Ask a communist anything
How was dinner? Oh wait...
Lol, you got me dawg
Will it work this time?
Do you masturbate to the Glorious Leader?
Which one? But also, yes.
How does it feel to be the attack dog of the establishment?
>haha im a communist because im an edgy teen who likes to larp on instagram
No, you're not. You don't live in a communist country.
Fuck off.
Yes, the neoliberal establishment wants communism. Fucking retarded brainlet.
>Marx didn't live in a communist country
Great logic faggot
This is some retarded reasoning dawg. Are you actually this stupid? You can be a communist in a non commie country.
What's your opinion of rich people, as a whole?
Do most of them belong in gulags?
Whats it like to starve
Yeah that is why commie niggers attack the only people that want out of the system.
That is why they get paid by the establishment to attack people and that is why they are defended in court for free by the establishment.
You are the attack dogs of the establishment.
Yes. They're evil meanies.
Yes. These rich corporate capitalist love communists. That makes perfect sense.
Sure, but user is not doing anything that is communist. It's like one day announcing I'm a woman despite my testicles.
Is user a member of a commune? No.
Has user given up all his personal property for use by the collective? No.
user has a job, owns property, relies on the police for protection of that property, and engages extensively in the free market.
The only real question is why user hasn't killed himself yet for being such a flaming faggot.
Yeah they do.
All the crap you niggers break can just be paid for.
Look at this picture you fucking nigger this is a fucking lawyer that is out there looking for evidence to help a communist attack dog which is what you are.
So much for not being the attack dogs of the establishment right?
Forgot the pic
You are the establishments attack dog.
Why don't modern Communists ever demand Hollywood give up their wealth?
>Yes. They're evil meanies.
>Yes, most rich people belong in gulags
Is in any way anti-Semitic, saying that a disproportionately Jewish group belongs in gulags?
You have zero understanding of Marxist theory... but I'll tell you this: Actors/Actresses don't own the means of production
Nothing is produced here anymore
>Is in any...
*Is it in any...