>Imagine being THIS retarded
Why are drumpftards like this
Imagine being THIS retarded
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Low effort slide thread created to subvert discussion and clog up Sup Forums by a memeflag faggot
Well, is he?
or maybe hes hinting at the fact the "navajo" is actually a "pendejo"
Almost as retarded as being on the left
You realize Navajos live on both sides of the border right?
Stupid Asian immigrants. Go back to Asia you wannabe natives.
Is he?
whatcha doin rabbi?
Pretty sure b8 but I'm guessing if you live on the Indian reservations you're not necessarily an American citizen
So, as a white person if I want to go to France don't the Muslims who own it have the right to tell me that I need a passport?
It’s not even sure how much Sheldon Adelson contributed to Donald Trump’s campaign, but according to the “independent” Wikipedia on September 23, Adelson announced a $25 million donation to Trump, as part of a $65 million donation to the Republican electoral campaign for 2016 (he was by far the biggest contributor to Trump’s campaign) and another $5 million donation to Trump's inaugural celebrations. Donald Trump has repeatedly met Sheldon Adelson, for example:
▶9 February 2017: timesofisrael.com
▶August 2016: nytimes.com
▶December 2015: businessinsider.com
Sheldon Adelson owns some newspapers that have openly supported Trump. On 16 December 2016, Adelson was unmasked as the secret buyer of Nevada’s largest newspaper, the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Adelson paid $38 million more than the paper’s previous owner had paid just nine months earlier for an entire chain of newspapers which included the Review-Journal. Adelson’s family foundation is also the largest funder behind JNS.org, a Jewish news service that serves a number of American Jewish news organisations.
It's cool guys, Trump saw the planes, your soldiers died for the right thing.
For all we know, he could be a Mexican LARPer. Just to be safe, it's time to oust the Natives as well.
I think there was an earlier court case, surronding the 14th amendment, that classified most native american tribes: not us citizens because they perserved no allegiance.
That is correct.
>no article link
>durrrr let that think in dirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>it's time to oust the Natives as well.
>Indigenous people only ever remain within their historic borders and never form communities abroad.
It's, this or another case of (((things))) that never happened.
>their historic borders
Navajos are actually from Central and UpCentral US
The same drumpftards LOVE to gamble their money away in the Indian Casinos
stupid indeed,
but it's the spics fault, since there are similarities in skin tone and features.
source: am spic, see lots of ameri-indian spanish speakers who came here illegally (presumably)
The natives here can freely cross the Canada/USA boarder simply using their treaty card. Would you consider that lawful entry into another country?
Not true, we killed em
>One person says something
>All of them are like this
if only this worked on muslims
Totally illegal.
Indians chose sovereignty, they cannot interfere with our own sovereignty.
Shit I declare myself Chief of his reservation now.
North America is all Solutrean Land anyways.
Indians can go home to Siberia if they dont like it.
if he is illegal, fuck the injun and throw him over the wall.
What Trump supporters?
Post video of them demanding this.
Actually you are
>that map
Fake news. Also, redskins aren't American. They choose not to be too.
what is source meme flag
He does look like a spic.
Since NODAPL all the Mexicans think they are indigenous and blacks think they are Copper Colored natives.
Fucking cult mentality has taken control.
Support Science and the Solutrean Theory daily Sup Forums.
You're gonna lose me soon and I wont be here to drop knowledge bombs.
And leftards have no money lol. Too easy
Try this map and then learn math fuckface.
Nowadays it's pretty hard to tell a northern spic apart from a southern one. Just being part of the tribe doesn't make you legal.
Besides, it's not like the fact that this is their ancestral land automatically gives them any right to be here in modern day. We fucking won. We write the fucking rules. And if he's not a citizen, we wanna know about it.
is irony and hypocrisy lost on feminists?
There are Navajo Mexicans. So is he illegal?
If you're born on sovereign Indian land, are you a citizen of the Indian nation, or are you a citizen of the United States? Pick one. Picking the latter means you have to start paying cigarette taxes and complying with state and federal gambling laws.
This is a good question. Also, being born here doesn’t make you American.
>that map
retards shouldn't pretend that they know about anthropology
Is that supposed to be a gun on his bandoleer? Who uses a scope to shoot that close? That thing's gotta be 8x minimum, yet he's pointing it down. Who the fuck drew this terrible pic?
OP is a fucking BRAINLET
most border tribes are transnational, meaning you can be a Navajo and born in Mexico
half of the Tohono O'odham indians are born in mexico, same with the Tarahumara, etc
i've met american indians with spanish names
>that pic
holy shit retarded topkek
>be Mexican
>cross the border without any papers
>grow out ponytail
>learn redman accent
>just tell ICE you were born and raised in a tent on a reservation
Why don’t more beaners do this?
That would ask for a PHS/IHS card or certificate of indian blood quantum
>The Shadow Wolves comprise a U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) tactical patrol unit based on the Native American Tohono O’odham Nation in southern Arizona. Shadow Wolf officers are known for their ability to track alien and drug smugglers as they attempt to smuggle their illegal commodities across the border. The unit boasts an esteemed history of tracking passed down from generation to generation. The name "Shadow Wolves" refers to the way the unit hunts, like a wolf pack. When one wolf finds prey, it calls in the rest of the wolf pack.
some ebin bantz though
As someone with native blood mixed with european I feel I can say on behalf of both sides I don't care.
I fucking Guarantee I know way more Archaeology than you pocho.
Fucking Indians have grown into a mindless hive of creationist cultists following the Turtle island religion.
Indians only showed up after the YD, you were not first, and North America never belonged to indians.
The only thing you can even raise is Ansick baby and I will debunk that shit scam too.
Name one Anthropological site that supports the Turtle Island cult, I dare you pocho.
Describes Trumpkin supporters to the tee. Profoundly stupid/unimformed.
They just need to be culled from the human race.
Kill them now. Due process later.
If you are questioning the accepted theory you will need to provide the evidence :)
>The only thing you can even raise is Ansick baby and I will debunk that shit scam too.
Into the trash you go, you can hang out with your fellow Flat-Earthers, maybe you can even summon a tulpa!
Adios Ice free corridor theory
Bienvenidos Solutrean theory.
It's only natural to want people not of your race out of where you live, people confuse this with being foreign because your dealing with the origin of the sentiment, but it's not actually strange to think this way.
[Genetic evidence citation missing]
quit using a meme flag for one,
two, you're going around his questions.
The YD killed them along with the mega fauna.
Luckily the oldest skulls found are easily and forensically identifiable.
topkek, he questions the viewpoint of anthropology, archaeology and genetics. he is the one who will to provide the evidence. he hasn't provided any.
For one he claims the Anzick-1 burial is a "scam". He will need to provide evidence for this strange claim.
Sure looks Mexican.
But it's not like "Indians" are from this country anyway. Go back to China!
>In October 2015, Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary geneticist who specializes in ancient DNA analysis at the Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen, travelled to Nevada to collect bone and tooth samples from the mummy and other remains for DNA sequencing, after meeting with tribe members several months earlier.
Willerslev’s team concluded that the Spirit Cave remains are more closely related to indigenous groups in North and South America than to any other contemporary population.
Let that sink in for a moment
Easy that kid was a newborn found in a leather pouch 3 feet above the YD ash layer and a mile from the Tools it was dated from.
Kid was never dated, and it couldnt be Clovis since it was above the YD ash layer from Mazama and the Dryas.
You are too dumb to even understand what the YD is.
let me guess, no witnesses
Native Americans had absolutely nothing to do with the creation of the American state
They opposed it at all points throughout its creation
They are not "Native" Americans at all
Pound some sand pocho.
Send him back to Asia. This is Solutrean land
It was carbon dated 12,707–12,556 years BP topkek
You have no idea how human genetics and history work do you "pocho"?
If you dont have skulls you have no forensic evidence.
Just wait til we get to Windover Bog or sandia Cave.
lol fuck off 56%
In all fairness, amerindians did not have citizenship rights when the country was founded, and were not granted access to them until about a decade after world war one, in a rather unremarkable law. There’s also no reason to suspect that every indian is neccessarily born in America. They can travel and give birth anywhere just like everyone else.
Kind of a weak article tbqh.
We have better evidence. Genetics :)
>is a group of people who were spared genocide (which should have happened desu senpai) by their conquerors here illegally
Well if they fucking go against their merciful conquerors, then yes they are here illegally and need to be 'dealt with'.
stupid European immigrants. go back to England you wanna be anglos
The left makes this error even more often. Natives just want gibs though, so they are still mostly Dems, but they fucking hate Mexicans, and fucking hate liberals for giving Mexicans and others native benefits.
Didn't they win that war?
BIA paid to manipulate all those "genetic" studies.
Thats how the Russian Yupiks get to LARP as "natives" and run all those sweet sovereign mines and oilfields.
Crossing to another continent does not create a new magical race.
there is no such race as a native american, just Neomongloids.
Siberians only had microblade tools.
Alaskas oldest site is only 12K years old.
The oldest dated Anthropological sites, tools, and remains ever found are on the East Coast.
You can preach the cult mentality all night.
Try Math.
Native Americans hate Mexican people confirmed.
Indians are illegal. Did they ever register with the U.S. government when the nation-state was founded and the declaration of independence codified?
>BIA paid to manipulate all those "genetic" studies.
You havent refuted anything though. All youve done when presented with evidence that contradicts yours is resort to ad hom and memeposting.
Im sorry you think thats an argument, but this isnt reddit. Smiley faces and le top kek soprano maymay dont count for shit.
Grow the fuck up memeflag and lurk more. Pay attention to people that actually make arguments, and try reading the fuxking sticky, you absolute nigger-tier mental midget.
That last paragraph contains ad hom, just as an example
1971 ANCSA was a complete Commie scam that's why you like it so much.
Holy fuck you crazy wagon burners even tore Frank Hibbens name off his own museum.
Its obvious what cult minded fucking whackos Indians are today.
Funded by the DOI/BIA/EWC/NOAA and powered by NARF Jew Lawyers.
Its like a Corporate Cult now and even worse than a theocracy.
The border is illegitimate for land that was stolen
Thanks brother.
its not his land anymore,the british conquered it fair and square