>don't think that tiny gun of yours can h-hurt me
>s-surrender immediately
Don't think that tiny gun of yours can h-hurt me
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd rather a plane than a modern western woman.
can you maintain a plane?
Die you fucking Barneyfag
Fucking get beaten into shit you goddamn fucking fuck
I just want to see you die
fucking die in pain goddammit
lee's not insecure
he's just badly hurt
Machines are vessels for disembodied spirits to inhabit. Fuck a car today
Fucking bleed to death you goddamn fucks
Please Lee, kill Trudeau and save Canada from degeneracy
lucky son of a bitch
die in pain
Is the plane pony thread any good?
Please post more I love you hating on these Barney fags
That Barneyshit is NEVER good.
Fuck off Lee.
OP aid Plane Ponies any good? Do you have actual writefags?
he once actually stalked a barney creator or something
so if anyone kills the weedman it's gonna be lee
i dunno
i never stopped by to actually read
I think the reason people watch MLP is because they've got nothing better to do. I mean, the only wars we're in is the pointless Afghanistan War. Everyone's being worked dry. Psychologically, they are regressing. It's a thing for sympathy, not hate.
Also pic related.
Fucking die you goddamn fucking fuck
Fucking die you goddamn fucks
Bleed out you fucking piece of shit
Hi, Lee.
>tfw it's probably been 5 years since I last clopped to Octavia
Take me back, baby
I wonder what lee will do once april 1st comes around again and mlpol becomes reinstated
hang yourself already
>implying mods would do something they know would make us happy
Ohhh, cant wait for all the Reddit to fuck off even its for a few days
>implying the mods have a say and we'll just ponify and polify both boards
True that.
Also I know about GR15 but mods please look over my sins I have been making up for it by posting strawpoll.me
Die already you goddamn fucking fuck
Truly a blessed man
Please die you piece of fuck
I wouldn't be surprised if mods made these thread from time to time just to fuck with barneyfag and that's why they last so long.
Atleast use some variety mate
You're using Fuck to much
I just want you fags to die
I wish
Also how does this hurt you?
>Degenerates get the rope too
Kys or back to /b and wait for rope !
>a fucking leaf is this fucking triggered
wtf i want to post MLP now
I really want you to have your fucking head smashed open. I'd really like to feel the pleasure of seeing you die.
eh, i'll post gore instead
die you fucking barbiefag
Lemme guess. You will do the hanging
lmao @ u
Give me a (You), dog fucker. I posted a image of Trudeau with 2 whores cosplaying as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy
I want the pleasure of death
But neither of us will get what we want.
Boo hoo.
Check this out.
excuse me ?
Funny, I'd actually like to see that done to OP
no he doesnt flinch at that
I'd really like to crush your lungs and see you asphyxiate you fucking fuck
is the horse ok?
>TFW you'll never have a qt pony wife
I'm not seeing the problem here.
Come at me bro
I like this.
I just want to see you fucking bleed to death you loathsome subhuman
do it yourself my dude
why live
Words cannot describe how much I'd like to see a bullet put right between your fucking eyes, and just see it burrow into your fucking cranium
wtf i want a qt3.14 pony wife now
what happened in your life that made you hate these fags so much
God I love wasting this faggot's time. It's entertaining as hell
>that long pause before the bull delivers the finishing move
>the look in the horses eyes during that pause
>runs around spilling its guts everywhere
>all of its insides
poor horse.
It would really appeal to me if multiple knives penetrated your human flesh and drained you of life.
Why are you trying to defend these faggots who clearly have no place here?
I have a boner.
>not knowing about barneyfag
Literally was in a tard class and forced to watch barney. He hates anything related to barney and his warped mind has decided that mlp is related to barney somehow
is that britney spears?
You should die.
here you go famalam
That means you're healthy. Try to contain yourself though.
Come to my house
I'll be waiting with pic related
and pic related
>this kills the leaf
If blood would just surge out of your body all at once, then that would really satisfy me.
>22 posts by this ID
Are there any more of those little poems about barneyfag you've writen
well mlp is aimed at the same age group so his stuff kinda makes sense
I'd actually like to drown you in a nice boiling vat of acid.
No really, fucking die.
What on earth is happening to Sup Forums ? A pony invasion ? How did this thread even get this far ? Is something terrible coming up ?
yes, April 1st, they will return