Little Girl, Joker Face a Fake?
200+ dead because they can't process meat right
Other News:
>Mexico, Chile, Brazil (South), USA, and Netherlands start unofficial talks of bringing in Afrikaners to their country
>White murder rates rise
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South Africa Sup Forums [General Edition] #4
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Why has MEDIA MATTERS come out in favor of the white genocide?
This discord is not south africa related, it is a general politics discord
Proper South Africa Discord:
I know user, but on the GP discord, we can have civil discussions without people memeing hard, and getting the server shutdown for stupid reasons
It costs $1000 to fly coach to SA. Give me a ticket and put a gun in my hand upon arrival and I will mow niggers down.
Are you implying you can't do that on the south africa specific discord? Also most of the time that GP discord is memeing and not even talking politics, it's a mess for anyone who wants to talk about south africa
I prefer the barebones SA discord
I'll try it out m8
source on
>Mexico, Chile, Brazil (South), USA, and Netherlands start unofficial talks of bringing in Afrikaners to their country
this, sounds fucking bullshit
Instead of spending 1000 on LARPing you could donate to real people planning an evacuation plan:
More on
Evacuation is for PUSSIES. I'm not LARPing. Send me over, see me kill niggers livestreaming.
>using snopes as a source
Holy jumping jerking jesus please sprint off a cliff
drop me in with a rifle and ammo and let's fucking get it on, i'm fucking so sick of niggers
be rational.
Organisation is needed before action. UN will be all over SA if it is provoked to begin with. Follow what the kurds are doing politically. Tie the happening diplomatically to a nation that has power to veto.
Do that and you will have free reign if you damage control media reports and video footage effectively.
Learn from others.
Provoked? Whites are being slaughtered. Fuck your committees and meetings. Drop me in and I'll take care of it. ACTION NOW.
Amen brother.
you know full well what i mean. It's in a political sense. If a civil war ensues you'd do well to portray it as a defensive one to establish goodwill. the media will spin this as hard as they can. preventively countering this would be paramount. also the defenseless should have a place to go. Wich is where the suidlanders come in.
Any games other than Far Cry 2 that give a decent feel of fighting in Africa?
May long live TerreBlanche and General De la Rey lads!!!!
Remember that you Boers will get help from us when the time comes.
there is a prophecy that whites will come to help the boers when the race war starts in South Africa.
fuck that, the boers will get fucking persecuted by the kikes and the shitskin niggers who hate south africans boers.
I heard that Russia and Georgia is offering free land for Boers to farm.
Gta San andreas
thread theme
The problem is how to spin this in favor of the Boer.
In any other case there would already be more than enough evidence that could be used, but the media will bury everything
How did 70,000 Europeans lose to 17,000 Muslims?
White children are literally being slaughtered by niggers right now. It's already time for defensive action.
Send me to SA to stop the slaughter of White children or I'll start slaughtering Jew children here in America.
I mean the leader of one of the major political parties has already talked about killing white and now the government is trying to steal land, these two bits of information alone should be enough for the boer to start killing everyone.
Then you get into the countless farm attacks and the number of white that have already been slaughtered and we should have plenty to work with in terms of getting the truth out there but it's all just ignored
To be honest, the ANC politicians are doing it for the boeren with their less then politically correct songs and statements. They are already well documented, but the awareness isn't there.
You could go the NGO amnesty international style route and film the muh children videos. you'd be surprised how easily this can be achieved with one day at a white squatter camp.
Next try and create awareness in former colonist nations. Naturally the netherlands, but an option would be malaysia, indonesia, definitely UK. but also Canada and Australia & NZ.
Start with gibs. the donations will open up new routes and opportunities. Beat them at their own game.
Good they need to kill all of them. Why the hell would you stay in the ONE place no one wants your white ass? Go AWAY.
>implying kebab can count
Do what you do best. White flight your ass out of there. No one WANTS you there!
Nigger, I'm trying to flight into the battle.
we need to collect some cash , furthermore we need at least 40000 SS level warriors + equipment . let`s put some pressure on western kike freemasonic groups in order to support white farmers - if they do not agree - hunt them down
Worst general ever full of bullshit.
>he awareness isn't there.
This is the crux of the problem, no traditional media will allow this narrative to be pushed.
It also wouldn't surprise me if JewTube and FaceBerg shut it down as well.
Trying to get more awareness out there is difficult because the enemy controls so much of the media.
I'm not saying it's impossible just that we need to think in less conventional ways to get it out there
t. fat basement dweller who will never leave mommy's house
Then die you fuck! Fucking morons could live anywhere but choose the one place no one wants you and have the nerve to cry like bitches. Fuck you and die.
plot twist
the force was nearly all nonwhite cannon fodder kek
Typical delusion. this is what the Boer faces daily.
i agree fully. We can start using the standard televised media. here in the Netherlands, all it takes for a NGO to do a commercial is some money. this money is easily made back in the form of donations, so it just needs the initial investment to show up on tv to begin with. The awareness starts there. i hope that the Suidlanders realise this and that they expand on their current options.
wrong again my dude - you stay where you are . infiltrate masonic lodges , get information , deliver here and make sure these masons can no longer manipulate politics . the niggers in south africa receive max. support from kikes and israel , they want to remove white people in order to hand over diamond mines to china . the nigger is just a kike tool . in SA and in the US . turn the kike ordinary life into hell
6' 185lbs, at the gym 3 times a week and ride a bicycle year round as my only form of transportation for the past 5 years.
Where would they go?
They won't be accepted anywhere. Canada has refused to let them in as refugees, the New Zealand government won't even condemn the land seizures. They can't go anywhere else.
And that's not even taking in account the fact that most of them don't have the resources to leave, the farmers are broke from years of excessive taxes that are used to support the 80% black population.
They have literally been there for 400 years.
So I should stay home and holocaust the kike?
You can't leave the black man alone in their own land. I hope they slaughter every last one of those bastards. A bunch of fucking white people crying about staying Africa. Fucking morons.
Come to America. I will literally shoot any ICE agent who attempts to deport a White SA.
400 years.
You're fucking WHITE who cares where you go? You'll have it 50 times better than non blacks so stop bitching.
I doubt they'd even be let in there in the first place
Oh I see you're just a troll, that is disappointing
How your bloodline survived the slave vessel is beyond me. lingering stupidity from 400 years of picking cotton.
I'll start slaughtering Blacks in America if the White SAfricaners arent allowed in before the spics and muslims
You won't do a damn thing but hide out on the internet until you're exposed and claim you were just trolling.
Where are all the SA fags at? I love the green text stories
I am not the Führerhauptquartier . You know best what to do in Your town . leaderless resistance . if this niggerproblem is linked to kikes and freemasons people should think about kikes and freemasons and their "humanistic" stuff .
Snopes is run by pedos
You don't know me, so you really shouldn't open your fucking mouth. I'll show up at your door, and you'll claim your were just trolling.
just out of interest. What is it that you get by pretending to be a black man on the internet?
Nothing worse than a fucking /pol tough guy. You know what you are? You're a victim. That's the only thing you'll EVER be. So drop the tough guy shit because you don't live that life.Stop it. Go to bed and get up and go to work in the morning.
Get the SA military to depose the civilian government. Warn the top military brass that if they sit on the sidelines and let the government go full Rwanda, that the SA military's top brass and their families will have several cruise missles knocking on their door.
The army might take over the situation if it is clear that they will bear the brunt of the blowback.
I'm not a victim, I'll make you a victim. Give me your address faggot.
memeflag= israel.
you'll notice that memeflag's are constantly shilling for discord. Never use discord.
sounds like a win/win to me.
I wish I could clone myself so that I could do both.
in all fields
Thanks mate, Better then General politics one.
I try to avoid commies for their general faggotry
my fucked?
Most White South Africans are living peacefully with no problems with even the poorest of them not having to fear for their lives despite the high crime rate and social divisions that continues to plague them.
Heck, there are even a few White South Africans living in the Black and so-called Coloured townships and neighbourhoods with the local residents accepting them without any major problems!
The problem with the internet is that the main service providers, and search engines, had played into the biases that continues to pervade our society.
This means that anything to do with race, religion, ethnicity, geopolitics, and even family problems will get any search results and general rhetoric doctored according to these biases.
Most of the rhetoric surrounding South Africa coming from the international arena is either dominated by a far-left or far-right viewpoint, which only serves to have our global reputation further distorted than it already is.
Fact:There is no white genocide in south africa
gonna need a source on that neo jew
>1 post by this id
Wrong. Farmers and their children are being slaughtered by niggers and it's being covered up by kike media.
>expects us to believe that the commie government of SA isn't all for white genocide and land/ wealth distribution
There's a reason no one is reporting on this bud you're insane step back and look at that reality because believe it or not Sup Forums isn't a good source for news, I did that for you now do me a favor and stop talking about these conspiracy theories they just make you look like an idiot, there's only so much time in a day.
Superior thread:
Wrong flag, fucking phone posting man
>Most White South Africans are living peacefully with no problems with even the poorest of them not having to fear for their lives despite the high crime rate and social divisions that continues to plague them.
dont lie to that boi. you know its just a series of hate crimes the liberal media wont talk about. right now white men in south africa are being raped so much their intestines come out of their anus and look like a tube sock stuck partially in their ass
it's one thing to assume anothers intelligence. or source of news.
Whole other to just blatantly make shit up through shoddy sources. might aswell source blogs while your at it.
where theres smoke, theres fire.
There used to be a lot of SA posters on Sup Forums... Where did they all go?
They are ONLY evacuating big donators.
The Suidlanders sent out this DVD to everyone in 2007
Watch these videos before you give a cent to the Suidlanders.
Suidlanders are helping no one but themselves.
The German ambassador to SA is cheering this on as "the moment to revive the partnership and friendship between Europe and South Africa."
>"A nation united in diversity" — that's how President Ramaphosa phrased it in his state of the nation speech. For a German, that phrase rings with particular meaning.
kill the niggers
Are any Midwesterners and Northwesterners open to importing Afrikaners onto our farmland? We have tons of empty houses in Pittsburgh that are up for sale. We can gladly give them those.
Let them recolonize detroit.If they can deal with the blacks in SA, they can deal with the ones here.
I didn't know about that
Does anyone have the newsclippings of mugabe wanting all the white back in zimbabwe ??
desu this
Things are really heating up. Who would join a protection brigade drawn internationally? All above board; legal, aimed at protecting innocents. International aspect would help raise awareness, it would be a public relations boon.
I can support financially until I'm able to leave the country. A thousand coordinated, motivated volunteers with modern technology, drones, innovative tactics would be very useful.
I don't know about the US, but in the UK membership of the TA is pretty flexible. We need people with combat training. We need technical expertise. We need to rely on beating the genocide by outsmarting and outmanoeuvring them.