Spain, what happened?

Spain, what happened?

Raced mixed with the locals.

Race mixed with the locals

They subdued the natives, and bred them out. Very european take on the whole colonialism thing.


And the solution to inflation was to mint more gold coins.



Napoleon in our case.


more like they borrowed a shit load of money to build their empire and when it came time to pay, they spent their gold n shit on luxuries. but i'm sure that nice racist answer will work here.

This is pol the breeding ground for racists that claim to not being racists.

are you retard? spain never had luxuries they spend all the money fighting against protestant ottomans and useless wars all around the world



i like to think not everybody on here is a reprehensible pile of shit


aight then not luxuries but my point of them not using the wealth wisely still stands.

liberalism was forcefully introduced by the american revolution and the corsican midget

youre exploring the new land , then out of nowhere . you discover this. what would you do?

>Using the money to fight off enemies so you won't get butt fucked by Turks and the eternal Anglos.
Yeah no, they did alot of things wrong but they used the money in the right places.

Probably keep it in your pants for the good of humanity

Mestizas are meh

Castizas are worth the mixing though

Imagine what spics would have looked like if the Spaniards were hell bent on Castizo Futurism

Why would they let this happen?

Eternal anglo + Eternal frogs + stupid Borbouns
Shut up, Locomía

you will never see another European women in your life again remember it would take a year just to make the journey back to Europe , you were sent by the king to explore the land , these are 5 -10 year explorations .many men will stay because they will become rich men

At least I'm a white Puerto Rican. Don't believe that I'm white?


Decided to fuck the natives instead of kill or enslaved only

LOL. Just do a quick Wikipedia search on the population of white Puerto Ricans, then post the screenshot.

>inb4 shitskin

Or what if they just wiped out 100% of them and colonized the America's without importing any blacks.

Dominicans, that's why.

>At least I'm a white Puerto Rican

What in the fuck? I banged a Puerto Rican (she did love the white seed) for a few months while I was laid off and drunk all the time, she was crazier than shit, I guess the guys are fucking retarded as shit.

> multi front wars to keep the empire united
> 5th column of false converts siphoning money out
> luxuries

Post your skin with today's date and time you light skinned brown faggot.

From Colombia?
Get a life

of course there are white Puerto Ricans but the identity is not white , with that logic all Mexicans are white.
90% of Mexicans are identified as white in America , some of them dont look white. theres 28 million white Mexicans in America but also 18 millions mestizos. Latin America doesn't have a specific racial identity . ps i thought you were gonna proof pick yourself.

Religion. See the 30 years war.

That’s a Dominican The natives looked more like the Mexicans selling tortillas on the street corner

That’s what I’m talking about nigga

ThE TRUtH Is ThAt The AnGLOs Have ReDefIned WhaT raCe MeaNs foR ThIeR owN purpoSes.

i dont think youve been to spain alot of people look like those ladies , natives are chinky

Oh yes m8 I have. Went there many times during the 90s. She looks like a typical mulatta and Spaniards don’t look Chinky at all. They look European. Her ass is a good indicator of mulataness as well.

Did the Spanish Habsburgs and the Ottomans fight each other into bankruptcy?

Race mixing with the locals is still why we ended up with such shitholes south of the border compared to how Australia and Canada turned out. They could've retained better relations with their colonies if they didn't end up being so alien in ethnicity and culture.

Post the gif

Meant to say mulatta not chinky. Yes I agree mestizos are chinky.

>Spain, what happened?

Philip II of Spain was maried to Mary I of England, Mary died, Elizabeth I came to power and Philip was like "ay yo, Liz lemme tap that now Mary is dead", and Liz was like "lol no" and Phil was like "fuck you then bitch" and declared war on England, and Phils Armada got BTFO by the wind

Then Spain was like "Ay yo Napoleon lets team up and smash the Bongs" and Napoleon was like "ok bro" and Nelson was like "lol no" and Spain got BTFO

or something


Altho i like napoleon he ficked spains empire

Texians beat them.

Complacency . Also not nearly as good at nation building as anglos