>Dems have actually imported enough Mexishit invaders to turn Texas blue
this is it, this is how America dies
Dems have actually imported enough Mexishit invaders to turn Texas blue
>"if our conservative politicians fail, it must clearly be some elaborate ruse - because there is nothing that is seen as dis-favorable about our political ideology"
fuck I wish you guys could think critically
Winestin got to his pooper when he was 8
>because there is nothing that is seen as dis-favorable about our political ideology
Yeah who wants a strong family unit, moral compass with low degeneracy and high integrity, work driven, law abiding, our fellow countryman first, them 2nd,secure borders, secure people, ideology .....fuck me right, im so dumb.
>loaded question
>false dilemma
>cherry picking only the pro-arguments of conservatism while ignoring the rest
yeah, go fuck yourself
So did Texas switch teams or are they still counting?
you asked for a description of ideology, you got it faggot. Go back to your vidya
>retard thinks this is the problem, not democracy itself
stay stupid
>elaborate ruse
Yeah no.
My Californian Democrat family members have all been slowly migrating to Texas for years. Dems follow the high paying jobs, and have muscled out conservative familes, who in my circle are all fed up with everything and moving to Alaska.
Are you stupid? A single Republican candidate have more votes that all the Democrats together.
Those are also most liberal ideals too. Sup Forums has a fixed mentality that they are unique and anyone that disagrees only wants distraction and chaos.
tejanos have always been the largest ethnic demographic in Texas, Texas is flipping blue because of immigration from other states and the failure of republicans to score a strong youth base
the population of Texas is almost 30 million there's almost 10 million tejanos, most white Texans moved here long, long after Texas joined the union, and mostly within the last few decades
thanks for ruining the country asshole
do us a favor and shoot your whole family
see also
this has been due for at least a decade
Fuck off
oh man you really need help with this one
>moral compass
relative, republicans advocate for a christian sharia law
>low degeneracy
by throwing people in prison/killing them instead of addressing the institutional problems at hand (you think this would work? kek)
>high integrity
run by a bunch of politicians who can be bought by lobbyists
>law abiding
yeah when the law becomes so strict it seperates those who worship the law like its god vs those who dont - you can just imprison all the latter right
>our fellow countrymen
coded language
I know you think your ideology is perfect, but it isnt, THAT is WHY people are voting BLUE
>thinks correlation = causation
I take it you never studied statistics but go around flaunting them as if its something to wield
id much rather my sheer brainpower light a lightbulb, than just be directly shoved up my ass like you
again, id rather be a torso-head than an ass-head
I can keep going
If your state touches the Mexico it will turn blue.
ayy lmaoo
>Being this much of a retarded faggot
>Also being this asshurt
Actually makes sense now that I think of it senpai
What a fucking faggot
>wow u r retarded and ass-hurt
insightful comment, I dont have to worry about my state turning red so im quite content
>realize democrats are rigging election to win texas
>let them do fairly well in primary, not win because they wouldn't pull that in a primary
>get election fraud investigators to look for fraud right before general election
>implying this blue wave shit in texas isn't just propaganda
They're doing it again, they're actually going to cause lazy demoshits to stay home because they think their victory is assured.
Tell me again why NO ONE is pushing forward with voter ID laws nation wide when Republicans control the entire legislative branch as well as the executive?
keep swallowing cock u virgin faggot.
Wait I’m just trying to figure out from context clues ITT- it sounds like dems crushed in the Texas primaries?
Is that what happened? If so sweet. Eat butt trumptards
because of who controls both parties
(((who))) indeed
Just checked- they crushed. FUCK YEAH! It’s not as left as I’d want it, but it’s way better than the alternative.
Your whole family should pack into a mini van and light that fucker on fire. Texas is already full of libtards, and illegals.
>turn texas blue
This meme again? Both parties have and will continue to fight over the middle, 50% to each side.
in what way is a Brazilified socialist shithole USA better than the alternative?
>this is it, this is how America dies
America has been dead for decades before you were born.
This is how the White race dies.
Unless you do something about it.
I want him to be my manlet best friend that makes me laugh. Iowan bff's, god bless you fair weather and following seas, by brother.
>thinks correlation = causation
He didn't imply anything of the sort.
Minorities, for a multitude of reasons, are more likely to vote for the left. He said and implied absolutely nothing about those reasons.
Day of the pushup soon, limp-wrist.
can someone help me find this vid
look at those minority americans joining the melting pot!
I’m not sure what your question has to do with my post, but I’m just happy slightly less predatory murderous people seem to be more popular than the extremely predatory murderous people in the state of Texas.
I'm confused, I thought Cruz won in an absolute landslide?
Reminder that people here actually think gooks are based.
well globally whites are a minority, so, yeah. makes sense we also have minority vote.
It's time for us to adopt an acceleration strategy and call it: assisted suicide.
I've been pushing for this since Obama.
Boy howdy white girls in Alabama are extra stupid I’m heading there to inject my beaner semen this month!