I was a normie, and blissfully unaware of all this shit, but now I can't go back
I was a normie, and blissfully unaware of all this shit, but now I can't go back
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you can just takes a while to stop giving a fuck. about a year seems avg
You lie.
Someone post the pictures of the different progressions of red pill encounters on Sup Forums.
anyone that stops caring about babies being butchered deserves death.
there is no where in this planet you can hide
No where in space can you seek refuge.
You still subconsciously give a fuck
Thus the power level
But seriously if you let this place run your life I suggest you limit yourself for a month then come back on a lot more stress free. It’s what I did.
these are so fucking gay.
Congratulations, you're one of us now.
Don't forget; you're here to stay.
Yeah, congrats. You’re just as stupid as before but now eternally angry that you’re powerless.
The real stinger is you’re wrong and will realise this in a few years and be even more but hurt.
they should feel ashamed to call that torture.
Now that you know the truth you can aspire to something greater. Be grateful.
Welcum aboard.
you're here forever
Force feed the normies redpills until it alienates everyone from you. I am utterly alone without Sup Forums
Your life is over
Welcome to real life faggot, make sure to read Marcus Aurelius or else it only gets worse
I keep trying to escape but I keep coming back. I can't ignore reality.
Would you like a cup of stfu with your misery bitch? Why don't you check your balls gently to see if you still have sensation.
I got pretty triggered the other night too after seeing a particularly revolting post. Definitely some sickos on this board >:|
get over it
Dont forget
youre here forever
>I became a radicalized retard
if it wasn't pol you would join isis, you weak minded little shit
>1 post
This is a shill user
This is kind of comment you report to the FBI
>Political Entrenchment Thread
You guys should really get off your computers and go live life.
Welcome to the hurt box
no u lie.
No, please go back to sleep you piece of shit.
I wish I had never fucking found this place.
You have been redpilled my friend. Harsh truth over blissful ignorance
too late, fate has ordained it so.
Only pain and conciosness will set you free of yourself.
I didn't even know what 4 chan was a while back. Once i gazed upon pol i was horribly disfigured mentally in what i thought to be truth and real. i now live in hiding & sheltering my new power level.
god help the poor souls this place has twisted
People that simply say you can drift away and tone it down are not factoring in it depends on how deep in you are, I personally cannot look at any billboards, any TV, listen to any Radio, read any newspaper without questioning it and after I question it I come back to the same conclusion of their intent, each and every time. I used to enjoy watching sports, can't even look at those the same anymore. I need some fucking defibrillator brain shock or something to try get rid of this
>Guaranteed 0 replies.
Am I the only one here who's been like this since 05 Sup Forums?
It never bothered me. I think it's funny. It's like watching some sick fuck kids burning ants with a magnifying lens. I feel bad for the ants until I realize they're just ants and completely expendable. And the kids are just faggots fucking around with a fancy toy because they're bored to shit.
It's gone-
Sup Forums -> /n/ -> plus4chan /n/ -> /new/ -> chon /new/ -> Sup Forums
The ride never ends. Rush rush gimme yayo!