Can someone educate me on what facism isn’t really about? I have a rough understanding but still pretty confused. Is it like ethno nationalism?
Can someone educate me on what facism isn’t really about? I have a rough understanding but still pretty confused...
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You know how liberals will tell you that you have to be tolerant toward criminals, pedophiles, and outright scum of the earth leeches?
It's the exact opposite of that.
Look it up for yourself faggot, there's plenty of information out there
>inb4 1 post by this ID
Well shit that’s basically my views. But what about Small Crimes like drugs and thievery? It’s been proven that rehab centers work better for drug abuse than actual prison.
I’m asking people retard because when you search it up all you get is the leftist propaganda definition that basically includes the nazis
No, they die too.
Facism isn't really for Ethno Nationalism. Thats more National Socialism, also facism isn't very violent either as liberals capitalists and MSM make it out to be. I suggest checking out Cultured-thug videos that help you understand facism more.
Controlled opposition
Sorry, thought it was going another slide thread, my bad
Check him out, He has good content and is pretty redpilled, he's channel is all about fascism, and it's core principles
moar pls
I need make sperm
Ugh negros need to fuck off back to their women.
It was a fairly decent ideology, which Europe still managed to fuck up.
Not Europe mate, Germans
But all you would be doing is alienating a culture that’s already most likely mentally ill or traumatized. I do agree that like 20% are degenerates but I’m pretty sure giving them a chance to get off and re establish themselves into society would save a lot of money and avoid the whole war on drugs thing that fucked the America’s up
Union and Action above all
Everything else branches from this two values and rakes into account the culture you are in
Fascism is an anti-liberalism reactionary organizational trend (so anti marxism and anti liberal capitalism) of society around tradition. Functionally, two examples of this are organizing around the state as was the case in Italian Fascism or around Race as was the case with the German NatSocs.
Here is another way to approach the term:
>But what about Small Crimes like drugs and thievery? It’s been proven that rehab centers work better for drug abuse than actual prison.
In political science terms there isn't a position on this issue that by definition Fascism must adhere to.
facism is marxism with race mixed into it. not so much race superiority (which there is) but rather purging races who threaten the aryan race and want to corrupt it. the national aspect is just bullshit because its no different than any other marxist ideology. the only difference is most marxist are accepting of other races that believe in marxism (which if they don't, they purge them) while fascist believe in one race being the purest and all others, even if accepting of facism (marxism based), must be purged as they are a threat.
everything else is the same. they both take over the econmy and engage in central planing. they both support large, intrusive government. they both supported universal health, education, extra. basic income, job programs, extra.
If they're dead, it works better than any solution with a chance of repeat-offense. Hence the term, final solution. No other discussion needed. Fascism and natsoc are the simplest solutions, and obviously they work for any white ethnostate if not for jews.
>society around tradition
no. marxist of the early 20th century where the same. the only difference is they purged those who didn't follow the new conservative tradition of marxism. they hated homosexuals, extra. the ones during the weimar republic where more liberalist-democratic republicans with marxist ideas. which is why during the weimar era supported degeneracy like buttsex.
>facism is marxism with race mixed into it
I love how retarded anons try to speculate about these things while clearly having no idea what the fuck they are talking about. You neither understand fascism nor orthodox marxism.
It's just pic related, that's it.
> marxist of the early 20th century where the same.
No, orthodox marxism was organized around class, not tradition. Was a lot of Old Left thought concerned about liberal capitalisms eroding effect on the spirit of man (and thus culture and tradition)? Sure. But to say the central organizational thesis of Marxism was tradition is actually retarded.
explain to me why every single fascist regime had universal healthcare, central planning, welfare programs, extra. stop trying to revise history with what facism actually is. it was born out of marxism.
Social programs go back to fucking ancient Rome you moron, they aren't inherently Marxist.
>orthodox marxism was organized around class, not tradition.
both you retard. tradition as long as it was marxist tradition. they purged homosexuals, purged religious individuals, purge all forms of degeneracy and kept historical traditions as long as it didn't go against marxism. much the same as fascism purged anything that went against fascism .
being this retarded.
Not OP but thank you for this.
Based leaf
It’s such a no brainer to get behind so why is it so demonized among the left?
>both you retard. tradition as long as it was marxist tradition.
Purging deviant behaviors isn't necessarily organizing around tradition for one. For two the Marxist vision was an imminent overthrowing of traditional class based structures, occurring in revolutionary phases.
also if you believe fascist didn't organize around class you're a bigger retard. fascist class is being the correct race and the most pure of that race.
I'm using the terms as they are used in political science, you are just equivocating vaguely now to win an Internet argument. Good job.
Hurr what is natsoc.
You're a fucking idiot and should open a book before posting on this primate transcranial magnetic stimulation forum.
>overthrowing of traditional class based structures, occurring in revolutionary phases.
no different than fascist had to do if those traditions where against facist beliefs. hence why the germans still gassed christians. they also had to create any such hatred they needed to muster to for their revolutionary phase as well. hence the focusing on jews as the initial hatred during the rise in germany. afterwards they turned against everyone else. christians, gypsies, political adversaries even if in the same party, extra.
The left want absolute freedom to do whatever they please.
political science tells you straight up fascist where marxist unless you are being taught by a liberal marxist. who badly want to disconnect marxism from fascism.
Because Europe was wildly influenced by Marxism, and later the Anglosphere has been fairly seduced by neo-marxism. They view these hierarchical structures as a kind of slavery and seek freedom from that seeming 'oppression'.
In short, axiomatic differences regarding human nature and values.
It’s just weird since the ideology at its core is a very strong community so you would think they wouldn’t hate it as much as other ideologies
you do realize that switzerland opened help centers for drug addicts to turn them into functioning members of society and 2/3rds of the people in them became functioning members of society right?
Please educate yourself on proper fascist doctrine as elaborated by Gentile and Mussolini:
Exactly what I was thinking of. They had a huge heroin epidemic in a very small population but managed to get people off of it.
>what fascism isn't really about
I don't know a lot about it, user. But, I can tell you one thing: it isn't about parakeets. Of this I am certain.
>hence why the germans still gassed christians
>by a liberal marxist
>political science
lel, liberals =/= marxists you fucking retard, both are garbage including right-wing liberals
Oh great so what do you do about the remaining 1/3? It's the same principle as if you let heaps of muslims in to your country, and 1% happen to be extremists. It's still too many. Brainlets, when will you learn?
They’re basically sjws who believe in the constitution and capitalism
National Socialism isn't even facism you faggots are why real facist are called Nazis.
It's a meme.
Shitty comparison edgelord
Bullshit. It absolutely is fascism you fucking idiot. All elements of society unite to protect the central principle, which is the ethnoculturally homogenous state.
It's what every country should be and pretty much the default system for every nation.
The people all work together for the nation and degenerates are purged. Thus the bundle of sticks symbol. Worked well for Ghengis Khan.
Oh and it's not fundamentally ethno nationlism, Mussolini didn't even believe race existed.
bullshit. Tell me, what is the cost of a terrorist? Money and lives. What is the cost of a drug addict to society? Money. To everyone around the drug addict? their lives. To suggest otherwise implies that you don't know the scum that is drug addiction.
>Tell me, what is the cost of a terrorist? Money and lives. What is the cost of a drug addict to society? Money. To everyone around the drug addict? their lives.
Holy shit, I't's like watching TV as a kid in the 90s all over again.
find this book with your google-fu and read it in a couple minutes. It's like fascism for beginners. And also all you need to know about it.
A Squire’s Trial by Alexander Slavros and Charles Chapel
>"This is crack"
based Habsburg
>What is a terrorist?
An extremist willing to carry out beliefs through violence
>What is a drug addict?
Someone who is most likely trying to cover up mental illness and trauma. Believe me I know I’ve been in the community.
So what are you gonna do? Cast out a group of “degenerates” who already feel ostracized and basically solidify the reality that no one is there for them? Ok Edgelord you clearly don’t understand psychology. Go LARP your edgy ideologies elsewhere
Any honest academic appraisal of NatSoc is that it is indeed by definition fascism. Whether or not fascism conflicts with your values and thus is a good or bad thing is a completely different matter.
>Mussolini didn't even believe race existed.
My understanding is that Mussolini's views on race actually evolved over time. From '21 to '27 for example he gave many speeches explicitly talking about the importance of race.
>to everyone around the drug addict. Their lives.
Oh of course you’re DEFINITELY saving the heartbreak and sadness of their families and friends by just sending them to prison for a long time or just killing them. Very smart indeed.
The idea is that the state exists for itself, and everything else exists for the state. War is embraced. Radical social conservative policies are implemented, with the view of increasing the birth-rate of the nation and its spiritual health. Private Property still exists. But, the state may regulate it in whatever way suits the state's perceived interests. But don't take my word for it. Get it straight from the horse's mouth.
>price of a bullet vs price of years of therapy that may or may not work
Gee what a hard decision.
refer to
This shit appeared in my town. "No Nazis in Drammen's [the city] streets!". Does this mean that the race war is on? Can I start slaying AntiFa?
Better to have your daughter shot in the head than watch her suck nigger dick for smack money my dude. Drug addiction sucks, parasites suck more.
Yeah it's a decision that society will have to adjust to, but the heartache and sadness it will save 10 years down the track of slotting junkies will be worth it.
It would also make other depressed fags to not do it and seek help otherwise
Sorry buddy, the numbers are on our side.
Your probably 13 and draw swastikas on your desk so I’m not gonna entertain you anymore
Yeah how's that working out for you?
You can do it the boomer way and watch it fail or start shooting them.
You're probably 10 and draw pepes on your fedora. See, I can act like a faggot too.
I'm on your side dude lol i was just pointing out the 3 gets in a row that support killing junkies.
What I mean is that in every case that they start violently cracking down on drug offenders, the number of people who are willing to associate themselves with illicit drugs in society plummets. The only ones left will be the dregs who should even in a peaceful society be left to rot anyway. Might as well make it quicker.
and therefore, because "good" people won't associate with drugs anymore, in time the policy only ends up targetting the dregs because of its nature.
Oh, my bad. Also more gets for killing junkies. Clearly God approves of our undertaking.
Don’t listen to any of the nu-fag retards in this thread. Hitler NEVER banned drugs, the worst he did was sterilize severe addicts. He preferred to educate people on the dangers of drug abuse, he realized banning drugs was just a way for ZOG to run a stealth black market monopoly.
you live in a fascist state on a fascist planet in a chaotic universe, op
Again that would be ideal if all drug users were just hedonistic fat stoners. But the reality is that most of them are mentally ill or traumatized
>the leftist elites in power demonizing the ideas that threaten their grasp on the wealth, media, banking and political institutions of these nations
If you can’t find enlightenment from psychadelics you’re a literal untermensch.
Fascism first developed as a reaction to the rise of communism in europe. There are many different forms of fascism, but basically in all of them the government plays a central role in regulating the economy, including corporations, the culture, etc for the good of the people, as defined by the government. In theory, private entities are not allowed to infringe on the well being of the people. This could mean that pornography, drinking, drugs etc are outlawed (these are obviously very complex issues that would ideally be explored in great depth). In terms of the economy, free trade would probably be restricted as it both outsources jobs and usually means immigration to your country which drives down wages. I probably have a biased opinion of fascism because i learned it here and i am interested in hearing other opinions
Fuggin jews
Fascism is ultimate totalitarian rule of media and thought.
It's about removing opposition, silencing dissent and controlling the masses.
If you want to see Fascism, just look at the Neo-puritan DemocRATS and their progressive ideology they force upon people. Look at the militant authoritarian arm of the left, Antifa, to see real Fascism.
Keep yours guns Americans.
>democrats are da truuue fascists! XD
>Not seeing it
Well thats one kind of fascist. There havent been too many examples, the pot kind of got shat in during WW2 and it fell out of fashion.
Psychedelics should be regulated tho. I’ve seen people abuse the hell out of them and turn into hippy crackheads
If I had to describe it in one word:Hatred
First thing to get used to with fascism is the incredibly, unarguable harsh punishments. If they state says you die you die. Especially if you are looking more at the nazism wing of it, where mentally ill people were simply deemed unfit and exterminated/sterilized (for a time, it did end once the people had enough of their loved ones getting screwed up)
The real solution is to ban the buying/selling of psychedelics but freely permit their manufacture and let the maker decide who he wants to gift them to. This weeds out the retards and junkies and also keeps the practice spiritually pure.
This ignores the human costs. Yes, you technically can just murder any citizen who presents an issue to the state, but the people in that state can only stomach so much death, and will start to act against you or become demoralized. One of the reasons the Nazis used gas chambers during the holocaust (if you say its a hoax go back to infowars) was because of the negative effects mass shootings of jews was having on the people, it was screwing them up.
Yes you can execute everybody who misses a parking ticket. But their surviving brothers will bomb your rail lines and subway stations and take pot shots at your leaders. Its not worth it.
Read ''The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism'' by Mussolini.
Well, you asked Sup Forums, a huge fascist safe space. Every other answer here is just going to be them spitting brainless nonsense because its their team. Though there is some solid information getting shared.
>go back to infowars
You mean the ZOG site that pushes the operation paperclip meme? Go fuck yourself shill, the holohoax is a proven fraud
Its not just the cost of a bullet. Its the cost of family and friends who get someone they love murdered by the state, so add in all the anger and noncompliance you may sow from that. Its also the cost of a society having another data point to look at when they form their opinion of the state.
This is my main problem with fascists. They are all so angry and reductionist they believe they can just up and slaughter their way through problems as if the entire existence of an individual is erased from societal memory the moment the bullet enters the skull.
>every thread that doesn't belong on /news/ is a slide thread
Facism is tough on crime and in love with its own nationality. Dislikes foreigners and anybody that exploits its people. They hate communism.
Mouslini united a broken italy under "hey u live in this land and your Italian then ur part of our country" attitude. And wanted to put back the Roman empire to a small exstint.
Thats why Hitler started wars cuz he was putting the german people from the prusian empire back together.
This is especially true with the opioid crisis in america, where many good, decent people are getting hooked on heroin after getting hooked on expensive pills from their doctors.
From Wikipedia:
Mussolini was an ardent socialist. He edited the socialist newspaper in Italy, L'Avvenire del Lavoratore (The Future of the Worker) and he later edited the weekly Lotta di classe (The Class Struggle).
Mussolini thought of himself as an intellectual and was considered to be well-read. He read avidly, his favorites in European philosophy included Sorel, the Italian Futurist Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, French Socialist Gustave Hervé, Italian anarchist Errico Malatesta and German philosophers Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, the founders of Marxism.