You went to the gym today right? I mean, you're not a fat fuck or a skinnyfat soyfaggot are you?
You went to the gym today right? I mean, you're not a fat fuck or a skinnyfat soyfaggot are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
gym is for peacocking homos who get off on watching other men curl
You either have a sexy face and a decent dick, or you don't.
Home Gym poorfag.
>Falling for the gym jew
>2 gooks obviously from the niggerest parts of east asia
girl on the left should brush her teeth
t. fat fucks
The iron jew*
No, I did not go to the gym today. Big useless muscles are just not appealing to me. I would rather workout my heart and mind. And I don't need a gym membership to read and jog 6 miles.
Im neither, im a fucking skeleton thanks to pancreatitis.
The smartest man in the world is a white American bodybuilder.
Enough with this jew.
Yeah I was doing it all the time until I slipped a disc cocksucker.
Not like I lost any weight doing it anyway so whatever.
yeah i hit shoulders and bi's
had some bants with 3 other gym brahs
>smartest man in the world chooses to live on a ranch in a 99% white township
I'm fat.
What the fuck are you going to do about it your little bitch nigger?
Admonish me on Sup Forums?
Get fucked.
2 types of guys go to the gym.
>guys who got laid before they went to the gym
And will continue to after. It never mattered.
And still are. It never made a difference.
I would love to have muscles and go to the gym, but I don't know how to use any of the machines or what anything is and there will be other people there. If I could go and be the only one there, watch a VR video on how to set things up and do weights, then I would go.
But that is a lot of effort. I wish I could wake up and already know and have been going, wake up in a different timeline.
>No, I did not go to the gym today. Big useless muscles are just not appealing to me. I would rather workout my heart and mind. And I don't need a gym membership to read and jog 6 miles.
>chris langan
>smartest man
Yea, I bet you thought his "Theory of everything" was legit too.
No. I plowed my driveway and worked out at home because I'm not a faggot.
>pick up dumbbells
>lift them
Also nobody cares or pays attention to what the fuck you're doing at the gym, nobody gives a fuck about you. Go ahead and whine like a faggot on the internet and stay a soyboy virgin forever though
Langan is an Anglicization of "Ó Longáin". He's potato master race.
Lives on a Ranch in a 99% white township with his white wife where he attempts to prove the existence of god using mathematics.
Who's smarter?
I went to the gym today.
Not skinny or fit yet though. Probably need to change my diet.
today is my rest day so no
More based than even I thought, apparently.
>gym is for peacocking homos who get off on watching other men curl
a pair of running shoes and a set of dumbbells is all anyone needs
Disgusting brown-skinned whores. Lower-class filth. Discarded.
This is pretty much me right now only I don't wear pajamas.
I went to boxing last night. Today I'm at work and in recovery. Cardio tomorrow and weight training the day after. This guy is right too big, too slow.
It was Upper body shoulder focus for me today, stayed right 'til the gym closed. Only downside was that they played Eminem’s shitty new album
DL, T-bar, benchpress led with free weights and did situps. should have done squats or ran on the treadmill but I already spent an hour on on it.
i worked out at home, thanks
the only guys that go to the gym near me are all raging homos
Fat "" people"" should be stripped of their rights.
That being said, I've been skipping gym for a good while now, but it's okay because I do heavy cardio(cycling 15+ kms a day). Gotta get that stamina somehow, have to find a new gym(recently moved to this place).
This thread again?
Lol dyle or fat fuck
Cope more
4 times a week, nothing today. Was working on a project for my business. I had Quads, glutes, arms, and core (core is everyday) yesterday. Tomorrow I have Chest, traps, and core.
I went for a walk, had lunch at a local burger joint, and picked up a bottle of Glenlivet 12.
says this DYEL faggot.
no one listen to this homo. women are just as shallow as men. if you build it, they will come.
I did 30m of cardio on a stationary bike and did some sets afterwards as i do every day if that counts
Ive actually learned to really enjoy working out and my arms are starting to look good, i just wish i wasnt addicted to unhealthy food and feeling compelled to eat like youre compelled to smoke a cig, id probably actually loose weight otherwise but i dont know how to deal with my parents enabling me around every corner. Christ im so sick of this shit
Ween off of it. The less you consume the less you'll want. I barely ever drink sodas now. I used yo a lot more often but now a belly full of suger water makes me feel sick. And that's a good thing.
>lifting on tuesday
Learn to fight
This. Boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ
I just got off the spin bike while watching 45 mins of Person of Interest. Do your part today!
Yep. Get fuct pusy.
i wonder if there will ever be an app were one can put these images trough some sort uv ligth so i can count how many sperm stains they have when they took the pic
I actually havnt drank pop in years outside of chase for shots, my problem is carbs and meat, i get bored then i start craving it worse than i crave cigarettes, and so i look for anything to fill the void, and on top of that dinner is the only thing i have to look forward to in a day so i take bigger portions. Wouldnt be so bad if i lived on my own but my parents cook shitloads of food that ive become dependent on that leaves me feeling fucked up so i work less, which means no moving out. Need to break that cycle somehow if im ever to become a man and i think i need to confront my parents about it if its ever going to stop
Enjoy an early preventable death you fat fuck.
Go pirate a copy of p90x3. Buy some dumbbells at Walmart and a pull-up bar. I got in shape in threee months doing that shit. I look way better at 40 than I did at 18. I was a skinny beta and now I look Chad. Fucking no excuses faggot. I just told you the easiest way to get fit. Fucking gyms are a waste of money.
As fat as they come, friend. I sat at home all day drinking soy milk, eating pizza, and masturbating to traps.
When I played high school football the guys would lift weights during the summer. I would bale hay in a sauna of a barn. I would knock their dicks still come to season. Man up and go chop wood or something, ferry.