whats with americans obsession with moving out of their parents house as soon as they turn 18 or asap? it doesnt make you smart, it doesnt make you "grown"(whatever the fuck that is suppose to mean). i know its not just the kids but also the parents that are pushing this idea to an extreme extent. one of my associates still lives with his mom and from what he tells me nobody in his family respects him simply because he still lives there.
>inb4 not politics slide sage
it definantly is because there is no modus operandi like that where im from
Whats with americans obsession with moving out of their parents house as soon as they turn 18 or asap...
People would rather live anywhere else then with their parents, also fag flag plz delete life sand nigger.
18 is the magical time when mommy and daddy get divorced and daddy didn't need a wing man to pull puss lil buddy
how many calories is that?
>Wake up in this guys apartment
>Don't remember last night
>He says, "You don't have to tell me what happened last night, but you have to eat all the eggs."
Wat do?
It is because ideally that is when you are supposed to be entering either college or the work force full time. To not do so is seen as a failure on your behalf, either you are too stupid to be in college, or too lazy to be working full time.
not a mutt but I moved out of my dad's house because I could not stand living in the same house as his wife
The will to live your own independent life is the 'American Dream'.
It was originally cheap in America to get a job, a house, land, family....so the dream was attainable and to not have it all meant there was something wrong with you.
Now everything skyrockets in price, social dynamics are destroyed, jobs are either taken or in the horrible cities and you're expected to keep up with it all because as much as things change, people still hold the same standards. Some can still make it, but if you're in a dead-end little town from a poor family in a flyover state, there's just no helping it anymore. The result is a mess of conflict.
Look to 10 eggs per mug. An average egg has 80 calories. There's 5 mugs.
So 10*80*5 = 4000 calories = 1.142~lbs
most people want to be on there own so they can bang slampigs without shame
It's because your parents are done with you mooching off of them and want you gone.
i did when i turned 18, moved 2000 miles away just to do it... ended up going broke and moving back in after a few years then actually planned to do it successfully first... in hindsight you are correct
Because we used to leave home for adventure and work at 15 willingly, then the Jews came here and ruined it
Now you're not a man unless you're 18 and 150 years of propaganda and brainwashing schools have tricked us into thinking that it's the truth
I guess it does come to standards, it's expected you conform to the idea you have to move out and then make your own way in america in a broken economy run by jews. Luckily it's not much the case here in australia, it's not exactly common for a person in a stable household to just move out to be independent because that's a sign you're not mature enough. If you got a stable job and a partner then it makes sense otherwise you should stay at your parents if you can. My friends are around 25 and living at home and it's okay here, nothing wrong with it. It's better to move out and be successful than move out just to prove you're an adult.
I am 27 and I moved in with my parents at 26 after living on my own from 18.
It was a basic economic decision, I could live on my own but then I could not save up for a house. I would spend it on all on rent and such.
So now, I work full time, salary position and will pay off my all student loans within the year. Then I save up for a house. Also, my parents need help from time to time with bills so I help them when I can.
I live in the middle of the country though, so Its actually cheaper here to get a mortgage with a house then pay rent for an apartment.
The only negative is that I get really bring girls home, but fuck that shit anyway. I am looking for a wife, not to just bang out sluts every weekend.
I can’t see webm’s From my iPad... what do?
Most Americans have terrible family relations. They also believe that moving far away for college and paying somebody's mortgage is some sort kind of right-of-passage. Many parents pretty much tell their kids to get out as well. Also, our media pushes kids to move out and become rentcucks.
Post more than once in the thread to prove you're not a shill. Anyway the answer is jews.
more than once in this thread
>Ask country who's whole identity is based on Independence why it has a culture where the young seek independence
Fucking boomer
Fuck you, that what happened to me.
Except dad basically forced me to take care of mom.
31 and still living with the parents desu. Saving up for a house so I don't have to fork over tens of thousands in interest to the banking Jew. Should hopefully have enough in 2 or 3 years.
I don;t like going out and having a night life anyway so it works out OK for me.
An hero
American education
Because when you have an adult sized penis you wan to get out and live like a man
>Can't nobody eat fifty eggs
I'm 18, I know of only two people that are 18-19 and live by themselves. Both of them are retards, one of em a druggie that got kicked out and both got their apartments lended from the state.
I don't know about the US, but here apartments are crazy expensive. Don't even bother purchasing a house till you're 40 after your entire life saving up as a middle upper class. Still I'm going to live at home til my early 20's most likely. I don't think there's a problem living at home, but if you haven't moved out when you've grown out of your early 20's you're a manchild in my opinion.
You're a muzzy! you guys fuck goats and little boys.
Same here, bro. Paid off my student loans, have a car, a 401k, nice clothes, lots of international trips, music festivals, progressed with my career and with girlfriends, I stay the night at her place. Now I'm set to inherit the house while poorfags insist on living on their own because muh independence.
I just turned 21, and all of my friends live out of the house. Many of them also moved away to colleges across the state just to be "independent."
About to turn 25 and still can't really move out.
>tfw starter houses are $600k in my area
how expensive are talking here Dane?
here kids as young as 16 move out to study other region located schools, but not it's not as common as Burgerland, but kinda expected. I'd say 40% of them youngesters move out at 18 to 20.
Download VLC media player
Most people leave to go to college which is not in the state/city their parents are in. From there, they go to even further locations for work.
> 18 graduate HS and go off to college .. Unless you're a low IQ brainlet its most likely nowhere near your parents home
> 21 graduate college .. move to place best suited for your job .. again, nowhere near your boomer parents.
any other questions?
You gotta eat that many eggs every day or you won't be as large as a barge
Did you grow up in rural Idaho or something. 80% of people live in an urban area. There are jobs most people's parents.
Look at the picture he is a Dink Dong he molest girls with a Vienna Sausage
If you got stuff going for you, as in saving up for a house working, going to college or school there's no problem living at home with your parents even if you're like late 20's. Anything is better than being a rental slave til you're late in your 30's or 40's.
I suppose the 16 year olds get support from the state. From what I hear Finland has one of the best educational systems in the world. If they're supported by the state they're not independent.
A regular "shitty" apartment in druggie and immigrant holes here if you buy one costs around 3-7 million NOK. If you rent It's around 4-15.000 a month.
yeah of course state pays the rent and on top of that state paid them monthly money for just being a student.
Jesus that so expensive as fuck. I think when it comes to owning home and shit, Burgerland is the place. Too bad it's a backward shithole tho, or I'd get myself some good old McMansion for my ass.
Americans crave independence in all forms. I still see, hangout and eat with my parents often; but it's better for everyone if a kid moves out at 18-24. It's a reward for the parents to get their lives back after spending so much effort raising a kid to be a successful-enough adult. It's a reward for the kid for having grown up and earning the ability to be financially independent. No one wants to bring a girlfriend home and hang out with them and their mom. Having sex with your parents a room or two over is just weird.
Fuck off we're full
t.mutt that doesn't want pure white genes to unmutt the gene pool