Secret message board run by female animators

Hello Sup Forums,

I wasn't sure where to post this, but was wondering if anyone knew about a secret message board run by women in the american animation industry that they use to gossip and blacklist male animators ever since the #metoo movement. Was wondering if the power of Sup Forums could help me find it because I hear there is some pretty liable stuff on there and there is no doubt some innocent people have been caught in the crossfire.

thanks in advance

Other urls found in this thread:

>that pic
Nobody's sexually harassing those gals.

Oh fuck the Jew on the left from (((Stephen Universe))). Who cares about their opinions anymore.

What the fuck are these women (if you can call them women) even talking about? Even niggers wouldn't fuck them.

>woman want shitty, unwatchable cartoons to be made in mass

This triggers the feminist hamplanet.

The fuck kind of role is Andy Samberg preparing for?

Arent most animators women anyway? I will say that they're overworked and underappreciated but this is a dumb venture

Isn't Rebecca married to a black guy? lol

go to Sup Forums not here. probably a discord but no way to know for certain.

Actually the percentage is 30% women to 70% men, or so they say on the women in animation website. They're trying to get it to 50/50 parity for "equality reasons" so they can pat themselves on the back and say what good people they are

well a lot of people in animation look at Sup Forums I kind of don't want to tip anyone off

op i decided to give you advice because i sorta do this stuff more than casually

First order of battle is going to be compiling a list of people you can verifiably confirm are part of this group. Next you want to work to expand this list and also generate a list of possible people who are members of the group or are just affiliated with confirmed members prominently.

You want as much information regarding them, scouring their social media you can perhaps develop a profile of this discussion channel, you will basically need to hope for a slip up on their end.

Your ultimate goal would be getting a mole into this group once identified, or finding somebody who is already a insider and flipping them to your side. Do not reveal you are conducting this investigation pubicly or anything that might alarm them, they will lock down their social media most liekly if this happens, and you will largely need to rely on their self sabotaging internet practices.

okay, that's some good advice, thanks user.

The only problem is I don't know how deep this rabbit hole goes. I have some male friends who are very talented but can't get any work, I was puzzled about this forever, but since I heard about this things have been starting to make sense.

I want to expose this because people's livelyhoods and right to work and a career are at stake, and also I think it's safe to say this #metoo thing has started to turn toxic and vindictive.

plus I don't think they're going to slip-up and post about this on social media. This seems like such a big problem that I alone can't solve if it turns out to be true

you just have to work with what you got and often it can take a long time for these sorts of things to develop. Your best bet might be flipping a insider but obviously these people tend to be extremely ideologically motivated and can be deceptive themselves obviously.

I wish you luck, If you are serious about this, incredible time investments are typically necessary and there is no guarantee you will ever find anything. Sometimes all you can do is make sure that when they slip up and make a mistake, you are there to make them pay.

If you are truly well financed and supported for this matter, you can go as far as attempting a infiltration though that will likely require other people to co ordinate, but these tend to be the most successful clandestine methods.

this isn't my stock an trade desu. and I'm actually nearlly financially bankrupt indirectly because of this.

flipping someone as you said who is so entrenched in this gendered ideaology seems impossible to me, I guess I don't consider myself that sophisticated a person :(

but thank you for the words of encouragment

i have a solution for this


It is an undertaking, its why there are typically organizations funding these sorts of investigations. I suggest you seek them out. Project Veritas is the most famous and successful one. perhaps you just need backup

So that's what King Pin gets up to in his off time.

>Those are woman

I thought it was Andy Samberg, and Andrea the Giant.

>sexual harassment
Can we fucking agree that this term is meaningless? It's only harassment if you're not attractive. 99% of the time women get away with being less than competent employees.

>western animation
This is why you watch anime you fucking savages

If Sup Forums can find a flag raised by Shia Lebouf in the middle of nowhere and fuck with it, surely they can find this mythical website

The secret message is that shit is barely animated anymore, probably because woman who don't know what they're doing are in charge now, it's all just flash shit.

Chris Savino and Skyler Page might dissagree with that

>someone shilling tumblr ideology in a kids show looks like this

your response is literally sexual harassment, retard.

no she came out as bi tho

>Arent most animators women anyway?

FUCK NO. Are you serious? Look online, 90% of animated projects on youtube and newgrounds are made by dudes. Yeah art schools in general are predominantly female but the ones putting in the actual hours drawing thousands of frames have penises. Because no one else is autistic enough to care.

t. animator

the one on the right is not a "gal".

That just means 90% of animators on youtube, newgrounds etc are not in formal business because of diversity quotas.


nice try, stamper

Not your personal army.

Why is that whenever there's a successful female, it's always something that would look like it would suicide pre-feminism.
By the way you should remind the fags on /ic/ about this since they are in a middle of a female circlejerk.

outsource animation to individuals who are self employed and work at home, now it's a business to business transaction and workplace discrimination rules do not apply.

They're together now. F grape kun.

Who the fuck would sexual harass those ugly beasts.

It's not about sexual harassment, it's about gibs.

>your response is literary sexual harassment (redacted because user is an ableist pig)

But if it's made up of 50\50 holes and cucks who's going to do the work?

I hope based creepy man John K comes back into the mainstream animation world, only he can save us from the dykes.

Dude, I work in this industry and the women are straight up vindictive.

I'd have a casual conversation with some girl, then she'd start talking about politics and go on about men being racist.

I wondered why most of the men just keep to themselves, it's because they'll lose their job if one of these counts accuse them of something, so the men just don't talk.

Horrible, women in the workplace was a mistake.

are those even women? i'm fucking positive the thing on the right is a dude.

Female Animator here.
Rate my work you Nazis

yes you're right, I'm sorry


Isnt that the kid from stranger things



A fucking Jew and a trannie.

then have you heard anything about this? either you're using a VPN or you're in the deep south.

This is only the start, this toxic poison is going to spread until it consumes and destroys everyone

It's the same thing with every other job. Women bitch about a lack of women doing said job, but they themselves pass up the job as well. All of which only gets worse when trying to fill with absolute diversity of equal numbers every which way because population statistics don't even meet that possibility. It's an end game designed for failure and the only ones pushing it are too stupid to understand in the first place.

HRT moot on the left
Jeb!'s wife during a full moon on the right

nailed it

and checked.

nice edit user

what a deft touch

Of course that what it means. Notice the complete lack of action cartoons these days?

Chris savino just had no game and couldn't take no for an answer.

Skyler Page was off his medication, it wasn't something he was planning on doing when he woke up that morning.

lets try and keep things in perspective here

nobody cares for this Z celeb (if you can even call her a celeb) nigger whore

>What is a memeflag

You know two loudmouthed people who are in on it for sure and though I'm not inclined to look, they probably have a long social media trail spelling out exactly who is in their circle. You can't be a networking professional AND be underground and clandestine.

>they'll lose their job if one of these counts accuse them

Why do they put up wit this?How hard is to start your own thing and outpreform them?
It is USA after all you ppl are suposted to be rich right?

Silly goy. They are not fighting against harassment they are fighting to be harassed. Its wrong that ugly chicks are ignored in the grab ass game.

as far as "flipping" one of them goes, it's important to remember that these people are irredeemable degenerates and slaves to their vices, luring them into compromising themselves and recording it and holding it over them as blackmail is your best bet, but probably out of the bounds of your abilities, personally, you have to have a certain level of charisma, guile, and deviousness to pull such a thing off which you lack

The USA is a joke.
Every meme you see on here about how awful the USA is, it's the truth
You think I'm kidding, but I'm not.

welp, you got me there user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Google would support this type of faggotry.
Google it in bitch terms.
Me too support group