They whine about being virgins, but why don't they just improve themselves? Some drop out of society and claim it will "collapse" without them.
What does Sup Forums think of incels?
>Some drop out of society and claim it will "collapse" without them.
They're pathetic and lazy, we're lucky their type rarely breeds
What ever happened to eggman? Did he an hero?
He streams funny shit on jewtube these days
>Some drop out of society and claim it will "collapse" without them.
This is me, AMA
I heard he fucked a tranny and I think there is a webm around with him fucking the tranny
sauce? asking for a friend
Do you honestly believe society is going to collapse without you?
he got banned mutliple times and is about to give up. Unless. Unless we let him know how much we need him
I believe society will collapse, with or without me.
German gets laid on a consistent bases now. Reflect on that and state of your life now.
When young white men with high IQ and premium genetics go to waste on anime, porn, vidya, etc instead of reproducing and paying into welfare.... Yes? How else is it going to collapse?
Here we go
I don't think incels are actually a thing outside of Sup Forums, because in the real world you can get laid any time you want. Sure, you might have to pay for it, but the world's oldest profession exists for a reason.
gross also doesnt look like him
Well in that case I challenge you to a fap competition. We both have to fap to webm related and first one to cum wins, You down?
>young white men with high IQ and premium genetics go to waste on anime, porn, vidya
Incels do not have good genetics. That's why they play escapism.
nah I only fap to 2d girls. specially my waifu of 18 years
I mean the way things are going, if the world population keeps on increasing then we need more resources to support our nations. Eventually we will hit a point where nations will not have the resources to support the people living in our countries meaning there will be inevitable war and societal collapse. Nations will fight against other nations for resources, people will kill for food. Unless the world unites under a world government then this issue will never go away, we will forever as humans just create civilisation and have it burnt to the ground after the 250 year period. America is overdue for a collapse.
Read into the Bolivian civil war, it's a major red pill.
>Can’t get laid
It’s clear they are defective.
>specially my waifu of 18 years
Who is your waifu, user?
only the best
ummmm cant a country just close its borders and utilize eugenics?
Speaking of which...........
And yes they can but it's going to be after the (planned) collapse.
Superior volcel master race reporting in.
>why don't they just improve themselves?
They spend so much time self-inserting as MC's from anime that their existence seems even more mundane than it already was. It hits when you realize that your weekly trip to the store will never turn into a fantasy adventure, that you'll never accidentally bump into a cute girl and lock eyes in a frozen moment of understanding, that no mysterious man will show up offering you passage into a world unbeknownst to the ignorant normies, that the universe isn't out to make you an MC. They're literally the background characters of their own story.
wow some jewbag looking to milk decrepit people to death what a convincing video
Do you want me to dump the entire depopulation scheme in an irrelevant thread?
>Australia jumping at the opportunity to shit post
yea sure but when will they start it?
hopefully soon
I assume the depopulation will start in the financial collapse. Also the trade war could expand into a world war.
At this point, depopulation is an ideology talked about amongst the world leaders, there is video footage of them even saying they want to depopulate the world at least by 80%+. No action has been taken to pursue the ideology, right now we have a lot of "slow kill methods" such as poisoning the food and water supply to create cancer and then using the cancer industry also the pharmaceutical industries to make billions per year through dying cancer patients with overly expensive operations, procedures and prescription medications
Bad health is profit
>what is isolationism
Not him, some british faggot and his faggot boyfriend
you can t improve ugliness you dumb retard
love eggman