I work part time at the service desk of a library at a large university. As I often have a lot of free time at this job I occupy myself by reading. Today a student caught me reading Mein Kampf. She immediately questioned why I was reading it then proceeded to call me a neo-nazi while claiming that she now feels unsafe in the library. She said that I am going to be reported to the libraries management staff. I am now deathly afraid of losing my job. I need some advice Sup Forums how can I defend myself when the management staff confront me?
I work part time at the service desk of a library at a large university...
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Just say you like reading political books and say how you read books like Das Kapital
My guess is that you completely sperged out in the process of explaining yourself, and that she called you none of those names in quesiton.
Just say that you were reading the book to better understand how Hitler was able to rise to power, as an objective historical study. It shouldn't be hard, it is exactly hard to find copies of Mein Kampf.
*not exactly hard to find copies of Mein Kampf
Tell them what they want to hear ( I’m soooooo sorry I heard a page in the book was missing and I just wanted to make sure the book was still good for borrowing) and don’t be so stupid next time
>Banning books now are we
>Isn't that what the NAZI'S DID
Just say some gay shit like that. Turn it on them
Noone wants to be le ebil nahzee boogeyman
You were just doing research for your new book
It's a historical book, blah blah blah
It's my personal copy. The University Administration has banned this book from library shelves.
say you are reading it for research regarding one of your social equality classes or some shit
i mean come the fuck on. I checked out mein kampf from the school library in eighth grade and read it during our holocaust section of history
this was back in 2005 tho
and i was a giant dickbag in that grade so meh
Jesus Christ lol what would make you think doing this would be okay. Can they prove it’s your personal copy? Say you found it lying around and didn’t know what it was was. Even easier tell what they want to hear scenario
Just shoot up the fucking school,problem solved
Say 1488 kill all Jews and then proceed to gun down clear sjw liberals
Tell them you were looking for a copy of Fahrenheit 451 but instead opted for seeing how well received Mein Kampf was
Well... hello hive mind
LOL. that's unreal.
We fought the damn guys and I checked my local library the other month and we have tons of books on uncle addy and the 3rd Reich. I must say I didn't see mein kampf though. I checked a lot of the last taken dates, and the books were all mostly rented in the 90's. Our generation doesn't read
They can't prove it but they also aren't dumb. Since the book is not allowed on library shelves, owning it is the only way I could have it.
I don't think they will care about this reasoning. The student claiming to be "unsafe" will take priority over their logic/reasoning abilities.
y tf wud the book be in the library then
There's a ton of excuses you can easily pull out of your ass OP.
>know the enemy blah blah
>learn from history so we don't repeat it blah blah blah
>studying the psychology of Hitler for a history class etc
>burning/banning books
I choose to not believe this story for the sake of my sanity and hope.
The appropriate response is that you were trying to "understand the psychology of evil." Remember, to liberals any worldview they don't like must be illogical and holding it a sign of severe mental derangement.
its a historical work
literally this. the psychology of hitler, say you saw a tv program talking about his personal problems or shit and got interested.
You are just curious and want to learn more about history and motivations.
user liberals clearly only read what they already agree with. Confirmation bias is rampant cancer. They will never believe nor understand abstract concepts like 'know thy enemy'. If you read it you believe it. Period.
Say you hate nazi's and just want to understand your enemy so that's why you are reading Mein Kampf. gotta look like the good guy.
Must suck to be a cuck.
>not roman saluting white brethren at the library
Key is that you are confident and act like this is nothing abnormal to read this stuff.
If you act like you have a bad conscience they are going to see it and fire you.
If you act like you genuinely see nothing wrong with educating yourself with such material then they wont touch you.
Also if they even allege that you are a Nazi I'd let them know that I'd not let myself be smeared and go to court over such an extreme claim.
>Our generation doesn't read
Why would I check out a book in a library when I can download a pdf and read it on my kindle without leaving my house? The number of people who read now are the same as in the past but how they read has changed.
>user liberals clearly only read what they already agree with
More accurately, they only read what others will be impressed with. And by read I mean purchase and show-off in public at every opportunity.
Also, if you can, buy one of the ultra-kosher editions that corrects "translation errors" and has more commentary by holocaust survivors than words in the original book. When the Inquisition summons you to your sentencing, show them that one. Please, for the love of god, do not bring the Stalag edition signed by Leon Degrelle or some shit.
What a wimp. You should have just told her to her it's not of her business why you are reading the book. And if she starting bitching to get lost.
Had you done all of that, she would now be sucking your dick and calling Mein Fuher.
When are you dorks have going to learn.
Tell them you're Jewish.
If they doubt you, show them your circumcised cock.
(also circumcise your cock)
Tell her you were interested in understanding hatred and intolerance and you wanted to know why Hitler killed those 6 million innocent Jews.
Look her directly in the eyes with the burning hatred of a thousand suns and say, "Now I know why."
Yes, this. Even paraphrase a famous anti-Nazi (Churchill): "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it."
Then if necessary question why your university would be against stopping Nazism.
I either had a good teacher or grew up in a different age, but I was required to read fahrenheit 451 in roughly 5th grade.
You do know every male in the US is circumcised, I am not sure about Canada but I am sure it is similar. It should also be know that the Jew usually circumcises his slave/cattle.
If this does not fill with anger the heart of every man I don't know what will.
HAHAhahahahahahahahahah retard
I'm not circumcised and I live in the United States so your statement is factually incorrect.
You sound like a pussy and I hope your life is ruined.
"Mein Kampf" is one of the most important books of the past century. If you are taking your job serious you should read it. Same with Mao's Red Bible or maybe even Gaddafi's Green Book.
Sorry I should have said nearly all. It was pushed heavily is years past but it may have gone out of style with the influx of shitskins. Still the point still stands. Circumcision was and is still pushed heavily within the US and the Jews would preform it on their slaves.
Lol this
Of course it was a woman, they don't even consider that someone might be reading it to understand the madness behind the man
>All women are brainlets
Yeah, well, it's the current year.
Learn from Lindsey Sheperd and record everything, hide you power level completely and kick up a fuss if they punish you.
Say you were comparing political ideologies for a website you're planning on making.
Read communist manifesto really quick (took me 2 days to finish it) to back your story up.
This bitch deserve some revenge.
>"Hitler did nothing wrong and jews melted steel beams"
Say this and you will be safe.
Wait... you think you can lose your job for reading a book from the library because a dumbass will report you? Its a fucking book, a historical one... and if its not a crime having it you didn't do anything wrong. Oh wait... you are a leaf, you are fucked.
Is it really that bad up there?
I know we've got our own issues, but I can't imagine this situation. What's wrong with having an interest in history? Why the fuck would your uni ban it?
This is exactly how I would deal if I wasn't trying to attract attention.
When I got caught reading it by a literal soyboy at work I exclaimed 'Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer' just to piss him off.
Faggot rammed the forklift through a wall right after bitching about me to other coworkers and got fired.
don't read mein kampf in public you dipshit. You deserve it.
They should let everyone read mein kampf. It’s verbal diarrhea, stream on conscious bullshit. It’s awful ramblings of a political failed art student. Hitler is so idiotic in his book I’m convinced the real power in Nazi germany wasn’t him.
Tell them to fuck off and it’s none of their fucking business what you read
Yeah people have the freedom of expression, of speech, and of conscious. It would be outrageous for this to get him in trouble
you are preparing for a debate
Found le shill
You must be older than me, or went to a private school. We read it in 9th grade.
This. It’s my out if or when I get “caught”.
“I need to understand how Germany could elect such a monster who destroyed 6 million Jews. It’s chilling and makes me so grateful we fought for the right side of history”
Leafspeak. Live it. Learn it.
Sponsor a book burning
just say you're researching it for a project you're working on, but that you don't actually subscribe to its beliefs.
Say you're learning about history
What the fuck kind of shit university do you work at? When I was at uni there were dozens of books from the third reich on the shelves, even books like "White Power" by Cmdr. Rockwell. Can't imagine a university library censoring that stuff
It's Canada user
Even still, I would have thought university libraries would be the one place where something like that would be available
Library are slowly dying off, but book stores and the digital medium are doing well. People would rather buy a few books they can enjoy forever than borrow books that they feel rushed to finish.
does she have a photo? just say it wasn't you and don't do it again
say you were reading it for an article about the rise of the alt right OBVIOUSLY
>coming up with faggy excuses
It's literature, and you're reading it in a library. Banning what you can and can't read is something Hitler actually did, unlike the holocaust.
Kill yourself and kill some juden people.
Tell them it was when you discovered that it was banned that you became intrigued enough to consider reading it. You wanted to understand how such a monster thinks in order to put the rise of Trump into perspective.
You kill two birds this way. By using the "forbidden fruit" excuse you just may make them consider shelving the book again to make it seem less edgy. That's a win because more will read it. You also associate Trump with the far right which basically makes you seem like a leftists and you will keep your job and probably get promoted.
You're welcome.
That was the part where you should have said, "I'm afraid I can't let you do that" and then made sure the body could never found.
If they try to fire you threaten to sue for wrongful termination, you'd win for sure our justice system isn't that cucked yet
Simply state that you were learning about how Hitler rose to power. To understand the past is the best way to avert a similar crisis in the future.
tell them a joke in German:
Wie passt man 50 Juden in einen Volkswagen?
Im Aschenbecher!
Just pull a Spacey.
Just tell them you're really into gay porn and Nazism was one of themes that came up and you wanted to learn more about it, to get deeper into the kink - and now that you have been outed in such a shameful fashion, you are now free to live your life as a gay man.
>I need some advice Sup Forums how can I defend myself when the management staff confront me?
sounds like a self defense situation bro
this is great
When do you think libraries started cataloging their books with barcodes? Think there might be a coincidence?
Well if it's available in the library it ain't illegal. You want to read it to take it apart online to show why nazis were mentally ill. It's plain research. You personally don't understand how they could be the way they were and some still are. There's working data retention in Canada and the local Homeland Security knows that you are just an average dude. You know law works in two directions them attacking you is your line of attack back to them.
>should you post even be real since this is hypothetical
Sounds to me like you work at the U of S your poor bastard
Just say you are writing a paper on Nazi propaganda so people can be more aware of trumps rethoric.
I would ask them what is the purpose of having books in the library other than for them to be read. They of all people ought to support what you did.
The fuck is with these new bots spamming shit up today?
is there a video of pic related?
So reading a book makes you a Neo-Nazi now. You can read stuff and not agree with it, like I do with CNN.
>Be librarian
>Read a book inside the library like a normal librarian
>Being called a nazi
I sense a great disturbance in this reality
Just say that your only fault is to love your country.
Fuck man that’s too real. Here in leafland you have to fucking watch your words if you even want your point to be slightly respected. It’s pathetic.
Don't be a faggot. Who cares
>Banning what you can and can't read is something Hitler actually did
Which is why the Left is so hysterically self-righteous as they do it - they're trapped in projection.
Looks like you're a faggot.
You wanted to be caught you little slut