Can we take a look back at this magical time? Post your election memes that are collecting dust.
2016 Meme War Nostalgia
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>drumpf is finished, it's over for him!
>posted a "post CTR worker's names and addresses" thread on Sup Forums after a spreadsheet got leaked
>gets 200+ replies including butthurt CTR workers insisting they did nothing wrong
>get 30 day ban for "doxxing"
You bastards owe me. I missed out on election night because of the ban. It didn't expire until 2 weeks after.
He has the pettiness of a middle school girl
I'm a Cruzmissile now
I remember the mods made this video play when you opened Sup Forums
ITT: reddit humor.
I'll just leave this here in an attempt to reminisce
and reinvigorate.
You did well user, thank you for your sacrifice.
What planet is that?
if you post your own memes and not memes of other people's work you are sad and miserable
Oh look its this fagot again for the 1000th time amazing.
i was so happy
>the Arianna Huffington one
My sides. They're fucking gone.
Like a monkey ready to be shot into space.
I'm expecting a Jeb! surge!
These were ment to be ironic right? I never saw any of these but that was a rough year for me.
eh, people claimed it was genuinely shareblue whatever, but most likely the work of a leaf.
Jesus Christ can you imagine the cost of electricity if she had won.
A timless classic.
>I didnt make these
Calling for all rare Teds
Here is the moment in his redemption saga where he saved the election
They were all over the fucking place. Probably some CTR shill team that made. Case in point:
You autistic faggot he posted one of the funniest memes from post-election.
Why the homophobia?
God's work, user.
Don't throw your shit at us please, you know those are Goblinos
Whoever has the ted cruz redemption arc post, post it pls
I still watch that video on Youtube every now and then and reminisce about that day. It was the Sup Forums equivalent of being in Times Square when it was announced that the Japs surrendered in WW2.
how will drimpf win?
Dude wtf I'm dying over here.
Rare Teds. Oh fuck.
God it's so bad i thought it had to be ironic I've made better in ms paint during the cnn shit.
fuck i hate cunts like that, the kind that would kick spit and punch someone but would claim they are being holocausted the second someone hit them back, children without consequence.
>already posted this a gazillion times
Look here, there are so many pages of this same exact message that you can't even count them (copy-paste the whole link, including the message, and see for yourself):
Not to sound like the libtards with their "everyone I disagree with is a Russian bot", but after seeing that thread on shills, could this be a bot?
The only thing scary about queers is their AIDS and their predatory nature towards kids.
Still my fav
Hope Nate makes it back for 2018
I get the joke but literaly first replys it on every fucking thread related its more overused than part and parcel.
woh, I just went back a decade.
>being this new
The Brianna Wu twitter feed
>I’m standing 20 feet away from where Hillary will take to the stage and declare a win, I’m so excited
then devolves into sadness and misery as the votes are counted ... That is in my other phone. Always makes me laugh.
You can't steal our meme magic.
I thought that too at first but it turns out its just another overused meme. The leafs have taken the Australians throne as shitpost expert's.
south australia is a classic example, rants hard fully btfo coal etc because smart - highest electricity prices in the world, constantly has blackouts.
That was a glorious meme.
Of all the ups and downs of this year. Waking up to seeing this video at the top of Sup Forums first thing in the morning was like taking heroin and cocaine at the same time.
I sometimes think of what the Hillary timeline is like and shudder.
>Yea give me that (you)
honestly I'm just coming back after being homeless for a year. Drugs are bad kids.
Show us your dick
I really feel like I was swaying the memes at this point, but it was starting to push things too far. Luckily for all of you, I retired to /bant/ shortly after this and let the warmth of that board wash over me like a lobotomy in the sunshine.
We had you for a moment, the fucking leafs had you for a moment in time.
>jeb surge
>states are all piss yellow
Why am I not surprised?
Is that the queen? Of like 2010ish
Dromph btfo! It's Her Turn™
Fuck that was such a magical night, I was euphoric the whole next day.
wtf is this.
I stood up to around 3AM experience it. Completely worth it.
fuck man muh feels