Guys they're taking Pepe from us. We're all going to be put in jail over copyright infringement for this, we fucked up big time.
Guys they're taking Pepe from us. We're all going to be put in jail over copyright infringement for this...
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He must be assblasted on levels I couldn’t even imagine.
Sounds like they're taking it from infowars. Alex doesn't pay me shit. I'm not his personal army.
Rate Matt Furoe here
He may have drawn pepe, but we forged him.
Can marvel sue little black kids when they dress up as black panther for halloween?
Ben "Too Extreme for Extremism" Garrison said it all...
This faggot did not create Pepe. Last year they tried to get anons to spread Pepes with copyright notices attributed to him. That will be a bad idea when it comes up again. They wanted anons to acknowledge that he made Pepe for evidence. He did not create Pepe.
sounds to me like matt furie is a cum guzzling faggot
He previously gave permission for people to use Pepe and said he enjoyed people using it until he was (((got to))) by the ADL, can hs retroactively revoke permission like that?
Sounds furie-ous
Fuck infowars, they deserve to get sued for culturally appropriating our shitposts.
Just use Public Domain Pepe instead.
Common, didn't you heard the news about what happens inside Infowars workspace? They hate Jews, niggers and faggots there.
Alex is /ourguy/ LARPing as a non-racist.
Yeah I heard Alex's little kike controller went rogue on him. Faggot still won't name the Jew or accept that nigs are apes. No sympathy.
looking for papa smurf pepe if any of you blessed anons has it
I have a conspiracy theory: The lawsuit against alex jones was an inside job to get Sup Forums to stop calling him controlled opposition
That douches cartoons were just a ripoff of the muppets anyways.
Poor stupid man is going to waste a fortune because his jew lawyer will never tell him that it falls under fair use.
I seriously doubt he's paying, this comes straight from the ADL
Come and take it niggerfaggots.
Wew nice I like it.
No and its creative artwork at this point.
He's obviously doing it for money only
No steal
>implying we didnt popularize his shitty comic characters
This. Furie has been waiting for someone with enough money worth lawyering to start selling something with Pepe on it. The ADL really did (((change his perspective)))
He has no case, pic related.
pepe is a religious symbol, case closed
which is closer to meme pepe than furie's version anyway.
Fake news.
he didn't make it.
Fuck that gay pepe meme,
that pepe isa piece of sheet.
he does not know da wae,
all who like pepe, I spit on you *spits*
good idea I am going to take ownership of his work.
I see you do not know the way.
Too late faggot.
what do you know of the way brother?
you are not the commander
There is no copyright law in Wakanda
But pepes creator killed him. Which is akin to placing your trash bin on the curb. He has forfeited pepe. Pepe is ours.
All your pepes are belong to us.
Too bad I already took control of it
A small kek did you elicit from me.
let's spice up this thread with some digits
Bump for pepe
Oh, but it was okay for CNN to put a KKK hood on him.
Bump for pepe
Why is Matt Furie such a cuck?
Also AFAIK he never copyrighted Pepe.
Matt deserves the right to the humorous characters he has created.
Yes, I'm being sarcastic.
art is automatically copyright protected on creation and lasts for something stupid like creators life + 70 years or 95 years after first publication
He actually had a really chill attitude to everything, you could tell he was a cuck but he was OK with everything. Then the ADL stuck its tentacles in and suddenly he's suing left right and centre
His name was Pepe
Pepe died at the end of 2016, his corpse is infested by Reddit maggots at this point.
But he achieved what he was born to do, elect another Zionist puppet to fool the goyim.
Alex says Muslims control the medias
PJW says he doesn't see a big jewish influence and that jewish people aren't really that present
Fuck them
They can only sue the source of the pepe, otherwise if someone saves a pepe image from google then it's google's fault for letting civilians download a pepe image so therefor google should be sued.
>fair use
>implying the meme wont just transcend into another form
>imblying it hasnt already
Better than the off brand?
Beyond this being fair use he didn't defend his copyright for like 10 years. A good lawyer could get his whole copyright nulled.
Beyond that pepe (the meme) is a completely unique construct and has little to nothing to do with pepe (((Matt Furie))). Smug pepe was entirely some user's creation.
Yup. We should have never even marginally associated with redditors. Too susceptible to jewish tricks.
Sue me
Matt is a cuck
I wonder how (((they'll)) fool us again in 2020?
>another form
He didn't create "Pepe". There's been a cartoon green frog wearing a blue shirt since the 1920s or something.
Maybe they're scared we're bringing him back
Furie will win this lawsuit. :(
Source? If so that should be tweeted at Alex
Good, I hope he wins. Fuck Kosher Jones. Zio gatekeepers must fucking hang.
Pepe is a dead meme anyways, Just use Apu
AAAaaaaand he doesnt source
Come and take it faggot!
Cry REEEEEEEEEE and let slip the frogs of war!
parody laws, just means we cant use pure pepes.
it will have to be 100% nazi and poopoo/peepee pepes