Congrats user you are now the President of the united states. What will your first order of business be?
end the fed
cut all foreign aid, wellfare only for the employed, deport illegals, expand CIA
return the united states to at least a
>le 98%
Hillary goes to prison no matter what.
Throw out all the fucking jews
Drive us into super ultra debt by giving everyone money so the next one after me can fix it and become a national hero by fixing the economy/fixing any wars I start.
Basically I will be uber leftist and no one will vote left for work 200 years.
obama killed scalia
nuke israel
End the fed, cut foreign aid, life time term limit, genocide california
>would cut the ~50 billion/year to israel next
>Executive Order to deport every minority and the entire Democratic Party to Africa
>end all welfare programs and subsidies
>gut all regulations
ban guns and white nationalism
Appoint personal friends to be my secret service, only ones I can trust, retreat to secret Cold War bunker, THEN end the fed
Power lines underground.
Prescription soybeans for everyone.
Abolish the 25-year import law.
Shit's fucked, yo.
>What will your first order of business be?
I would like to declare that I step down as acting president of the united states of america, and that Donald J. Trump take my place. Also that twitter become federal property
Yes, expand.
Chicken tax?
>crashing American car manufacturing with no survivors
bad plan senpai.
Restructure business tax breaks so they are based on payroll paid for employees making more then $30,000 or equiv hourly rate, up to the first $90,000 a person makes. No tax breaks for automators and outsourcers.
he said first thing you do, not second thing
>Challenging US automotive manufacturers to build better products is a bad thing
I have a 22 year old toyota because no american car can last that long
>Get assassinated
Meet with the ayyyyys
Repeal the gun control act of 1934 (thus voiding all gun control forward of that date)
Enjoy your nogfest 2018
niggers go back to africa
Not much, the CIA handles most things these days.
Enjoy wakanda's revenge
>No more Federal Reserve
>No more aid to Israel
>ANTIFA declared a domestic terrorist organization
>Armed troops at the borders
>Change hate crime laws to recognize attacks on whites, males, cis. Gays, Bis, M2f, f2m trannies are okay, anything else is not protected. Sterilization laws applied.
>No affirmative action
Break the Crown Temple States and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA incorporation.
Enact NESARA and put all military bases around the planet to fill alert.
Position a carrier group around Rothschild Island, near North Korea, and the Adriatic.
Annex Canada and claim all mining operations in the name of the Greater America Union.
Annex Mexico, hire all MS-13 to go fight for Israel somewhere in the middle east.
Deputize the nation and have all FBI and CIA offices raided, assets appropriated and all captured agents and confidential informants are kept in jail indefinitely.
And that's just the first day.
>the crown temple state
Thats not real though.
Gas the kikes, race war now.
i'd frame myself for sexual assault in a state i've never been in and can prove i've never bee
in, then arrange my own assassination to look like it was done by someone working for buzzfeed.the person i'd be framed for sexually assaulting would be entirely fictional, so it would look like i was killed by a vigilante for something i was framed for.
1783 Treaty of Paris agreement, french crown transfers the colonies to the british crown which now owns the american soil by way of debt and incorporation.
Oh, no no no. That's all wrong.
Hang all Democrats and neo cons, ban gay marriage, make abortion illegal for whites unless rape or niglet baby, purge antifa and sjw organizations, bomb Israel into the dust, deport all shitskins, annex Canada and kill all their shitskins and liberals, remove "hate speech" laws, remove all gun laws - open and concealed carry allowed without a permit.
all I need are the codes.
Cut off all aid to Israel immediately. Fuck those parasites.
Yes, the CIA does more for foreign intelligence
>Operation Wetback 2.0
>All American citizens of Latino descent sent directly to Puerto Rico.
>Give Puerto Rico independence.
>Make all latinos there citizens of Puerto Rico instead of US. Since it is now a country and not a territory.
>Pay blacks 2 years worth of welfare at once to move to Africa.
>All Jews deported to Israel no matter what.
>Make miscegenation illegal and classified as a crime against humanity.
>Leave UN and stop funding it.
>No more foreign aid ever.
>Repeal birthright citizenship for non-citizens so they can't make anchor babies.
>Pay couples for every 2 kids they have. If they 2 more double the amount.
>Close all overseas bases
>Disband NATO
>Form a new military alliance with Poland, Hungary, UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan, Italy, and Singapore.
>Let Japan rebuild its military.
>Nationwide open and concealed carry.
>Annex Canada.
>Arrest all the FBI and CIA and execute them all for treason.
>Audit the FED and arrest anyone fucking over the country.
>Charge George Soros with crimes against humanity. Have him executed.
>Death penalty reform so if someone is sentenced to death it is carried out within 30 days of the sentence. No more staying alive for decades in prison on the taxpayer's dime.
>Military all along the border with Mexico.
>Shoot anyone who tries to get in.
>Mandatory DNA tests on all babies born before the father signs the birth certificates.
>Islam not recognized as a religion but a political system and is therefore banned.
>Consider it an act of war if Mexico complains.
>end all foreign aid
>treaties of vassalage with Israel, and Palestine
>pull out of NATO
>tariff matching policy
>letter of marque against Chinese ships
>the wall
>the northern wall
>immigration by Christians only
>non-Christians can no longer vote (Muslims, Jews, ETC) exempting pagans
>non-Christians can only own up to 50 million USD in assets locally
>Mandatory military service of two years
>Military branches hold senate seats for top officers
>Racial immigration controls
>California becomes a province, losing state's rights
>pubic display of homosexuality outlawed
>age of adulthood set at 21
>Western superiority taught in schools
>Laws of Christendom regulating alliances
>NE states placed under Catholic rule
>SE states placed under Protestant rule
>Western states placed under Mormon rule
>Police, and military partially privatized
>Nuclear arsenal expanded
>abolish fed
>currency backed by gold, silver, other such valuables
Of course this isn't all, and of course little of this is within the powers of the potus.
>All Jews deported to Israel no matter what.
If I were to deport them, I'd let them pick between Israel, and Madagascar, or let Israel say no, which would mean they'd go to Madagascar by default.
kill the jews
>Congrats user you are now the President of the united states. What will your first order of business be?
Lots and lots of cybersecurity.
Also, HEAVILY investigating tech and web companies for massive fraud.
Make Jews wear yellow armbands and ban them from working in media and finance.
by u neets i presume?
Revoke the civil rights of transqueers
>make them wear rainbow armbands
>forbid them from having or adopting children
Gas mixraced people that arent attractive
I like you.
Yes. Yes. No. No.
Reappeal 2cd amen, Reappeal free speech, cultural revolution, execute everyone everyone whose posted on this board etc
Implement eugenics, cut back on health care, and cut off funding for freeloaders.
Nuke Korea.
This should have been my first thought.
It was "end sanctuary cities" but I might like this better
Audit the fed.
Nuke Israel, wipe out the bottom 80% stupidest people from our country, leaving only the elite few. take over Mexican and Canada, deport all the pseuds to Madagascar and become totalitarian dictator.
Make AIPAC register as foreign agents.
>central retarded agency
Sterilizing all Americans.
then end civil liberties
I would also offer fucking 1 boat ticket to every nigger who can prove that their ancestor was a slave back to africa 1 way trip
burn California to the ground
holy shit, it worked
Step 1 - gas the kikes
Step 2 - race war now
Step 3 - ???
Step 4 - profit
Profit as your bottom line?
You must be a kike.
and this offer would stand until ever last nigger left. THEY WOULD TAKE IT LIKE THEY TAKE ANYTHING ELSE IT WILL WORK
can i be president now???
Make anime real.
I'm sorry, what did you say red dot? All I heard was Ching Chong bing bong me rikey anime pussy and fucka dolphin. Senpai.
0/10 bants.
Truly ben stiller-tier
-Deport jews to Israel
-Deport illegals
-Ban faggotry
-Purge leftist thought from our schools
-Build a nice wall along the southern border
-Promote economic growth
-Let Cali leave and then nuke them
-Repeal the gun control act of 1934 and 1968
-Genocide the Californians a second time
-deport antifa members to siberian work camps
-Some more war crimes againsed the Californians for good measure
-deport BLM protesters to Africa
So many things to choose
Remove all rights from women and relabel them as public toilets.
they're under funded
there the paid circus that is the retarded reality you claim is america
>thinking you can buy your way in everything
retard you know when that federal reserve is cut out that funding for abc shit will be stopped. dontcha? you think people pay for fake shit? no its funded by the owners of the federal reserve
>paying for better equipment and incentivizing for better agents is bad
to do fake shit. incentivizing? agents? federal reserve agents. everythig is fake about them, like you
tell me what youve accomplished
Zero foreign aid, no foreign military intervention. If there's an enemy we blast the whole country straight to hell. Eliminate sales tax to increase spending power, encourage buying american by both americans and foreign nations, which boosts economy, creates more jobs, less unemployed, competitive wages means better standard of living and less welfare spending, meaning more tax cuts.
Kick out all the illegals, official immegration policy is 'fuck off we're full', refugees have to go back. All non-citizens removed.
You do not have the right to bear arms, you have the DUTY to bear arms. Ownership of a firearm is required for home ownership, which deceases crime and allowes lower spending on police and military.
Finally, the right to free speech is absolute, except in 1 case, which is advocating to take away a persons rights. Given that the removal of personal rights is required for communism, advocating communism is thus illegal.