The Shoah of Information

The amount of information available on the Internet today pales in comparison to the information that was available on BBSes and early PPP/SLIP Internet days.

Kids today think that even if they are outside of the system and have a mind and research independently, they can find the truth. But, they don't realize that most of the information available 20 years ago is no longer available online and has been completely shoaded.

I have seen the systematic erasure of information in my own lifetime.

Prove me wrong.

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Thank you user!! God bless.

nice digits. bump for interest

Am I a brainlet who didn't get it or was Eraserhead pretentious garbage that made no sense

are there any archives of this alleged "information"?

t. too young to have ever used BBS's

NO. That's the point. It's been SHOAHED

THIS. Thank you user.

its about entering the atomic age or some shit.