Are they implying that he degloved himself here?I would think it would bleed more than that. And even then I still think the handcuff would stay on
Are they implying that he degloved himself here?I would think it would bleed more than that...
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i thought he dislocated something too
who's not to say it was a shitty handcuff?
No, he just tore off some flesh really fucking badly.
But even then howd he get it off.
By doing that? It's not rocket science to assume the handcuff were probably not super tight or were kinda shitty. That dude is no fucking cop after all.
Ever get something stuck around your hand/fingers and it hurts like a bitch to pull it off but it still slips out? Imagine that, but 100 times harder
This ending pissed me off
It was alright, could've been better but could've been worse as well.
The baseball arc is my favorite.
I don't get it. Nishimori went with the same cop-out ending for Cheeky Angel too. Ocha Nigosu's finally getting its ending translated, and from the looks of it it seems like it's also going to end with a nothing ending, though it had less romance so it's not a big deal compared to the other two
I need the name
Has anyone read his new manga and what do you think of it? I have the first 4 volumes downloaded, but haven't read them yet.
are you finally catching on?
every single piece of work this hack has put out that isnt GTO, has ended with a big nothing burger.
Same shit with the fuck that did Karen Children.
wrong author friend, get your shit straight.
>every single piece of work this hack has put out that isnt GTO, has ended with a big nothing burger.
user I think you're a little confused.
He didn't do GTO. The author of GTO's busy tainting the greatness of GTO with a shitty sequel.
And regardless of the garbage endings KKOW is top tier, Ocha Nigosu is really good, and Cheeky Angel was also not bad, if a bit repetitive.
noob, dont be spoon fed
I like it but the main plot is about to kick in so I hope it doesn't get super serious.
you are a fucking idiot
Technically speaking that's a degloving wound. It's partial, but the skin on the largest radius of the hand has been directly abraded by the edge of the cuff.
Seriously painful stuff.
Best delinquent manga. The OVA's weren't half bad either. Rik(a?) best girl.
Fuck you the ending is great
>not loving this page
>Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The uniform club is two blocks down.
10/10 ending for a 10/10 manga you Imai.
my man
Kill yourself
i dunno did he?