I can think of a few reasons.
1) that because the left is by default politically correct and thus must often hide the truth, they have close to zero ability to use memes as impactful (spicy) propaganda to sway public opinion/perception;.2) This PC mentality does two things a) weakens their memes, forcing contrived, “blunted” memes which pale in comparison to the hard sharp truth the right memes peddle b) allows for a situation where the right is able to trigger/traumatize people into swaying their opinion by revealing forbidden but often instinct- or human nature-based truths.
Why can't the left meme?
Christ, why do you autists want to be memers? Can't you guys be more mature?
Maybe you should research how to make your le epic meme larger than 200x200, faggot.
Producing quality memes requires an actual sense of humor.
Left posts pictures for ants
Meme for ants?
This. And PC kills comedy.
MEMEs are memes because they often portray an inconvenient truth...most leftists desire to subdue the truth in favor of feels.
When you see every social ill as a hyper complex, multi-layered problem touching on historical race, religious and gender inequalities, you can't boil that down to a 5-10 word meme.
That's ok, the left owns everything else. MSM, universities, science, reality etc.
You can have your mother's basement and dank memes.
Because sitting around patting yourself on the back for being so intelligent is less effective.
Kek go back to redit cuck
He who controls the memes, controls the universe.
>The left owns science and reality.
My fucking sides!
>doing research
Most people can barely make it through a single news article let alone do extensive research.
>sharing facts
Ties to the first point where if all you're doing is sharing clickbait nonsense then you're perpetuating the shitfest you claim to hate.
>the left owns science
>argues that there are more than 2 genders
shitlibs are out in full force tonight, I see, with their faggotry and lies.
ironic that the pic of a post about the left's inability to meme showcases how badly the left memes
why doesn't this meme have POC? Reporting whoever made this for hate speech
>Why the left can't meme.
Mental illness,
Humor requires a healthy functional brain.
This also, they use circular logic, rhetoric and denial so
they're not exactly trained to be clever or have original thoughts.
If meems have to be funny, clever and somewhat new most of the time.
Bruh, we're all a level of stupid for spending so much time here
Say that aloud. Say it in front of stranger.
Do you realize how retarded you sound?
>Say it in front of stranger.
lurk more, faggot, and learn the first two rules
The meme is mightier than the mort.
pic related
the left has abandoned true humor
too busy being offended
>lurk more, faggot, and learn the first two rules
Don't fucking talk about it or you get your balls cut off?
This single meme bears the weight of almost a century of geo-political context. Show me a left wing meme that can compete and I will change my mind about the lefts inability to generate memes.
This person is basically onto the truth Though he doesn't realize it.
The left can't meme because they have no need to. Their ideology is so forced and ever present that there is no need to innovate, they are taken care of mentally. The right in contrast, had to learn to meme to survive.
Case in point. Maybe it's the assumption of moral superiority that makes the left so unfunny.
there's only two somewhat "funny" to some people, right wing comedians. one is norm macdonald. brother of a fake news journalist and has the wit of a fermenting vodka potato. constantly shit faced and hammered. that kind of humor. and the other is bill bull dyke burr. like those fucking brambles that stick to your pants. bill burr's voice is dykey and annoying af. and he whines about everything. he says he needs to be ready to see two men kiss. and then also cries about feminism. i dont fucking understand this bullshit. the right is humorless. period
Some one's been playing metal gear
The only entertaining memes the left have are communism and half of them are about how bad communism is and the other half could be easily twisted into pro Russia rather than communism
Nobody likes over processed boardroom humor fag
“Educating” yourselves doesn’t win battles. You retards pride yourselves on your intellectual prowess yet fail to see the importance of strategic forefront.
Yeah, you still failed to close in on the concept.
Uh earth to Mike, I know that, I was just saying that they think they are being educated bit really they are being Re educated into a Marxist doctrine.
>says the left can't meme
>obviously hasn't seen this piece of meme magic
Thank you for correcting the record, at last I finally see the left can meme.
Ding ding ding.
>implying the left use logic and reasoning in their arguments.
Sloppy Joe strikes again!
Sorry nigga. I completely misunderstood what you said to me.
1- PC is inherently anathema to humor, and lefties worship PC
2- The left now takes itself so seriously that a large portion thinks it is above humor that isn't snark and passive aggressive jabs
3- The left has now become the establishment, and therefore it has become stagnant and complacent and cannot keep up with the latest humor trends
4- Everything about the left is so sanitized and forced that nothing feels organic, including its attempts at memes.
>leftists infest media
>stonewall anybody who is guilty of wrongthink
>Fags that are more AIDs then man gurgle through mouthfulls of semen about how there's only leftists in media.
Liberals have gotten to the point where they are so fanatical that its impossible to differentiate between satirized exaggerations of themselves.
I truly can't tell if this poster is an actual liberal or is sarcastically mocking them
Yeah alot of that on Sup Forums. All good mate
wtf is a PC?
Communism does not produce the level of independent thought necessary to meme with the best of them.
Most of our Political Memes write themselves. Compiled news articles, picture of someone in a news article with the JUST Haircut, and a good headline to match it. The Left doesnt have the ability to Meme because they dont let the truth speak for itself like we do, Drumpf and Cheeto memes is all they ever use. Stale and unfunny, a reflection of themselves.
Cuz they're retarded niggers and kikes
Its not that the left can't meme. Its that the center-left can't meme. The far-left can meme because they know what they are attacking: Private Property. Libertarians can meme because they know what they are attacking: The Government. Nationalists can meme because they know what they are attacking: Everyone Else. The liberal center-left attacks "inequality." What does "inequality" even mean? I don't even think that they know.
Now I hear people like you arguing the left can meme but never providing any proof to back up this claim. Want to prove me wrong?
More memes... can you guys form coherent thoughts?
Yeah, I've never seen a funny left meme
what was it about the 80s that let them create so much?
>implying there is 1 fucking ounce of masculinity in leftism
the left really can't meme.
>bill burr
>right wing comedian
The left can't meme, because the left can't laugh. The most tragically unfunny "comedians" are mostly liberal.
>and too busy to have a job
this is why the left can't meme, they literally can't understand how human life works since they've never work a day of their entire lives
Brace for a long post.
The thing is, brevity is the soul of wit, and the left lacks brevity because they often over inflate their sense of self worth which makes them unwilling to whittle down their jokes to core "Humor", if you look at any meme page, it's either reskinned right leaning memes, horribly long and wordy, or shows the utterly shitter shattered state of the anti Trump group.
None of that makes for good humor. You either come off as preachy, virtue signaling, or crying and upset. The person isn't hit with the humor, it's not new and it doesn't "Fire the neurons" as you could put it. It's a circle jerk, a hug box if you will. It appeals to those you don't need to appeal to.
A joke should have an element of truth, it should be quick, and it should challenge something, whether it's slaughtering sacred cows, expose an ugly truth, or act in defiance. For the last one, being "Counter culture" helps, because it goes against the mainstream opinion. The left is still mainstream and has a grasp tighter than ever.
It's not slaughtering sacred cows to accuse anyone is being an "Ist" of your choice, especially when it's repeated ad absurdum daily. That's just the regular routine. No, it doesn't make you stronger to repeat something when people stop giving a shit, it's like having a sit in, According to Malcolm, “an old woman can sit, an old man can sit, a chump can sit, a coward can sit, anything can sit. Well you and I have been sitting long enough, and it’s time today for to start doing some standing, and some fighting to back that up.”
Barking like a chihuahua while preaching for weakness and embracing the refusal to defend yourself or act, using bold words like "Treason" and "Traitor", but then defying the idea of growing strong enough to challenge it, it makes people sick. People hate a yapping ankle biter, a little kick and it fucks off.
Every damn day we hear "Today will be the day Drumpf gets it!" but that's it. No action. When we see what people "Are" doing, they're being inane and embracing weakness. They shove laser pointers up their ass and have a laser fight to combat Trump. (Look it up, someone actually did that, I know it's not reflective of the whole, but boy does it speak volumes) We're merely sick of it. We see people hold these riots, they hurt innocents and bystanders, they burn their own communities, and the people they oppose are miles away. There's a trend of wanting to subvert for the sake of subversion, adoration for foreign religions that are more oppressive and "Ist" than Trump or the west is, but it's met with signs and parties. We have people flooding twitter and reddit with "White people" being dangerous, a mere glance at our crime statistics says that's not the problem.
But why?
It's because the group that makes up the left and neocons (Think GWB Republicans, the ones that were Christian and bitched about violence in TV and Satan in D&D) are the ones who make the "Sacred cows", they won't slaughter them because it's THEIR sacred cows.
Take Simpsons for example. It's always had a left lean, but it was neutral to begin. It exposed ugly truths about life in America, but didn't succumb to weakness or delusion, the jobs we hate to support the families we love, the dreams we lost but the path we take to make it better. Think Maggie and Homer's dream of owning a bowling alley. Bart trying his hardest and failing. The desire for bigger and better but not scraping enough up for it. When things go right, they can go wrong. We get mad, we get sad, but the core value was "We can pull through, that's the American spirit, getting through it.", Homer loves his kids, even if he strangles Bart, even if Maggie shattered his dream. Marge loves her husband, he's an alcoholic dolt but he still goes to work and brings home the paycheck.
Then we have Jerkass Simpsons. It idolizes consumerism, celebrities, inane bullshit. It embraces weakness, succumbing to vices, following trends, sterilizing the American life experience to become "Happy, and funny", without sustenance. When it takes a jab at an issue, it jumps in with both feet and strawmans the experience, it's unrelatable and is still a hot trend they're riding the wave on. That's what the "Left" and neocons do. It's no longer about struggle and growing stronger and finding joy in overcoming, it's merely vapid. While millions still watch the Simpsons, it's almost universally panned as being severely worse than old Simpsons.
King of The Hill also had the same trend, though it ended before it got bad, but Mike Judge's other show, The Goode Family, shows that tier of spite and disgust that makes it just unwanted, it's not fun, it's upsetting, people who agree don't need to be reminded, and those who disagree merely feel mocked and like they got nothing out of it. It didn't challenge anything, it just was uncomfortable for everyone involved.
"But Trump!" I hear you replying, sure, let's take a look at what you CAN attack him for and actually challenge sacred cows and have a point:
Trump being an Israel cock sucker and giving them money even though Israel has fucked us since it's inception and we've done nothing but shovel cash into their mouth. I don't mean taking a "Palestine matters!" approach, I mean really taking a deep look at Israel, AIPAC, Israel firsters, and the whole dynamic. That's when people turn up their nose and start going "But I was told I couldn't talk about that!"
And a few more things. The problem is that people want "Others" to do something instead of doing something themselves. Everyone hates an "Anti", if you have a point, build your own position. Hillary lost (hurr she got more votes, SHE LOST AGAINST A FREE WIN CALLED TRUMP, IF IT WERE A PACKET OF LICORICE IT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CLOSE) because her entire position was "I'm not Trump", there's actually a fairly good documentary on the memetics of why Hillary (and the left) lost against Trump, Hillary was memeing against her self. the left memed against it's self, and it's STILL memeing against it's self.
It's not a position of strength. It's not about building and being an opposing force. It's about embracing weakness and saying "Stop, just accept me!", without having sustenance to counter with.
"But if the left has the media, then how can it be weak?"
It wasn't always weak. It was once a strong position that argued in favor of the people vs the few. Though, now that it's the party of the few (What with a lot of left leaning politicians in America adopting the "Fuck middle class white people" stance), it lost it's base and has become a dark age of subversion. You'll hear "We care about workers!" followed with a "Fuck suburban and rural retards!", and then they ask "Why do they hate me so? I'm their best interest!", which is why people chose the "Fuck you" option of Trump and not some Neocon like Jeb.
The reason these jokes are unfunny isn't because you're not allowed to joke about Trump, it's because they're weak and unfunny. It's because they're comfortable and preach to the choir. It's a mantra, not a punchline.
Adding one, fifty more writers, it just won't help, it's a hopeless venture until the platform grows to be a platform and not some progressive stack circle jerk.
Take for example,
The left tries to step out of the "Comfort zone" to take a jab at their opposition
>Fuck rural and suburban people
But that conflicts with their supposed support for the middle and lower class.
>Inbred hicks vote red!
A slight at a person's looks, and genetics, shaming them for something out of their control,and making a prejudiced slight against a demographic contrary to the left saying "Everyone is beautiful" regardless of their ancestry, genetics, etc.
>Islam and Right wing go hand in hand!
Yet there's a zealous crusade to defend them.
>Corporate cock sucker!
But there's no effort made to support challengers. Even left leaning corporations commit to practices that the left supposedly hates, and people keep up with their Strabucks (Slave driven) coffee and Apple (slave driven) Iphone. So while Starbucks promotes "RaceTogether", they utilize death squads and slave farms in far away brown skinned countries.
>Fuck white men!
Absolutely contrary to the idea to not judge people based on their sex or race.
>Fuck you for owning a gun!
Says the person who lives a privileged enough life they don't need to arm themselves to be safe. Will also pass laws that disproportionately harm "People of Color", contrary to what they want.
And so on and so forth.
It's not that they're being hypocrites, it's that they've merely abandoned the position they proclaim to have. They want to act in subversion and promote something without putting effort in to making change happens. They want everyone else to follow their sacred cows, the social norms and rules, but they don't follow it themselves, and when people are above the law, there is no law.
I feel that the greater part of the problem is that they blew their load too early, you can't start by calling some Giga Hitler Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Hyper Nazis, because then anything short of that is praise. People screaming "He's going to have concentration camps and death squads and everything!" but then it's not that, people just don't care.
With Bush, they called him a lot of things, but they usually stopped short of calling him giga hitler. They also had a lot more to work with, as bad as people find Trump, he's yet to start a war, in fact, he's dodged a war like 3 times now regarding Syria, and Russia.
I think Trump's hurt a lot of "Comedians" because he's actually rather benign. He isn't rooty tooty shooty start a nuclear war cowboy, he isn't Moon Man levels of racist, he just kinda does his job, mostly. While there's major injustices going on, political corruption at home, genocides abroad, wars getting worse, etc, during the Bush era, people could rag on Bush for sparking up those wars, and for the economy's bubble, during Obama they started to dick up and became cheerleaders who ignored or were apologists for the bloody foreign campaigns and the inhumane laws (Bush was heavily criticized for the Patriot Act, but Obama was given a shrug when he extended and expanded it),
And really, that's a good comparison
Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for... Nothing, but he did become the first Nobel peace prize owner to drone strike the most people without trials. While Obama (and the state department) supported destabilizing the Middle East what with attacking Syria and Libya, which caused the worst migration crisis in modern history, they just got a "Whatever" from people who were supposedly using comedy to expose the truth, to make life better by trying to get to the bottom of crimes. It was heart breaking, it was clear that there wasn't a just cause for making right, but an agenda.
Trump on the other hand gets scrutinized and denounced world wide, internal polls and media berate him and cover him negatively and openly announce absolute revolt as much as possible against Trump. Yet, there's no new wars, some wars are ending, some conflicts are being avoided, there's been a lack of draconian laws like indefinite detention without trial, or a ban on protesting venues hosting the president or candidates, or a proposed ministry of truth that filters online content and what can be said. He's not great, but he's very much benign.
People got a stick up their ass for agenda, we're not fighting for truth and peace and liberty, just party lines and power plays. It was the sickening moment where we found out our comedic "Heroes", and I think a lot of us when we were younger could say they were heroic in bringing to light the crimes of Bush, even if it was just us being naive, it was that moment we realized they weren't heroes. They were just comedians with an agenda. It's really sad looking back on it and remembering how much I laughed and learned. It was some time around 2014 that I realized just how hateful and closed minded my fellow "liberals" were, how when I'd bring up video evidence they'd say "No" and hatefully berate me, not because I was wrong, but because they didn't like I disagreed. It made me really mad, I ended up dropping all the liberal outlets I kept giving attention and it was like I escaped from a cult, I felt so much happier, so much more alive, like I could actually think.
Keith Olbermann is another one. I remember tuning in, liking his edge, but now, I just see a man on a downward spiral with an internal and external screaming fit. The state of decay is shocking, because I see my self, I was mad like that, I was stubborn like that, I played the party line like that. Though Keith was the first to go that road, he's a precursor to all of media's hysterics.
>makes a meme saying they're too busy to make a meme because they're sharing facts while the meme they have no time to make holds a fallacy
I think that the porky meme is good.
I hope I didn't miss anything, I was copy pasting what I had written up, kept trimming to meet the post limit.
The wording is a bit more PC than I would normally word it, because of the audience I had written it for. I'll go over it one day and clarify parts and pieces, and give more context, pretty it up, but, it's what I have so far.
despite /leftypol/ being scapegoated for raiding this place, they're generally hated by the rest of the left
My meme has become a killing word.
It’s better than a Mac
First you get the memes
Then you get the power
Then you get the women.
It's really not funny.
Lefties can't meme because they refuse to offend other individuals—offensiveness is funny.
May Kek bless this post
maybe if Porky had a bigger nose, idk
It's a more PC variant of the jew meme.
It would make more sense if the pig was replaced with a merchant and they were arguing each other ruined the country then realised it was the Jew's. To bad I'm a phone poster with no Photoshop
>sharing facts
you can just sense the low IQ of the person who wrote that
>lefty Sup Forums = nearly all white
>regular Sup Forums = nearly all goblinos
I'll never get tired of the sweet irony
Good analysis. Came to similar conclusions myself about the essence of our comedy being truth. They are all about deception and absolute control. To them, truth is subjective and can be moulded, but comedy relies on eternal truths. You could consider it "traditionalist" in that regard.
I also think that it is because they are simply humourless, narcissistic bastards that lack self awareness and a practical understanding of things.
They a kind of "humour" but it's invariably snide comments and bullying, usually towards individuals and groups they do not like. Despite the virtue signalling, the humour seems to revolve around them being stupid, ugly, poor etc.
The best attempt I've seen at a left meme is pic related and even that actually doesn't work because the guy in the picture isn't necessarily lazy or anything. The "joke" is that he is a geek, and therefore not valuable.
>Millennials didn't ruin the economy.
>Boomers didn't ruin the economy.
>Capitalists can be Millennials or Boomers.
>The economy is hardly "ruined" as civilisations are generally more productive and advanced than they have ever been.
The left really can't fucking meme.
While they don' t have meme magic, they seem to have something else though.
Well o see a few falsehoods on the meme off the get go. It implies white conservatives or Alt-Right or whatever think they are theaster race. This is something I've only ever heard coming from non whites. Projection maybe since they see whites as the bar to beat? I'd say since whites payajority of taxes he probably is more productive member of society then many. Lastly his appearance, I'd say "most" traditionalist/conservatives are in better shape than their liberal counterparts eg. soy boy meme compared to "toxic masculinity". But that's just my opinion.
That was some good shit, user.
I need to read Dune. Will the leaf deliver on the reboot?
thats not actually leftypol tard. how fucking new are you
I don't lurk Sup Forums as much as other boards
It's just where I go to see retards get angry
Kinda like you are right now
I unironically (ironically) like these memes.
You are right in that the left, ironically, are massive racists. They also are massive White supremacists in that they blame everything on Whites. White right wing, heterosexual men are clearly seen as the bar to beat. They are bitterly jealous of this group above all others.
As for the guy in the picture, other than being fat, there's no evidence he isn't productive. He looks like a fat IT guy. IT is the reason we are having this conversation and the reason why these leftist fuckheads have all their stupid apps and shit.
You are right though in that the right do tend to be in better shape.
What's it like to be underage? I have forgotten.
It requires a sense of humor and whiney, speech-policing authoritarians are never funny.
Because memes only have power if they reveal what the media is trying to hide.
And the media is 100% leftist. It's like trying to proclaim you're a victim of poverty while sipping your daily $500 latte with gold flakes.
They dont have the power of KEK