Wouldn't it make more sense if Hotaru married Yo-san so she can make a child with him and let that child take over her family business?
Wouldn't it make more sense if Hotaru married Yo-san so she can make a child with him and let that child take over her...
i remember reading a series of doujins with that plot
Despite her design she seems kinda asexual. Unless you could fuck the manifestation of Dagashi I don't think she would even be interested.
maybe that's the real reason why they sent her there
Itou Eight pls.
No, because she wants Coconuts' coconuts.
That won't make sense, assuming that Yo is already around 40+. Waiting for another child to grow up 15+years takes a lot of time. He'll be too old then to work for the Shidare Company. What's better is for Hotaru marrying Coconuts, that way they will be able to live together on the shop and they can manage it while Yo-san works for the Company.
Will he end up like Simon?
Does anyone actually care about this show?
No, not really. This show was kinda bad but she's really fappable
He wouldn't need to work if he inherited the Shidare Company which will go to his youngest son and Kokonatsu could focus on Saya and his manga dream.
Yeah, I do. I wish there was more to it than candy commercials though.
Still need to work, a baby wouldn't work a company.
Saya is pretty much irrelevant from the whole manga. She was already BTFO.
The show is a glorified candy commercial so it makes sense that the investment goes towards an incredible character with a 10/10 super sexual design in doujinshi where both plot development and crazy sex can happen
Yo probably wouldn't need to work since Hotaru would run the business until her child is old enough. And don't lie about Saya, she's still going to win.
Have you even read the latest raw chapters? Man, coconuts already BTFO Saya and he was already thinking that it isn't such a bad thing to work in a Dagashi Shop if Hotaru is with her.
>He'll be too old then to work for the Shidare Company
>Yo-san will be 55 to 60 by then
There are people who still work at age 65.
Besides, Hotaru is probably much older than we think.
He'll run away with Hotaru while secretly authoring a manga about a young boy who operates the family dagashi shop but wants to be a mangaka before he meets a manic dream pixie girl. It'll be filled with candy trivia and finance itself through product placement.
Can she drink alcohol?
She is 28 probably. The same zodiac animal as Saya, and Saya is 16.
From chapter 152:
"Before I was like, "Like hell I'm taking over the store!!", and went as far as to think that it would help if the store closed down."
"You thought that far?!"
"I wonder if that was my rebellious phase.... When I said, "No one needs this store!", Pops burst out into tears..."
"So he didn't get mad, but started crying..."
"Man, he had such a miserable expression while crying..."
"Why do you say these things...?"
"I went too far, really..."
"But when the store was actually about to close down... and I had to think about what to do"
"It was sorta fun, you know."
"Saya-chan and Tou-kun helped up with cleaning the store,"
"Hajime-san looked over the store, and Hotaru-san came back..."
"I really want to be together with you forever, Saya-chan."
".......?! O-OH...?!"
"And Tou-kun and Hajime-san and Pops and Hotaru-san as well, I want everyone to stay around me."
I enjoyed it, the characters were fun.
You guys need to comprehend what you are reading. It was already said that Hotaru and Kokonuts were the same age. That's why they didn't drink alcohol yet because they're still minors. And there's a chapter where Hotaru just came back from school and still ahd her school uniform.
This. Saya got the "I don't think of you as a romantic partner" event.
>And there's a chapter where Hotaru just came back from school and still ahd her school uniform.
I'm gonna need evidence.
Here she is referring to Kokonotsu and herself as children in the upper right panel.
>implying she can't lie at all
Another angle.
Highschool uniform in heels
>>implying she can't lie at all
Pretty much pointless and irrelevant for a manga advertising dagashi to put hidden stuffs on it. She also have the childish personality of all the characters in the series.
>Being this new
It goes to show how hot her normal attire is that she's less hot wearing a school girl's outfit.
There's also her winter uniform IIRC
Winter version.
What's the difference?
Hotaru's school swimsuit
Take a look at the length of the sleeves.
Shiragami Youko wears heels too. Here she is in the first chapter.
>there are anons who don't know about asian girls and their daddy fetishes
I know a few girls in my high school who married older men for money or love. Hell, my cousin married an old dude and she's running his business right now.
3DPD doesn't apply here.
I'm Asian, no one here in our place likes sugar daddies and so on. Almost all girls call them DOM or Dirty Old Men
One of the 1st high school girl who wears heels. Who will ever forget about Sailor Moon Mars?
>Sailor Moon Mars
Here's the narrator (first panel) saying that Kokonotsu and Hotaru are the same age.
The narrator uses the kanji 同年, which is common to the terms meant to convey people of the same age: classic.jisho.org
Chinese/Thai/Vietnamese/Cambodian girls are notorious gold diggers.
Why is Hotaru's character and clothes design so damn good? who is responsible for this miracle?
Kotoyama: twitter.com
>people still pretend that hotaru is not 28-29 at very least
Don't you see? Yo has been working for the company the entire time. Hotaru was sent there to occupy his son. He's a hormonal teen, he can't escape the lure of a big boobed candy slut.
What is your proof that Hotaru is 28-29 years old? The ones who say that she's the same age as Coconuts have already given theirs.
No, but I care a lot about the manga.
No. Here she says, "私飲めない” or "I am not able to drink"
translate of the prase, not just a piece
I can't translate it myself since I can't read the kanji too well on the side and I'm not fluent so I found the translation by s07195:
"During my birthday celebration I received quite a few bottles, but I do not drink so I was actually quite troubled by them."
"I see, I see. That must be difficult."
[At that moment, everyone but Hotaru had the same line of thought.]
And with this I'm out for awhile. I have head to bed.
How to stop fapping to Hotaru?
Not really, Hotaru is the only entertaining part in an otherwise weak story
>that scan
What the fuck. Why would anybody release this?