market conservatism is the best policy, but it cannot function alongside the existence of a large welfare state filled with sub-100 IQ ethnics, or when kikes are holding the reins of the government and finance industries.
>jews leaving the greatest submersable ship ever constructed
>Tariffs are defendable only when they're set to protect a strategically important infant industry like military equipment etc. I guess Dronkf is just pandering the hicks and rednecks with this.
Yeah, there's no strategic significance to steel.
Couldnt take the bantz
Holy Hell double dubz checked
move on over jared Kushner,
Ivanka is to good for JOU
>Liberals btfo
>Why does everyone who work with Trump leave? Is he that insufferable to deal with?
Certainly but more than that, everybody sees the end coming and want no part of it.
>Gary Cohn was born to an Eastern European Jewish family,
Fuck off kike shill
Can't wait for you shitcunts to get hanged
>Besides China has tarrifs on us and we aren't allowed to give them back? This dude is a globalist.
this I don't get, the leftists are always screeching at trump about tariffs, but the chinese do the same thing to everyone else's goods with the express purpose of making foreign companies uncompetitive in china.
more useless officials gone
Trump hired business people that have big egos who aren't used to being told to sit down and shut it.
Trump would do good to hire Keks and normal MAGA hat wearing Americans.
It's all Trump's brilliant 4D plan. Get the entire fucking government to quit, so we can finally be ancap. The best deals were made.
As Economic Advisors?
Trump was the best vote I ever cast
I don't know about you, but I voted for an economic nationalist agenda. Gary the kike has been blocking that for more than a year. The fact that the Republican Party is losing its mind over these tariffs is the best indicator that Trump is finally doing the right thing
trade war now, all hail the inner circle army fags
I like this part the best.
Eric Beck says debris powders - known as fines - were put in a pothole-fill mixture by crews at the Fresh Kills landfill on Staten Island, where more than 1.65 million tons of World Trade Center debris were deposited after the Sept. 11 attacks.
"I observed the New York City Department of Sanitation taking these fines from the conveyor belts of our machines, loading it onto tractors and using it to pave roads and fill in potholes, dips and ruts," Eric Beck said.
Beck was the senior supervisor for Taylor Recycling, a private contractor hired to sift through debris trucked to Fresh Kills after the trade center attacks. Before the arrival of Taylor's equipment at Fresh Kills in October 2001, the debris was sifted manually by workers using rakes and shovels.
Beck's affidavit was filed by lawyers for the families of 9/11 victims who are suing the city in hopes of creating a formal burial place for debris that they say contains human remains.
"It's devastating," Norman Siegel, an attorney representing the families, said of Beck's statement. "When the 9/11 families found about this, they were wiped out."
The families argue that the cleanup was hurried and slipshod, with the result that more than 400,000 tons of debris weren't properly combed for human remains.
no u
Free trade is a liberal principle, but 56% mutts bastardized the term liberal.
He said he was gonna drain the swap, and there's one kike less. What's the problem?
>3 new posts
No me what?
You're dead and in hell, is that what you meant?
Please explain.
If registered democrat, goldman sachs COO for a decade, Gary (((COHN))) whos last name is literally the hebrew word for PRIEST resigns....then you might be doing something right.
Trump could have went that route. Said, you must meet these environmental; safety; and quality standards to sell in this country. Would have made it harder to criticize
oh nooo that succkkkssss
How busted are your fucking jewdars seriously
>I no work in White House because Trump bulli me :(
This is what liberals actually believe. They aren't sending there best.
because free trade is one of /OurValues/ that we must uphold at all costs
if you don't want to enrich China at America's expense, you are racist. It's our duty to decimate jobs for working-class Americans for the greater good of China.