Hi Sup Forums. So i have a question for all americans and people that live in the USA. How is Trump doing?
The news in my country only seems to report negative stuff about him, and make him look like the worst person on planet Earth. So how's he doing so far? Is it really that bad?
Pretty ok. Has at least attempted most of the things he said he would tried to do, but with only minimal gains in most. Domestic ICE arrests are way up and doubling the standard deduction is nice, but couldn't manage to nuke obamacare. Not completely anyway. I like his poisonous concession technique (for example, offering a very capitulatory immigration deal that he knew the dems wouldn't take), though I don't like how he tried it with guns. You don't gamble with constitutional rights.
Ryan Walker
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
Ryan Davis
>The news in my country only seems to report negative stuff about him, and make him look like the worst person on planet Earth That makes two of us. He's fine I guess. It doesn't really matter man because our shadow government and deepstate keep everyone subverted pretty much entirely. The 1% knows whats happening, but they can't get through the 10%, which is the media, and the 89% is the people who the message cant get to from the elite because it's blocked by the 10%.
Jack Martin
He's doing poorly, as expected. Every week there's a new scandal, and someone else leaves his administration. Faith in the American political system is falling to record lows, and only a low percentage of people (subhumans) are supporting him.
Mason Baker
Hi shareblue, say the word "nigger"
Jaxson Moore
Nigger kike faggot spic gook. I'm a real conservative and patriot, unlike your draft-dodging hero.
Austin Baker
I honestly can't fathom what it's like to be this stupid.
Jack Foster
Say it again, you fucking ape. Let the words sink into your brain, and maybe you'll start to actually see the truth.
Robert Gonzalez
City people aren't white.
Zachary Flores
He's doing pretty good for the most part.
Socially maybe not so much, but everything else it's all good.
Xavier Gutierrez
He is not what we wanted but at least he isn't Hilary Clinton. He has done aa few good things
Levi Morgan
>(subhumans) too funny, you sound like a old Japanese solder found on some random island, unaware the war has been over for some time, and his country lost
Jackson Butler
And when you type you sound like one of those subhumans I'm talking about.
John Nelson
Ask yourself: Does Putin benefit from America alienating all of it's allies? Does Putin benefit from America tanking it's economy? Consider Trump is a sleeper cell doing everything he can (subversively as not to be forced from office in order to do more damage over time) to destroy America's standing in the world. There's a stranger in the house, gentlemen. We need to deal with this immediately.
...everyone wants to work in the White House. - Trump at a joint press conference with visiting Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.
According to data from a Brookings Institution report cited by the New York Times, the turnover rate of Trump’s staff in his first year — 34 percent — was higher than any White House in decades.
Former chief of staff Reince Priebus says in an upcoming book that the chaos looks worse from inside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. “Take everything you’ve heard and multiply it by 50,” Priebus says, according to an excerpt from the book published last month.
The last thing I wanted to do was walk away from one of the great honours of my life, being the secretary of homeland security... ...but I did something wrong and God punished me, I guess. - John Kelly
pro tip: if Trump states something it means the opposite.
Grayson Price
hes flat out okay.
James Myers
The fact that they feel obliged to do that shows how much the globalists fear him. That said he fucked up by even pretending to cuck on gun rights.
Mason Carter
He's making insufferable leftists mad every single day and honestly that's all I wanted from him
James Bailey
thats only the voices in your head.
Alexander Hall
Do Jews own your media in hueland?
Benjamin Cox
All I know is he's definitely not going to get a second term. This man has divided the country bigger and faster than Obama.
Alexander King
America is getting greater by the day
Camden Taylor
Incompetent at best.
If you don't trust the headlines, just look at the people leaving the administration. Not ever his own people want to work with him.
Kayden Cook
Adam Bennett
Caleb Peterson
If the media is berating him, that means he's doing well because he's pissing off the owners, shareholders, and board members that own and influence the MSM, who have interests that are anathema to the USA. Of course media in other countries criticize Trump heavily; the whole world wants the USA to be a pushover mercenary country where foreigners can buy real estate and sell cheap shit here.
Zachary Lee
We don't know. Could be great or catastrophic.
I trusted him over Clinton because she is clearly involved in the elite banking industry controlling the world.
Trump's motivation is to have a "higher score" which he keeps track by how much money he has. For him to give up making more money and becoming president could mean two things.
1. He genuinely cares about his country and wants to improve it as much as he can.
2. He was offered a deal he couldn't deny. He is on the side of the elite and he was offered a promised future (surgery replacing body parts to extend his life, medication, unknown resort location, etc.). All he has to do is be their puppet in the office.
Adrian Ortiz
It's very partisan. The right is very happy with Trump, but the left is obviously apoplectic. I think he's doing an amazing job, especially considering the entire establishment is out to get him.
He won over a lot of cucks to his side with the tax reform bill, and they're starting to play ball. The FISA scandal is the biggest in US history, and I expect that to be one of the most notable things to come out of his presidency. He's been doing a great job on immigration behind the scenes, and his economic policies are going to be a huge boon to the middle class.
The media coverage is NONSTOP negative coverage though. Probably the same coverage you get over in Brazil. They really revealed themselves and they just keep doubling down, shedding any objectivity they pretended to have. This is causing the average american (who leans conservative) to really question the media and its credibility. There's never been anything like it before, it's kind of frightening actually.
I give him an A+, most conservatives would probably give him a B.
Aaron Hughes
MA here. Low IQs btfo
Adrian Butler
Trump continues to say stupid shit every day. He used to be a funny shitposter but now hes a cringelord. Tariffs and calls for gun control have all but sealed any attempt for 2020.
Elijah Harris
He's fine. Literally no worse than any other president in recent history. The fact that the establishment hates him so much means that he's actually on our side
Jayden White
The economy is doing great. We're still way up for the year in spite of a significant correction. Unemployment is down, we could be seeing an interest rate hike soon.
Asher Lee
Gambling with gun rights was a dumb move but anyone who goes MUH TRADE is a liberal kike.
Logan Wilson
hes the only one holding back ungated immigration and total jew chaos takeover.their talons and mind set can be felt everywhere but hes a rock in the river that refuses to move.daily they try to chip away at everything that roots decent society intact but theres an undercurrent here on resent everything in power and it is building.he will get a second term,reality trumps fantasy everytime. id really like him to coordinate with poland and hungary but if i could id vote for that shitposter a million times.
Asher Nelson
>brazil complaining about leadership of literally any other country
Adrian Sanchez
Until he is going after the fed nothing will change. Why are we paying a private bank to Handel the nations money.bring back the silver cert.
Josiah Gutierrez
The individual mandate is taken out which is all I cared about. Fuck paying a fine (tax) for some bullshit insurance that nobody takes.
Liam Cooper
>thinking that a pointless trade war with every country on earth is stupid is a leftist idea
Aiden Ross
Don't you have 14 year old boys to dismember and behead?
Julian Walker
He's done a tremendously terrible job.
Besides having probably commited obstruction of justice and lined himself up to be impeached down the road, he simply can't get anything done.
Much of his high-ranking staff have been fired or have quit, meaning less efficiency in the White House, and many of the ones that haven't have been embroiled in ethics violations, probably because of Trump's blatant disregard for ethics, particularly those of fiscal nature, a tone that has been adopted throughout his staff.
Pretty much his one accomplishment was a tax cut for the rich, one that hardly benefitted the middle class.
The only people that love him are the new xenophobic Republicans, because he tries for them, but many of the policies he wants, like the border wall and muslim ban, are too difficult to actually implement, but they like him for trying.
Meanwhile traditional conservatives and republicans hate him because his policies are generally terrible and spontaneously conceived. He has also doomed the Republican party by severely splitting its base, although you can blame the GOP for letting him.
Ethan Rogers
It's not pointless. Free trade with a country with lower labor costs and basically zero regulations kills all but our most advanced industries. Sure, total GDP goes up because all of the corporations are international conglomerates now, but none of that money touches the ground. Not only does this move allow US manufacturers to compete fairly despite the imbalance in overhead, but it also generates revenue to keep personal taxes low. Furthermore, we didn't start this war. China has a high tariff on all imported goods. Why are we not allowed to do the same?
I'll tell you why, it's because the globalist kikes would rather international hypercorps own everything and run the entire world.
Joshua Miller
>the highest IQ state is one of the most democratic
The greatest prez ever give he'll mr. Trump they all earned your wrath
Caleb Morgan
He's doing amazing. His antics make chaos as a perfect smokescreen. We got the best tax bill in a very long time and the exposing of democrat hypocrisy on everything.
Jaxson Sanchez
Outside of Sup Forums in the US he's generally considered a joke.
Sebastian Kelly
Hes been the best president for america in a long time.
Which is why the news hates him.
Oliver Morgan
Cameron Williams
My mom is from MA, and let me explain to you way Massholes are dumb as fucking bricks. First you are all democrats in a predominantly white state. You have yankee blacks and that's it, go to Treton, Hartford, Oakland, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, and Miami, and tell me if you altruistic democrat ideals are in your self-interest. I was spending my time outside some indian restaurant my liberal grandfather took us to and saw two women, one black and the other white, converse about the BLM movement, and heard the most bluepill shit ever, "All lives matter." The reason you have such a high I.Q. in MA is for your high East Asian populations at Amherst, MIT, and Harvard. Your ideas on state paid education, healthcare, and welfare benefits may be sustainable if your state is white or asian, but once you start having your argument for fighting poverty to reduce crime as more synonymous as emptying your pockets so a thief doesn't shoot you.
Jaxon Gonzalez
Hello CNN. Still figuring out how to not reddit post I see. But lets take this apart one by one. >Besides having probably commited obstruction of justice zero evidence of this >and lined himself up to be impeached down the road says Increasingly Nervous Man >Much of his high-ranking staff have been fired or have quit, meaning less efficiency in the White House Efficiency to do what, exactly? >Pretty much his one accomplishment was a tax cut for the rich The tax cut disproportionately helps poor people, not the rich. Doubling the standard deduction is an enormous boon for people with low incomes. Lowering the second bracket from 15% to 12% is another great benefit to low income earners, and proportionately much greater than the drop of the highest income bracket from 39.6% to 37%. The middle class see a great reduction in overall income tax as well, except for a specific KIND of middle class people... upper middle class coastal liberals with million dollar homes, who used to pay barely anything due to unlimited SALT deductions. Now those uppity faggots are simply having to pay for the property taxes they voted for without using it to deduct their federal income tax. >The only people that love him are the new xenophobic Republicans, because he tries for them, but many of the policies he wants, like the border wall and muslim ban, are too difficult to actually implement The wall is being built and the muslim ban happened a long time ago. Plus ICE domestic arrests are way up. Also "xenophobia" is good, you fucking faggot, especially against mexico, one of the worst countries in the entire world. >He has also doomed the Republican party by severely splitting its base, although you can blame the GOP for letting him. Split the base into what? It's not like Trump's endorsements for mid terms have been out of line with the rest of the GOP. If you want a split party, that would be the dems, split between globalist cucks and lefty socialist identitarian retards.
Xavier Davis
i have no problem with more than 2 terms. amendment limiting terms was passed in 1951. i'd like to see every amendment after 10th repealed
Xavier Turner
Nothing's different, we're still under the ZOG. Send help.
Logan Jenkins
Listen to the audio - he was joking and mocking the reporters. Seriously, listen to the audio. Even people in the media that were their laughed and laughed and laughed...... but , we all hope Trump 2020 Dictator 4 Life!
Brody Cox
He's doing ok. I voted for Obama as well and I was livid 1 year in with his back tracking on Gitmo, his backing down on the single payer system, cash for clunkers, solyndra and on and on. The mistake Obama made with Solyndra wasn't giving them a few billion $ btw, the problem was China doubled down and gave their solar industry like 10x that and Obama cucked. I don't know if I'm ever getting my wall and I really don't want Trump to cuck on guns but I have a lot of respect for how hard he's trying. It's the Repugnant-tards that are cock blocking him it's like they don't want to win. It's like they're the JV team to the Democrats. It's like they're controlled opposition and now everybody sees it.
Henry Scott
>his backing down on the single payer system Literally fucking kill yourself, you communist faggot.
Jack Jones
Is that you Anderson Cooper? How's your ratings? Still going to your NAMBLA meetings you sick fuck?
>Hi Sup Forums. So i have a question for all americans and people that live in the USA. How is Trump doing?
Better than any other president in my lifetime. He is the only president in my lifetime that has actually done what he promised to do during his campaign. Obamacare is history (it mandated everyone purchase insurance, which drove the cost of medical treatment up so high that people had health insurance, but couldn't afford healthcare. And those that could not buy health insurance, would be fined and potentially jailed by the IRS). Immigration is waaaay down. This year we have only had about 10% of the immigration we had at this point last year. He's got the US out of the UN compact on migration (A scheme that demands countries pay migrants to move there). He's arrested thousands of human traffickers and rescued hundreds of children from human trafficking rings. The economy is doing well. He's got Kim Jong Un to agree to give up the nuclear weapons that the clintons gave to him. He's building a wall to keep mexicans out. He's applying tariffs and addressing the trade imbalances that have bankrupted America. He's renegotiating NAFTA, which really screwed us. And, he's driving the liberal faggots up the wall. He's made changes to the military tribunal system to bypass the deepstate kikes that own our judicial system so that he can start prosecuting the traitors in our country.
In all honesty, his job performance so far has been spectacular. I never expected a president to do so well.
Daniel Kelly
It’s horrible where I live. Dead bodies fill the streets. They just leave them for the rabid dogs. Hopefully they will have the water back on in the next few weeks. Fuckin Blumf.
Cooper Myers
>I'm a real conservative and patriot
Jaxson Green
"City people all voted for Hillary"
Niggers and spics you mean, ok.
Julian Reyes
>ironically buzzfeed
Hudson Price
fucking lol
Christopher Nelson
That is one thing he never fails at. Thank you President Trump for making the left take their nice little masks off and show them for the genocidal psychopath communists they truly are.
Andrew Hall
>and only a low percentage of people (subhumans) are supporting him
..god damn.. he did lower black unemployment rates.. i never saw it this way before.
Wyatt Gutierrez
I love him. The MSM is a tool of the see aye eh and mutinational corporations, the more he fucks with them, the better I like it. He's followed through on more stuff than any politician I've ever seen.
Brody James
The whole world has been living of the American works payroll it's time to starve them out Maga
Luke Davis
Sworn to defend the Constitution...
“Take the guns first, go through due process second.” February 28th, 2018 Trump at a televised meeting with bipartisan lawmakers on gun control.
DonaldTrump@realDonaldTrump Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process? 7:33 AM - Feb 10, 2018
Thomas Ward
he works with the CIA and MNC’s you idiot the stock market boom benefits them, defense spending benefits them, increased drug busts benefits them.
Chase Baker
it's actually quite worse
Dylan Lewis
>he was joking and mocking the reporters trump has a thing for despots, in particular, putin.
Nicholas Taylor
>hurr durr removes context of talking about a psycho kid who made threats of shooting others
how does it feel to willingly be such a rat? to have no integrity? Is it possible to have a decent self-esteem with no integrity?
Tyler Diaz
Still plenty of salty-sweet liberal tears flowing.
Ayden Jenkins
Good. He's implementing protectionism
Grayson Scott
He's just asking a question. I swear we really are touchy sometimes.
Oliver Cox
The only gold left in america are the natruel born American workers you know the ones 100 million registered voters that never even voted yet so try as you may there is a 100 million citizen Army that has not even spoken yet
Robert Diaz
Ryder Gomez
Trump coin crypto when? The Barron Coin. Ivanka tokens? How many Melania's per second are you getting?
Axios has reviewed a Grand Jury subpoena that Robert Mueller's team sent to a witness last month.
What Mueller is asking for: Mueller is subpoenaing all communications — meaning emails, texts, handwritten notes, etc. — that this witness sent and received regarding the following people: Carter Page Corey Lewandowski Donald J. Trump Hope Hicks Keith Schiller Michael Cohen Paul Manafort Rick Gates Roger Stone Steve Bannon The subpoena asks for all communications from November 1, 2015, to the present. Notably, Trump announced his campaign for president five months earlier — on June 16, 2015.
Bottom line: In December, the president's lawyer Ty Cobb told me the White House would be free of the Mueller investigation "shortly after the first of the year absent some unforeseen delay."
We know very little about what's keeping the investigators so busy, but the breadth of this subpoena means Mueller's team could easily stumble into goodies about Trump's inner circle given so many people are coughing up material. (Cobb didn't respond to a request for comment.)
Adrian Rogers
Temer >>> (((Trump)))
Caleb Perez
Where I live, if you didn't follow the news, you would have no idea that we had moved from Obama to Trump. Overall he's doing a good job, getting /ourguys/ in the Supreme Court and projecting a strong image to the rest of the world. A few laughs along the way, too.
Lincoln Baker
>How is Trump doing? He's pretty alright. Honestly life for me is pretty swell, and I like it when he pisses off liberals.
Anthony Anderson
he is doing very badly and everybody is hoping it ends as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Eli Flores
Funny because CA and NM look awfully stupid and blue and MT ND MN and IA all went for Trump while she got Hawaii. Who's the brainlet now leaf Obama Leaf? Am I the only person who recognizes him?
Brayden Ward
i heard libs hate it when you stick a shotgun in your mouth.