This board is 70% shills, 20% newfags that want to pretend they are "le nazi" and 10% people with mental diseases that just want to burn time
I can't even believe that the feds spend so much time and resources to regulate this shithole
This board is 70% shills, 20% newfags that want to pretend they are "le nazi" and 10% people with mental diseases that just want to burn time
I can't even believe that the feds spend so much time and resources to regulate this shithole
Source on those stats?
Fake and gay
Sounds about right.
But burning time is the most environmentally sound form of burning.
So after all this time of chasing down slide threads, and calling out controlled opposition.
>I can't even believe that the feds spend so much time and resources to regulate this shithole
You are saying that WE were the controlled opposition the whole time.
I am all of the three, ama
10% mentally ill namefag reporting in
>10% people with mental diseases that just want to burn time
you just know this faggot is projecting with this. also fuck you for using a meme flag we all know you are an amerimutt.
>This board is 70% shills, 20% newfags that want to pretend they are "le nazi" and 10% people with mental diseases that just want to burn time
hello newfriend
Trump and repubes are going down. They are just too entangled with the white supremacists. And I am someone who hates dems. I gave Trump a shot but he blew it.
T. Mentally ill faggot with a meme flag
Inb4 I'm a mutt.
Guess I'm a new fag russian
>ignore my geofaggot location faggots
This is just one nexus of viral spread.
Reddit is the male liberal variant
Fagbook is the female variant
Most of Sup Forums except maybe /pol is mostly women...
>each nexus is a point of viral control and information contagion
OP it's a huge Eurofag. Shouldn't Muhammad be ramming you in the ass right now?
That nose. Into the fire with you.
Now, think how incredibly powerful we are considering we were behind Trump becoming POTUS. Mueller should be investigating Sup Forums instead of Russia if is looking for external influence.
yo im a shill
a shill for micks hard lemonade that is! micks hard lemonade, after a hard days work have a micks hard lemonade!
All Hail Eris
The feds. That's exactly why this place became what it has been for the last six or seven years. They went through the whole community and cleared all of the ghosts and hackers in our little culture then gutted out the insides of its leadership leaving us with a bunch of demented trolls. Others with less criminal aspirations and more intelligent thoughts went on to college, graduated, became professionals and post on Reddit like the adults that they are.
There are a few hold outs from the old guard left, like myself, but we live a shattered life.
shill shilling saged
wats grape drink made of, ive always wondered
memeflaggot, the government owns and utilizes this tool like any in their digitul arsenic
>I can't even believe that the feds spend so much time and resources to regulate this shithole
well its either this or try to deal with the homeless problem because they are driving up crime but cities have been throwing out case files to prevent looking like some hell hole
73.5% of all statistics are fake
I dunno I just know when the 2016 election started this board went from shit to absolute shit.
Now it's just your typical conservative/Republican board.
Your average polster tries really hard to be the edgy cons3rvative though
Because our mental diseases granted us greater power than they got from sacrificing babies to satan, and they're desperatly trying to control us while not having even the slightest understanding of oyr motivations.
They don't know how we know they are shills. Cia niggers glow in the dark, then are confounded how we spotted them, and we can name the jew from 12 parsecs away. Our autistic retardation has altered the course of human history, and they NEED to know how, because they want that power for themselves, or at the very least deny us it.
Pic related
And you?
Water, sugar, and purple.
>10% people with mental diseases that just want to burn time
AYO! Thanks for the shoutout
I am le 0% bow to me faggots
>10% people with mental diseases that just want to burn time
Fair enough
cough syrup and some other shit.