The left cant mem-
The left cant mem-
>balding at 20
aaron burr had a hard life
Monroe and Hamilton were cucked faggots though
20 back then is like 40 today
Because life for kids in 1776 wasn't that hard. I mean, all they had to do was help the farm, face the risk of dying from disease, fight in a war that could kill them, and various other pleasant things.
Compare that to leftist 30-40+ year old children.
so leftists are celebrating slave-owners now?
Tough presidency too.
>not taking into account the shortened life span in 1776
R e t a r d a t i o n .
All of them are adults even by today's standards.
Why does that mean we should listen to twelve year old "survivors" played by thirty-something crisis-actors?
The average 16 year old back then was probably more mature than the average 35 year old today
>watching adventure time in your sponge bob pyjamas is the same as being 20 in 1776
All those men experienced more in those 20 years than these chuckle fucks do in 50.
? Whats this thread about?
The US constitution came into fruition quite a bit later.
These guys were nobility. They just had to dress sharp and attend their natural philosophies
>implying 20 year olds of today with an average lifespan of 75 are anything like 20 years old back when the average lifespan was 50.
Not to mention most of these MEN served as soldiers.
They are all above the voting age.
This is not a meme you retard
>these men are around 20
>hogg is also around 20
what the fuck is that reasoning
None of them were at all important in 1776. What is the point that is being made here?
And I'd bet they all owned guns.
He got to slay a proper snake at least.
Imagine having that Aaron Burr hairline at 20...
he was also a dumb bitch
While not touching Madison author of most of the basis of thr funding, federalist papers and destroyer of progressivism before it existed. Yes, they cannot meme.
>Comparing founding fathers to gun grabbers.
a new low
So... The majority of these heroes would not have been able to buybguns with the proposed legislature? Activated almonds
Lefties are very susceptible to suggestion via meme.
We discovered this ourselves.
They're trying their stupid best on Sup Forums.
Hamilton was an intellectual colossus, prodigy lawyer, and war hero. He wasn't right about everything, but Burr was a cur.
The drafting of the Constitution of the United States began on May 25, 1787, when the Constitutional Convention met for the first time with a quorum at the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to revise the Articles of Confederation, and ended on September 17, 1787.
So they were all 28-31 at least?
Why misuse that?
you're a nigger
>led by George Washington who was in his 40s
The Left is fucking stupid.
The most important position any of these men held in 1776 was as a low-ranking officer in the revolutionary army (the requirement was basically just being literate). All this graphic accomplishes is showing everybody that the left is completely clueless about history.
Hi test.
>people in this thread that unironically believe lifespans were significantly shorter in 1776 and that this would somehow impact development in your 20s
Seriously just kill yourselves.
Hamilton was a Colonel and Washington's Chief of Staff, though. (bought his officership with his work for a trading company and was quickly promoted)
Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee III was the father of Robert E. Lee. That was a family who knew how to lead an army.
And they all owned an assault rifle of that the period and killed the people who tried to take them.
>t. redcoat boomerfag
Hamilton was 20 in 1776.
He was the senior aide to Washington in the Continental Army.
According to the new unconstitutional gun laws proposed, he would not have been old enough to have a gun.
>They think these men are kids
>Most of them own slaves, killed people in combat, or duels, or were incredibly rich land owners
>the constitution was drafted in 1776
The left? Jesus, they're the ones that would make it illegal for James Monroe to have a gun. Are you fucking me?
I honestly don't get what this meme is trying to convey.
>Comparing men who prayed, fought, and married to cuckboy 15 year olds who cry on social media
Yes, the left cant meme
what does this have to do with the left
im 13
>lucky to live past 12 in 1776
Ok lets see
"kids" then
>graduated university by 16
>had wives and children
>knew multiple languages
>drafted intricate pieces of writing
>created businesses
>were involved in ACTUAL politics
>managed estates
kids today
>can teach their grandparents how to use facebook
David Hogg should not shut up. Listen and believe!
Are these really using this for the march? I don't believe they'll use "old white guys" who let citizens own cannons
That was before age discrimination like the BS that you have to be 21 to drink.
>eat laundry detergent
that was like 13 year olds my guy, not millennials
>cherry picking
george washington was 44
james madison was 25
thomas jefferson was 33
john adams 42
benjamin franklin was 70
samuel adams was 54
Sadly most Americans, regardless of politics, believe we achieved independence in 1776 instead of that being when we declared independence.
the constitution was written in the 1780's after a costly revolutionary war against the most powerful country in the world. So these guys were older than 18 and grizzled war veterans when it was time to write a new constitution
Don't forget that in that era was socially acceptable to beat up your kid to teach him some discipline
>the founding fathers were young adults who used assault weapons to fight the British government and form a more equitable government for themselves
>modern gen z demands the federal government expand it's powers and ban all assault weapons
>Lafayette named his son George Washing Lafayette
What a guy.
i thought this was an argument against raising the federal minimum age to buy long arms to 21
leftists cannot into thinking
They were pure Whites too
>m-muh balding means I'm high test
Massive cope
Wow man. Using the dead founding fathers to try to remove the very things they toiled to establish. It can't get any more backwards pants on head retarded.
Jesh, they really can't meme.
I'm already 27, nearly 28. Where has the time gone.
I'm wasting my life, Sup Forums
Adulthood began around 14 back then
about the """teen""" led anti gun movement.
Lafayette was a commissioned officer at 13 for perspective.
well spoken. somebody get them on this.
War used to be fought by aristocrats for honor and status. Modern warfare is what stopped this and they started shipping poor people into the meat grinder.
Hamilton was a federalist banker worshiping boot licker
Lafayette was the only one that they have a case with, but he was an exception. My problem is when all of this retarded teenagers think that they're Alexander the Great just because he was young.
>Comparing exceptional men to regular people
Federalism would have saved the country from becoming what it is right now. Slavery would have been abolished and niggers shipped off.
(You) Dumb Son of a Bitch. These people had been Adults for ten years in 1776. In contrast (You) and your ilk never will be.
This. All the meme proves is how retarded and history-illiterate the left is, considering that none of those folks actually signed the Declaration of Independence, and the ones who did were all in their 30s or older in 1776.
> Assuming kids in 1776 are the same as kids in 2018.
The left can't meme.
> founding fathers were kids so listen to kids
> 20 year olds are too irresponsible to have guns
The left is retarded, once again.
>owned slaves
syphilis, armed resistance, basic reasoning.
nowadays kids are all about taking the gubs away where they used to be about arming thenselves woth thier country men.
>people who had rigorous education, fought in wars, and lived hard lives vs people who fall into pieces when the internet box calls them mean names
Nothing infuriates me more like the left pretending that they give even the slightest fucking shit about the Founding Fathers or the values this nation was founded upon. They would just as soon cry about how "d-dey owned slaves!!!"
I envy him. He got to slaughter that wretch Hamilton.
>Owned guns
This is britain in 1776
lol, yeap they sure shouldn't be able to own guns today.
This is spain in 1776
Or the fact that there wasn't television or electronic devices to distract them all day every day with porn, games, and mundane bullshit. They educated themselves, worked, and socialized without the influence of social media, which is much more conducive to structured rational thought.
Spain controlled southern italy? Why and how?
>these guys were young
>therefore you should take the opinion of these crisis actors seriously
Through inheritance, do you no nothing about the Hapsburgs? Read a book nigga
The Spanish Hapsburgs. They ruled Spain as well as parts of Italy, France and the Netherlands
this, glad someone mentioned this.....
No, it's more like if you live to be 5, you'll age like people do today, but half of people died before than, which really brought down the life expectancy.
Spain never controlled Japan, the fuck is this?
Those are the phillipines
>Yes SHE Can
People died when they were 40 back then. 20 years old in 1776 = 50 in 2018.
You can't even tell the difference between Japan and Sea Mexico.
Weird when you think about it that way, but you're right.