Commifornia is done. Not only are they getting sued, but Trump is ending their federal funding.
Commifornia is done. Not only are they getting sued, but Trump is ending their federal funding
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Trump absolutely will kick off a civil War, he is the Buchanan of the modern age.
A civil war with Commifornia? I’m sure they can’t be put down with all their hand guns.
It's not the 1860s anymore. A civil war in modern America would totally destroy the country. Trump has to be stopped.
Your blood sugar has to be stopped
There won't be a civil war you fucking degenerate. Trump is about to drain the swamp.
>A civil war in modern America would totally destroy the country
Local news today reported a shortage of uhauls because so many are fleeing the state. The hispanic anchor then stated it must be due to the rising prices of homes.
>CA has resources that make it a country within the US. CA is the United States.
ALL emergency services should be cut off, let the state burn to the fucking ground next summer.
Then cancel any government benefit for anyone that lives within the state until they leave the state.
Let's see how America's "richest and most prosperous state" gets by without millions in federal gibmes, lol.
Raising home prices would make sense
California’s economy is only doing well because it taxes the shit out of Californians. Californians are slaves to the California elite.
I hope this isn't what Sessions is going to announce tomorrow. Because this is nothing.
It would destroy the democrat-controlled parts of America. Right wing militias are ready to spring up at a moment's notice.
California literally is the future of every Western nation, except coupled with a fuckton of old people.
Veeery interesting case study.
>A civil war in modern America would totally destroy the country.
Wrong faggot
It would destroy the WORLD.
That's only because of Silicon Valley and Hollywood. The world is better off without either of them.
your major cities already resemble a third world nation. I remember reading a story from NBC about how downtown San Francisco is even dirtier than nigger village in Africa. I'm not sure if the state could survive a month without Federal funding.
Lmao lets fucking DO IT
Ca has no water.
That's some bigger logic
>break the law
>get made when the law enforcement comes to enforce the laws you've been breaking
>I dindu nuffin now gobs me dat
>Whatever happened to “states rights?” #IGMFU #hypocrite #californiaFIGHT
let Commiefornia secede... the conservative residents away from LA and the Bay Area will split off from the commie areas and then the commies can be walled of in (((their))) own enclaves. If that is (((their))) idea of a state them let (((them))) have their own region but those who do not want to participate, i.e. have commie governance forced on them will make their own state(s) and split California into multiple states and bring freedom and liberty back to the people and finally throw off the communist 'experiment' hellhole that the state has devolved into. Let it be so...
If civil war starts with California I will honest to God volunteer for the US Army to get in on the Commiefornia killing action
Interesting to see the CA is a country fags when the federal navy goes, when the need to semi chinese walmart trash to flyover states goes. What do they have left? Fruit, dead hollywood, stagnant tech industry turning into advertising industry
>immigration law is decided as a nation
>one fucking border state decides to ignore it and protects people who illegally come here from being deported
yeah it's not a matter of state rights at that point. immigration is one of the few laws that the country as a whole needs to decide on
I dont consider California a state. Its a communist occupation of american land.
Your autocorrect is atrocious
And no water, imported gas
Calfag here. I'm excited to watch how this plays out
Getting comfy California is the future of the U.S. when hispanics are the majority. The future of Europe is Islam.
we can't let him have the nuclear codes
They're coming here to Texas hellbent on ruining it in the same way.
Californians are the Jews of America.
>Sore loser... he will lose again. ""Becerra has proved to be a thorn in the Trump administration’s side. He noted in the recent interview with The Post that the state had 28 lawsuits against the Trump administration and — at that time — had not lost a case."
funny how the state of Commiefornia passes laws and enforces laws against the people but (((they))) exempt (((themselves))) from any law (((they))) don't like from the Feds...let (((them))) secede and split into multiple states...
Suck it drumpfies, the world isn't putting up with Cheetohitler's bullshit anymore.
What happens when all the free gibz run out?
Do the Hollywood crowd get lynched?
What is the Salinas Valley? 60 % of the vegetables in the us are grown here.
San Francisco now has designated shitting streets
>would destroy America
>would bring about an even better nation
Hold onto your ass, faggot. We're making America great again.
Oh, man
And after CA goes bankrupt and is overrun by third-world drug warlords we'll be able to buy them even cheaper.
>this is nothing
This is, without a doubt, the best possible timeline.
>So much for states rights, well here we go again back to the Supreme court.
Don't be stupid. Cali's got a shitload of problems there's a movement to split the state up into 2 parts, their probably gonna go bankrupt just keeping the streets needle and shit clean, crime is off the chart and the backlash over the blatant anti-USA rhetoric coming from those faggots. Guaranteed the rural parts of Cali abandon the coastal cities before a "civil war".
San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
10-4 stay safe, user
Went to visit some family in LA two weeks ago, holyshit it's bad. The streets are literally overflowing with squatters you can't go two blocks without seeing a makeshift shantytown and I'm guessing most of the surrounding states' hippy and loser population immigrated there.
I filled out the Donald Trump survey yesterday, pleading with him to save California. That there are those of us in this state that are being held hostage by the state government and for Trump to do whatever he could to destroy them and free us.
I wrote it thinking he wouldn't read it, but this news makes me think...maybe he did.....
I'm kinda jealous to be honest. Being a Texas fag is boring.
What happened to the movement to split the state in two? Last I heard they have a legit shot and were gonna go to the courts.
>spineless yippies will revolt
Good. Defund all Universities that promote anti-white hate now.
Cent-Califag here.
Got my popcorn. This is going to be hilarious. God, I fucking wish the state dissolves. Fuck the coasties.
>The hispanic anchor then stated it must be due to the rising prices of homes
Stupid spic doesn't realize he's the reason for the white flight outta that spic infested shit hole state:
>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California
Whites are tired of living in a city where the brown skinned, 3rd world, sub human cockroaches are the majority race. It really lowers the quality of life.
Carry on, i'm bored as fuck in the woods anyway.
>needs to
We already did.
I hope Trump orders the military to
bomb the homes every commieforina terrorist
democrat "leader" until they are killed dead
with extreme prejudice.
my body is ready
"Fuck you amd your 2nd amendment rights"
"No, we will keep our illegals. And they get free shit. Bc we are white and full of guilt" -California
With some of the county choices for Eastern California, it'd still be a blue state. Dems cannot get two states out of the deal, that would blow.Want to improve the state? Give San Fran and Los Angeles with their immediate outlying area local autonomy like DC. Let them fuck them selves with progressive politics. No one else in the state wants their brand of bull shit.
its still in the works.. I was at the store the other day and people were out front getting signatures for this exact thing. I hope New California happens to be honest. Let the Jews rot in their own cesspool.
Now we get to see what happens to a state when all of the taxpayers leave. What a time to be alive.
Yeah right? Go and destroy 70% of your GDP, the rest of the world will be thankful.
Are you a fed?
Once Prop 13 gets repealed the state is going to go through one of the worst depressions in history.
Fuck Off Kike Faggot.
>split into multiple states
Sounds good to me.
>when you move to California and forgot to bring your own water
I live in Los Angeles (county, not the city. I'd kill myself if I lived in the city), and I can say that not all of us are idiot liberals, but they are the majority here unfortunately. California could be saved in 15 years if:
1) All stupid indoctrinist bullshit in schools were outlawed.
2) Sweeping deportations. If every illegal beaner was gone the state would have more money than it ever knew what to do with.
3) We still have niggers but at least they'd have the shitty low paying jobs that the beaners are taking.
California would be a jewel yet again. Hollywood can just be ignored, like the rest of the country is doing (LOL OSCARS/2017 Box office), but the democrats in office....well, if it was illegal to fuck with immigration law, then the dems wouldn't have any power.
That would be interesting but isn't that counter productive? Just have two giant black holes dotting the states.
That's good, my uncle lives in LA and is kind of excited to get rid of his LA home and move full time to his home in the mountains.
Try 14%, beannigger. And that's lower than their share of the population.
Right there with you, I bet I could see Sac burning from my house.
Any part of a nation that tosses aside the law of the border is a threat to every other part of that nation.
As other anons have stated, California generates a lot of wealth for the government to tax, including Silicon Valley and Hollywood. The only accountability that the government faces is screwing a lot of people financially, otherwise it gets away with pretty much anything. People love the coastline and pleasant weather so they tolerate a lot. They are also so brainwashed by progressive ideology that they welcome any "diversity" and "enrichment" and turn a blind eye to how it further corrupts the voter base. While rational and productive people live in the state, they are kept to the sideline in the political process. Very disappointing for a state that could have been much more.
>+2 republican senators
>+8 republican EVs
>less hand-wringing about the 'good parts' of california when we finally revoke their statehood and dump them off on Mexico
funny how there is higher crime in cities, rather than rural and suburban areas.
>Wherever more people are there's more crime
Wow deep stuff
How's that movement to split everything east of the Sierra Madre off into it's own state going?
Yeah no shit.
Texfag here.
These fucking liberal pieces of shit are all moving to Texas.
They're not just bringing their dildos and pocket pussies either. These faggots are bring their vote here too and they're going to do exactly what they did to California.
Then on to the next state until the entire USA is one big shithole. Then the Jews win.
I'm Mexican btw
Center right or left.
I just wanna smoke bud and work
Why? So they can ruin other states? We should extend the wall all the way around California and turn it into a open air communist prison.
There are literally piles of shit and used needles all over the sides of the streets in the Tenderloin. I saw one Hobo jerking off right on the sidewalk in plain view. It's sick there, so I stopped visiting.
Higher crime *rates* because Democrats commit/facilitate crime.
crime rate isn't same as total crimes dumbfuck.
God I hope that communist shithole gets the Sherman treatment. I have family in California and I still want it to burn with no survivors. Sorry grandma, but it's for the greater good and you're a boomer.