Stop voting against your own economic interests
Dear white working class
Low effort slide thread created to subvert discussion and clog up Sup Forums
Im savin 34 bucks a year in taxes!
>Stop voting against your own economic interests
>thinks that tax breaks only affect the rich
pic related. it's you
> bragging about breadcrumbs
Lmao you Inbreds are so uneducated
Id rather see billionaires get the extra scratch than some lazy nigger.
But Cletus. Many whites use welfare too
More than king nigger ever did
Why the fuck do you shills keep using the same thread formats. Do you not realize that after three occurrences of the same thing people start picking up on a pattern which makes it easier to detect a slide thread. If your going to be an autist, at least try to be creative about it and not copy off of some other shill.
>Stop voting against your own economic interests
>be middle class
>get $550 monthly tax cut
>It's in your economic interest to let your jobs be shipped to other countries and whatever income you have left gutted to fund Laquisha's 7 kids.
Unless you are saying its actually in their economic interest to go on welfare or something
>Pay Tax
Kek I remember when I was this dumb
Just love pointing out how stupid white working class people are ever for voting republican
.....but voting for either party is voting against your own interests
> breadcrumbs: the post
Sage this shit.
Truley wonderful, the mind of a child is
Die in a fire commie
Yea, lets vote to give more to the bottom complacent fucks instead!
>Democrats fail entire class of people
>"Y-You're stupid for not voting for them again!"
White working class voted in droves for Obama and the democrats. Fucking Indiana turned blue of all places. The issue is those politicians failed the working class in favor of immigration and those who refuse employment.
Trump supporters are uneducated children
>lower taxes
>Laquisha still gets her gibs
This just makes the problem worse, the bill is gonna be paid one day and it's not gonna be the billionaires, the upper class or by Laquisha.
holy fuck lol
Is shitposting like a newfag how you spend all your evenings, or is this a Tuesday night thing for you? Reminder to sage.
Voting for a party that actively seeks to disenfranchise whites and replace them with a hostile foreign contingent of people is much better, isn't it? Birdbrain fucking retard.
The poor and middle class pay the majority of taxes.
Libs bitch that poor paying more in taxes as a proportion of their income is bad because those dollars matter more to them than a rich person.
Then they claim that those same proportional cuts are benefiting the rich more because the dollars to the poor are just breadcrumbs.
You can't emphasize the tax of a small amount to the poor, and then trivialize the same amount when it's a benefit.
>fucking reddit spacing cancer got me
the tax plan was a diversion. it was an easy win after the obamacare loss. but this shit is so disingenuous. between my wife and I we're bringing home about and extra $200 month, and that's in the tax shithole that is Connecticut. this is real savings for families.
It's not against my economic interests to give billionaires tax cuts. It's their money; they deserve more of it.
You're objectively wrong. Rich people fund the government. They pay a larger percent of their taxes.
Keep it up faggot
How exactly is it in my economic interest for some nigger to get more gibs? Democrat economics are only good for losers. For everyone else who tries to improve themselves and get ahead in life, they're a bane. A punishment for daring to be more than a welfare queen.
I demand tax cuts for all citizens.
In fact, no income tax at all.
Dear libtard, stop voting against your own racial interests.
> Canadian Trump Supporter.
I'm sure that's why Trump was elected? The left really can't meme can they?
in theory
They're white 1st & poor 2nd
The republican party knows this, and exploits their ignorance.
Pretty simple really
>when mod make thread
If the left ended immigration and started removing third worlders, we would change out tune. But you're not willing to sacrifice foreign interests to secure your own victory. sad.
I really don't know what you mean. I voted for the guy who said he was gonna protect my job and invest in my industry/infrastructure, as well as ramp up deportations for non-Americans that drive down wages and put protectionism in place against corporations that build sweatshops overseas.
How was that against my economic interests?
>Be Right wing retard
>Get (((tax cut)))
>Save money in the short term
>10 years forward
>Paying even more in taxes than before
>Still votes Republican
You're a fucking idiot. Tax breaks EFFECT EVERYONE. Meaning Trump is fucking over everyone in America. You utter brainlet. Tax cuts effect EVERYONe
you are uneducated
No, Obama did great things. He raised taxes and fixed Bushes 12% unemployment rate
Thats objectiviley wrong.
>I voted for the guy who said he was gonna protect my job
More jobs are being outsourced now than ever before
>invest in my industry/infrastructure
The kike is selling the country’s infrastructure to (((bankers)))
You got conned pal
>Dear white working class
>i don't fall into this category but i want you to believe my lie about who you should vote for