>brought down by a fucking pornstar
Is there anyone more pathetic than Trump? His impeachment and subsequent trial will all be happening this year. Mueller didn't even have to finish the Russia investigation to nail him
Brought down by a fucking pornstar
So you’re saying Bernie can still win
Even if that were true, since it happened prior to him taking office, he couldn't be tried for it until after he's out. Dipshit.
Ah I remember those days fondly.
She had a van accident and died its tragic but the dead now
Trump never signed it. How can he be involved if his signature isn't on the document?
Lol are you fucking autistic you little drunfgpdft tard? Do you actually believe that?
Technically, he can pardon himself. Deal with it.
I want to bash Ted Lieu’s brain out with a tire iron.
So you're saying you wouldn't have fucked her? Faggot.
>essentially shows
No it doesn't show anything but your own demented fantasies, you stupid fucking nigger.
OD on sage
Surely this time.
Its incredible how any tenuous association between Trump and anything at all is a felony offence in these peoples minds, but they have the cognitive dissonance to look at the Hillary email investigation and think "yeah she did delete 30k emails when she got subpoenaed, and yeah she was sending classified stuff, and yeah there was a secret tarmac meeting just before the verdict, yeah the verict came from the FBI head who shouldn't be doing that anyway and yeah he said if anyone else did it it might be illegal; but it was still totally legit ok?"
It'll never stop will it? Another 7 years of these mentally challenged idiots bending themselves over so Trump can ravage their boy pussi like he does every time. Its almost insanity at this point.
Hillary will never be president. The sooner you swallow that pill, the better it will be for you.
>Is there anyone more pathetic than Trump?
JIDF shills.
If he didn't sign it, she has no proof. This is just a shill for shekels.
>The circle of liiiifffee!!
>Here's a cringe summary of what happens in my communist fantasy
Never wanted hillary and still don't.
Why the fuck is she relevant? Trump is still a dumbass.
Tired of this shit. Tired of the media lying, tired of the shills like you trying to fuck up MAGA..
Me and a lot of others are going to just take our country back.. Trump was the last chance. They are so fucking desperate.
I don't care if it's true, I knew Trump was a sonuvabitch when I voted for him.
That's exactly why I fucking voted for him.
To kick ass and take names. I'm tired of this country being run by fakes, at least Trump owns his bullshit.. At least he calls them all out for being fake liars.
The ((())) is strong with this one
You really think Trump doesn't lie and play politics?
Lol you're an idiot- we exchanged a crooked politician for a rich used car salesman.
Nothing noble about that, but now we're stuck with this sorry mother fuckers who doesn't know dick about how to lead a country.
Ahh, the ol "why are you still talking about hillary?" response
post webms of trump peepeeing on stormy
>2 USC 437
>Disclosure of Federal Campaign Funds
>left something off a disclosure form
Oh yes, by all means let's throw the book at everyone who violates THAT one.
Must've been a long fucking haul to drag the goalposts all the way from "TREASON!!!" to "FEC paperwork violation".
Yes that is the usual response when someone brings up her when we are talking about the POTUS. Because its logical.
Nah thats just on the ever growing list. How many guilty pleas have come out of this "nothingburger" so far?
workin hard for the money, so hard for it honey
Isn't it kinda weird that people who think it's perfectly normal to cut off your penis and have gay butt sex on meth are worked up about a man paying for the services of a hooker?
Its fitting desu
>muh process crimes
he'll probably die soon, so there's that
lol shut up queer
"Nothingburger" is too 2017. Now the Trump Scandal-Of-The-Day is a "Steamed Ham". It coming to something is just as likely as the aurora borealis localized in a kitchen.
Looks like it doesn't take much to trigger the snowflakes lol.
Oh look looks like Trumps economic advisor just stepped down too. Even he knows Trump is unusable.
Face it. I disagree with Sup Forums on most things but give me one year as president and I could advance the rights agenda way better then Trump can. He is an idiot.
Same reason Bannon left him to go squeal to Mueller.
>I knew Trump was a sonuvabitch
>That's exactly why I fucking voted for him
Everyone knew he was a playboy who made his fortune in the notoriously debauched 1980s.
Nobody cares just like no Obama supporter gave a shit about the time he spent in bath houses smoking crack cocaine with male prostitutes.
I'm from Utica.
>the left hates Trump so much they're taking a money desperate porn skank lawsuit seriously
Yesterday was a deranged drunk. Tomorrow, his second cousin twice removed's roommate.
>Stormy Daniels publicly admits nothing happened
>people still push this narrative
fake news everybody
Imagine being retarded enough to think a story about a billionaire fucking a porn star will end Trump's reign when Trump is a well known germaphobe and the slut is a degenerate whore.
And thinking anyone gives a fuck.
You Lefties are losing it.
>His impeachment and subsequent trial will all be happening this year.
I remember when all the libs were certain it would happen before the inauguration. Then how he'd never make it a month, then how he'd never finish his first 100 days, then how it'd all be over within a year, etc. etc. etc.
The Trump impeachment: "Any day now" since 2016.
Fake and gay